UMassD Believes 2023

Summer Writing Project


What do you believe about family?

Post submissions here that match this topic thread in comments.


  1. Kynlee C
    I believe some friends feel more like family. Having family dinners, celebrating birthdays and holidays, and just going through life together, can make you feel more like family than just friends. It is not DNA or blood that makes your family. It is loving and caring for a person that does that. Making someone a priority, routing for them to be successful, and sticking together through the good and the bad. There is something special to be said about knowing you can always count on that person to be there for you. Knowing you will be loyal to each other and stand up for each other when the need arises. Friends that feel like family do not mind when you call them at 2:00 I the morning, even if they must get up early for work. They are people you can say anything to, and you know your secret is safe with them. They are also the ones that will tell you the truth, even if it is hard to hear. I have friends who feel more like family, and I am so lucky to have them!

    • I feel like this was a great response.I feel very connected with your story because their are some people I am really connected to that I call family even though we aren’t blood I still treat them like blood. I honestly care about my family more than anything but when but having your own friends be consider as family now that a different level of connection

    • I love your outlook on what family is. I agree that DNA doesn’t always make you family and that family is more than relations to one another. I definitely have created friendships that turn into family. Great post!

    • Real. I strongly agree with the fact that friends can feel more like family and be considered that because the fact they they will always be there for you and support you just as if they were actually family is nice.

      • Brianna F.
        To me, family is one of the most important things in my life. The word “family” does not only apply to DNA or blood but rather the people that guide, teach and help you through your journey.  Not only that but the people that are there for you during your highs and lows. Someone who can always put a smile on my face or just simply sit there with me when I need it. When I think of the word “family”, I think of the people that I deeply love and care for, whether it be a cousin, best friend or just simply someone I have created a bond with.  Personally, my family are people that I can count on and know that they will stick through my side no matter what. Someone that you can reach out to and you know that they will give their best and honest opinion or even just someone to give a random call to and you know they will pick up. At some of my lowest points, when I didn’t know how to ask for help, my best friend sat by my side and just told me everything would be alright. At the time I obviously had many doubts of what she was saying and I thought that this situation would be one of the hardest in my paths to get over but I was wrong. Every single day of that summer we did something, whether it was going out or just staying inside watching movies and eating junk food. She had put a smile back on my face without being asked but just simply by knowing that I needed some help. Family is so much more than just DNA but rather the people that care and love about you. 

        • I strongly agree with this. Family is also everything to me even if they aren’t blood relatives. Some of my favorite people in my life aren’t biologically related to me but I still would consider them family because of how we are there for each other. For example I call my softball teammates my family because of how close we are and how fun and special the time we spend together is.

        • This is really relatable. Especially the part where you talk about how doing the simplest things with your best friend can put a smile back on your face just because of how real and special your relationship is.

        • I strongly agree with this especially the part where family doesn’t have to be DNA. They are very reliable people which I also agree with. I have always considered my friends family.

    • I can agree with this from my experience with my close friend group that I have now. I’ve been friends with them basically throughout high school. I’ve done more fun things with them then I have have with my family in my lifetime.

    • I relate to this is a very strong level, I have always considered my friends apart of my family. They are the people that I spend my nights with and stay up and do the dumbest things. But most importantly they are always there for me when I need to talk. I love the words you used to explain family for you it is beautiful.

    • I agree with this so much, especially the DNA part! I truly do not believe family should be defined as how you are related through blood. I believe that family is the people who surround you, and raise you to be the person that you are. I unfortunately, like many others, had a father who left the home when I was young. Just because he is my father through ‘DNA,’ I do not truly have to consider him as such. I have found in life that the most important people who are family to me, have been the people who I do not deserve. The people who came into my life without any responsibility to do so, and most importantly have chosen to stay through both thick and thin. I’m definitely lucky to have people like them in my life, and am happy to hear you have found yours too!

    • I strongly agree with this post, that family isn’t just blood, I have a few friends from high school that I consider like family to me.

    • Definitely, i agree i have so much blood family members i personally wouldn’t call my family and made friendships who i’ve called that i would call family, because of how our connections and the way they grow.

    • nrodriguezcordon

      August 24, 2023 at 7:41 pm

      I relate to friends being like family, sometimes even more so than my actual family.

    • I completely agree with this because I definitely have made lots of friends over the years who I feel are more than just friends to me as if even they were a part of my family. You learned who to trust and love as you get closer to people.

    • I completely agree. When you have known someone or a group of people for a long time, the influence they have on your personality is very heavy. You’re always bouncing trends and Ideas off of each other, and have a bond tighter than glue. It’s very common to have someone who’s not blood-related be called an aunt or uncle out of respect. I have a group of friends that I have known for almost 10 years, and I would have no hesitation in considering them family just like how you feel with your friends.

  2. I believe that family always comes first. Family relationships play such an important role in growing up to be the person you are today. I also believe that family isn’t always blood and family can be anyone that supports you and helps you achieve greatness. Family is someone you’ll always have in your corner no matter what, they’ll always have your back. I believe that for some people, the term family can be such a stereotypical thought, I mean, one definition for family is literally “A group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.” And although that is a family setting, it doesn’t have to be EVERY family setting. Family can mean so many things for so many different people and I believe that family is forever, no matter what.

  3. Family to me is about bonding, appreciation, love, differences, and people that will be real to you even if it’s a harsh truth because they want the very best for you and that’s what makes life worth living. Yes, sometimes families can be annoying and there isn’t a time where they won’t be. However, I’ve also learned how to compromise, talk it out, listen, etc. I remember when I was young, probably in middle school, and I wanted an outfit so bad; I asked my sister to get it for me and she said no and I dropped it, but a week later she called me saying she had a package and played it off like it was hers but it was really for me. These little moments bring us closer because it’s the small things like this that make a big impact. They have your back, no matter what.

    • I agree with this completely. It’s funny because me and my older sister have gone through an experience similar to you and your sister. Back to what I was saying, family is an important aspect of life to me. Even though family has it’s ups and downs, at the end of the day everyone is still related and together no matter what.

  4. I love to say I’m easily influenced whether it’s scrolling endlessly on my phone to gather nothing but opinions, observations, and ideas from everyone else, failing to form any thoughts of my own. It’s actually surprising to anyone in our generation when we do something on our own because we are so used to looking everything up online. Although Google will never fail you for your assignments, it will fail you if you try to look up “how to love my mother”, “how to love my brother”, “how to love my neighbors”. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if there were step-by-step instructions on how to love someone? We can watch many others speak on how they fell in love with someone on their first night out and how this married couple of 60 years stayed in love, but we will find that all those stories will fail us just like an internet browse. Love is unique, pure, and nothing quick and simple like our handy search engines. Idabankspoetry said “you don’t criticize the moon for not shining the same each night, you don’t look up at it and say you’re not trying hard enough, because the moon doesn’t have to be full and bright every night to be loved, and neither do you.” I urge you to stop being easily influenced, get to know people’s different phases, all their faults, opinions, and ideas, and you will see yourself grow closer to people you can truly say you love.

  5. Jhanaya Kemp

    I believe family is extremely important to who you are. I see my mother in myself. The stupid jokes I make and our matching stretch marks. And my brothers, regardless of whether they are older or younger, who I decided to take under my wing. My baby brother is over a decade younger than me and I know for a fact he saved me. He became my best friend and I’m so proud to have had him in my life. However, family isn’t just sunshine and rainbows, We all know that. I would be lying if I didn’t mention the weight family can bear. Taking my siblings under my wing, being there for them when their parents couldn’t, it’s draining. And sometimes alienating. Doesn’t mean I’m not proud to have taken on that position.

    But I think we might also put too much pressure on the idea of being biologically related to someone. The real family is those who you meet along the way. It’s cheesy but it’s true. The people you can be your authentic self with without feeling pressured. That’s family. And they’re probably not with you you;re entire life, but once you find them, you’ll know.

    I want to dedicate this to my boyfriend, who I see as the newest member of my family. And not just because he goes on family trips to amusement parks or plays Fortnite with me and my little brother, but because we all love him and he loves us. I don’t know anyone else in the world who’s been there as much for me. And I wouldn’t trade him, or the rest of my family, for anything.

  6. I believe family means to me to be there for each other during anything. During hard times you need to stick together. Without support from family, you may not get through it. As a family, we have gone through the hardest thing together since my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Since there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, my mom, aunt and the rest of the family have been under lots of stress. But no matter what we have stayed together through all of it. All of this would have been too much for my grandfather if he had gone through it alone. But we have been there for him every step of the way.

    Being a family means to love each other and to support each other. This is what my family does for each other. No matter if someone makes a mistake in their life, we will always love each other. You should always have someone by your side to love you. Blood doesn’t make someone your family if they support and love you enough they are your family.

    Your family might have its ups and downs but it doesn’t mean they don’t love you. You may fight with your family and argue but they still love you. I will have big arguments with my mom but I know it is coming the love from her towards me. I might not have the perfect family but they are the people who love me. They are the people who care for me and have my best interest at heart. They are the people who are always there for me and will never leave me. They are the people I can always count on.

  7. Terrance Murray Jr.

    I believe that Family is a key part of who you are. Family bonds hold significant importance as they serve as steadfast pillars during both our darkest trials and our brightest moments. They represent our initial bonds, forming the bedrock upon which we construct our comprehension of relationships, trust, and affection. Beyond mere biological connections, family provides emotional sanctuary and a secure refuge where we can openly share our thoughts, apprehensions, and aspirations devoid of any judgment. During times of adversity, family remains an immovable stronghold, ever-ready to furnish counsel, solace, and reassurance. Furthermore, the collective experiences, customs, and principles handed down through generations cultivate a sense of continuity and cultural heritage, anchoring us to our origins. Family members inspire personal evolution and the journey of self-discovery, frequently recognizing our potential even when we harbor doubts. Their steadfast faith in us nurtures assurance and resilience, empowering us to squarely confront trials. Be it the elation of festivities or the solace of melancholic instants, family enhances every facet of our existence, accentuating the profound import of their role in our odyssey. My Family isn’t like your average family, we are very independent family, we crossheads and argue and stop talking for long periods of time. But when we are in need we’ll all show up no matter what. My Family is huge at this point I meet cousins i’ve never meant before and we are able to catch up like we have known each other forever. I had a friend that turned out to be my cousin 6 years after we have known each other. My Family is who I am.

  8. Family is a huge part in my life and the lives of others. They are a crucial part of my life and having them around and the role that they played helped me become the person I am today. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the necessary guidance and advice that helped me get to UMASS Dartmouth! Family is the support system for those out there to help them get through life. While everyone may have a different picture of what family is, everyone can agree that it is their support system of those closest to them. That can be parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, or even friends. Those closest to you can support you and uplift you, during the good and bad times.

    However, everyone know that family is broken up into pieces or parts. For example, your siblings play a different role than your parents or guardians do. Your parents are your protectors and those who have been through life already. They give you advice and support because most of the time they have already walked through your shoes. On the other hand, your siblings are built in friends. Buddies that will help you get through life and will be there for you when your parents won’t. But the pieces of support come together to make your individual families. Family helped shape everyone into their own unique person. The biggest support system in most peoples lives is their family. So when you go away for the first time, don’t forget to stay in touch. They will be there for you always!

    • I agree with this post completely. Having that built in support system is a big deal when it comes to making difficult or meaningful decisions.

  9. Family is a massive thing to me. I have a really massive family and everyone is insanely close with one another. Family is something that nobody can take for granted because they will be with you no matter what. My dad pushes me to be the best man I can be every day and I am honestly very grateful for it. My mom works very hard for our family, so doesn’t our dad, but my mom is the rock to the family that tells people where they need to be and what to do. She is the one that keeps our family moving like a well oiled machine. My family means so much to me, we all know each other so well and it’s something I will never take for granted.
    Coming to college this year will be a huge change for me and my family, as I will no longer see my family every single day, and will only see them half the year. This is a change I am nervous for the most, as I am with my family every day and it will be an odd change for me.
    I look up to my father just like probably any boy does, as he is the role model that I want to be like when I grow older. He is an amazing dad and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. My mom does everything I can think of for me and I will always appreciate it even when sometimes it seems like I do not.

  10. Brianna Monterio

    Believing in family means recognizing the importance of the bonds we share with our loved ones and It’s about cherishing the support, love and understanding that family provides. Whether it’s through blood relations or close family members. Believing in family means valuing the connections that bring us together. It’s about creating a safe and nurturing environment where we can grow learn and thrive. Family gives us a sense of belonging and a foundation to build our lives on . It’s a beautiful belief that reminds us of the power of unconditional love and the joy that comes from being surrounded by those who truly care about us doesn’t always mean it’s family.
    Also understanding that our loved ones are the ones who will always be there for us and have our back through thick and thin. It’s about embracing the unique dynamics, traditions, and shared
    experiences that make our family special. It’s a belief that reminds us of the importance of nurturing and supporting one another, building strong connections that can stand the test of time. Believing in family means treasuring the moments we spend together creating lasting memories and finding comfort in the knowledge that we are never alone.
    And you should hold those special times close to your heart. It’s about embracing the laughter the love, and the joy that comes from being together. Whether it’s a shared meal, a family outing, or simply spending quality time at home, these moments create lasting memories that we treasure for a lifetime. Creating these moments reminds us of the bonds we share and the happiness that comes from being surrounded by the ones we love. It’s a beautiful reminder of the importance of family and the priceless value of the time we spend together.

  11. Have you ever heard of the phrase “Blood don’t make family “ That is a phrase that means a lot. In my life i have a lot of people that ill do more for then the ones i call “family”. Back then my family was so close bonded and we made memories good even bad but at the end of the day no matter what we still loved each other and nothing could break us part. You never saw me with friends, i was all about family, ill ditch my friends before family. I looked forward to continuing to build those memories with them. Years passed and now its the opposite i find myself more with friends and making and continuing those memories rather then family. My friends people who ill go over n beyond for. They make me feel loved, we support each other, we talk about life goals, we grow with one another. which was something i once had with family but lost. Sometimes i would choose my friends over family. Now of days my family lacks that closeness and love and building memories. All my family ever does is argue with one another and have a falling out. Shockingly with my friends we argue and get over it. I can say often me and my friends seem more of a family then me and the ones I actually carry the same dna with. I wish me and my family could be as tight as we used to be but i guess overtime a lot can change .

  12. Faith L.

    Everyone seems to define family differently, but the significance of family is the always the same. For me, family will always be my number one priority in life. No matter the problem I always find myself going back to my parents and sister for guidance, love, and support because they’re the people I count on the most. Family is like the foundation for our future where we learn to grow within ourselves and to be successful throughout our lives. Family offers emotional support, teaches us value, morals, and growth. It helps provide a sense if identity, stability, and security during challenging times. But family isn’t just about being close with someone or knowing their past or even secrets. It’s about being there for someone no matter the time of day or circumstance it may be. It’s about being there when times gets rough because this is what builds stronger relationships and trust. As I’ve gotten older people come and go, but without trust in any relationship it won’t last. For many, family comes in all shapes and sizes, but what matters the most is is how important they are and how far they are willing to go for the ones they love. This important someone is my mom. She has never failed to be the first person there for me when times were rough and guided me with support and love and has always been there to cheer me on and push me to be my best self during the good times as well. She has always been there when she didn’t need or have to but that’s what families do; they go above and beyond for the ones they love and are willing to do or risk anything for them.

  13. To me, family doesn’t have to be blood related or people that you have known for years, they are people who you feel comfortable talking to. They are people that you can text whenever you want without feeling like you’re bothering them. You can send a quick message about something interesting that happened during your day without fearing that you’ll spend the next half hour keeping up a conversation. You don’t have to pretend you didn’t see a text because you don’t want to become part of a conversation while your social battery is running low. You can end a conversation without being scared to be the first to stop talking. You don’t feel like you have to respond to every single text that they send one after another. Family is people who you don’t have to talk to everyday or even every other day and your bond with them doesn’t grow weaker because of the silence. When they talk to you about possible plans you can say no to without feeling like you have to give an excuse or reason to not go in fear of letting them down. You are able to just say that you’re not feeling up to doing anything that day.

    • I also agree that family doesn’t necessarily have to be blood related. It is someone that is there for you no matter where, when, or why. It was a good point by mentioning that family doesn’t mean you have to talk or see them all the time, but they are still considered family.

  14. Family are people who allow you to be the best version of yourself you could possibly be. I believe family is not what your born into, it’s who you choose. Family can expand further than blood or the genetic components that you are made up of. In the family I was born into, I grew up in a traditional four-person household. Throughout the years, my definition of what a family is can change. When I was younger, I believed a family is just in the inner circle of your own home but that’s not the case. As I grow older, I realize that it is who you surround yourself with constantly. They allow you to flourish as a person, no matter how long it takes you. Throughout the obstacles and mistakes, they are always there to support you unconditionally. In my life, the people closest to me, my true family, are my best friends. I met them my freshman year of high school, where I was dealing with some of the biggest issues I have ever faced. Regardless of knowing how much I was struggling, they always made sure to show me they supported me in so many ways. They made sure to check up on me every day and overall got me through the roughest times. These friends have done more for me than the people I have known since birth. Looking back and into the future, I will always remember the true meaning of family and who it lies with.

  15. Bryan R
    I believe that family is one of the most important aspects in one life. They are one that see and help you grow. I believe that family are ones that you form the greatest connection to and are the ones will support you the most. I also believe that you would do everything you can for the family because you know that they would do the same for you. Your family doesn’t have to be composed of those who are your family by blood but those you have a great connection to like friends. I am lucky that my blood family are those I can truly can consider my true family but I know there are those who don’t have a great connection to their blood family and have to find their own family they can call for them. When you have family they become your rock through your journey of life and you become theirs as together we are stronger than what we could do by ourselves . They will be there when we are at are lows and support us to get better to push through after a long day. They are ones we can vulnerable to and they would show us compassion and care, they are ones love us for who we are without a second thought. This connection is the most important in life it shapes you, pushes you, supports you, and will grow even deeper the longer you live.

  16. Michael welter
    I believe that family is everything in life. Family is the backbone of everything. Throughout my whole entire life I have leaned on my family for everything. I believe that family isn’t just blood. Throughout my life I have made relationships with people that started out as close friends but then turned into family because of the memories and life experiences we have made. The way someone becomes family to me is when I know they have my back and will be there to help me when I need them and then in turn I would do anything for someone who I consider family. Family is more than just a word to me it means that we have been through something together and shared experiences. In saying that family is something that’s not given its earned, I can be blood with someone but if we are not close then I wouldn’t say we are truly family. My most important family members in m life have been my mom, my dad, my brother and my cousins. My mom and dad have had the biggest impact on my life by far. They have always been my biggest supporters. My parents always helped me when times were tough and they continue to be my rock. My brother has also helped me in more ways I can count and he is one the main reasons why am I successful. My cousins have also been my best friends ever sense I was born, we have been so close for my entire life and I know I can always count on them being there for me. I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by such a great family but if you aren’t as lucky it doesn’t mean you can’t make a new family in the future by surrounding your self with great people.

  17. I believe that family is very important, as they are always there to love and support you, no matter what happens. Your family will always be connected no matter how far apart you are, and you can always feel loved by them no matter what. Family does not always have to be blood related, as friends can be a part of your family too. Making sure you spend time with your family and love them is the most important thing in the world. I believe that a family should love unconditionally, which is the best thing you can have.

    • I definitely agree with you! Sometimes the most unexpected people come into your life and become apart of your circle that you consider to be family. It’s always comforting knowing you have a group of people to rely on!

  18. For me family is super important because they’re always there for you through thick and thin. They provide love, support, and a sense of belonging. Whether it’s your parents, siblings, or extended family, they’re the ones who have your back no matter what. They celebrate your successes, comfort you during tough times, and offer guidance when you need it. They’re also the ones who know you best and accept you for who you are. Family helps shape your values and beliefs, teaching you important life lessons and passing down traditions. They create a strong foundation of love and security, giving you a sense of identity and belonging. I cherish those family moments, because they’re the ones who make life meaningful and Important

  19. Family isn’t just blood ties but much deeper than that. They always say blood runs thicker than water. However, I believe families are those who are loyal, loving, and trustworthy. The ones that keep you going in life and help motivate you in life. They are there through it all whether it’s fun times or the scariest moments of your life. I grew up in a large family with many cousins, so there was always someone around close to my age. The childhood memories that were created will forever be cherished because they were created with those you were raised with. The close-knit loving bonds are something that last past forever, which helps knowing that is an outlet during hard times. Having so many people around me from a young age made me never feel lonely until I got older and watched everyone go their separate ways. Ultimately bringing me to the point of friends becoming family. You never really predict when someone from school or a buddy at the park turns into someone you see every day. When your mom starts asking where they are or lost when that friend isn’t by your side is when you know that person is now family. I never really got to experience that until now since it was always my cousin’s. But now that I finally am, I disagree with the term “blood runs thicker than water”. Those you don’t have any blood relation with may be more loyal than the ones who do. Overall I believe family is much more than someone who is related to you or you were raised with, but instead, someone whos been there and stayed there through it all.

  20. I believe that biological family does not equal automatic respect. I think the notion that you need to value your parents and treat them with high regard simply for being your parents is inaccurate. I will not deny that being a parent or other caregiving relative is difficult and by all means, no person can be perfect. But I think it is important to recognize that family members need to be held accountable too, and that they should be given respect only where it is earned. The idea that “blood” and genetics is enough to create an unconditional bond of trust and respect is a bit absurd. At the end of the day, families are
    really just little groups of individuals with differing perspectives, personalities, preferences, and so on. And this can cause challenges that can lead to damage within familial dynamics. An emotional disconnect should not be ignored or overruled simply by the fact that there is a physical connection. With that being said, I also feel as though “family” can denote relationships that are not blood-related. These connections typically do result in mutual respectful and beneficial outcomes as we are able to choose them and accept them into our lives. So overall, I think that those we consider family on an emotional level, the people we connect deeply and wholeheartedly to, end up gaining our admiration; while those who we are connected to only through blood doesn’t always get our high regard, and should not be entitled to such.

  21. The Roots to Your Tree by Michael Varnum

    Family gives us an example to follow. They show us how to live our lives and give us important experiences and amazing memories along the way, from teaching us how to walk to teaching us how to drive. Your family guides you through life until you’re ready to go off alone. And even after that, they are still there for you and always will be. My Dad was always on my back about school work as a kid, sometimes making it even more difficult. I didn’t understand this as a kid, but when I got older and heard about his childhood with ADHD when teachers didn’t understand it yet, it all made sense. His school life was a living hell for him, and he wanted to keep that from happening to me. Everything he did was out of love for me. My Mom always stood up for me and did everything she could for me. I know I gave her attitude as a teenager, which I regret every bit of it now, but no matter what, she always showed me unconditional love. I don’t know what I would do without my sister. We were always close and shared everything. Even though we fought a lot, we also had many great memories. Now that we’ve grown up, we are closer than ever, and she is one of my best friends. My older brother is the best role model I could have, and a helping hand waiting for a call. What I’m trying to say is that family, no matter what kind, is the most important relationship in life. Whether that’s your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunt, uncle, or even family friend. Family is who you can rely on no matter what. Through thick and thin, they will be there for you. So once you find your family, never let go or take them for granted because they are your ride or die. I believe that family is the foundation to your house, the steps through life, and the roots to your tree.

  22. Dalphe V

    I believe that family is one of the biggest motivations for success. Personally, my family is my biggest motivation. My family has always been my motivation for continuing my education. They have always stood beside me and supported me throughout everything that I’ve done. Without my family, I don’t think I would be where I am today. They are my biggest motivation because I want to work hard to make them proud. I want to repay my family for all that they’ve sacrificed for me. Being the child of two hard working immigrant parents, I’ve always had the motivation to keep going in life no matter what because I want to make them proud. I want to repay them for all that they have sacrificed and all that they have continued to sacrifice for me. Watching my parents work hard to give me and my siblings opportunities that they themselves never had really motivates me. I am determined to continue my education and get my degree and help my family in the future. They’ve done so much for me, it’s my turn to do something for them. Without them, I wouldn’t have the motivation that I need to continue on with my educational career. They motivate me every day, they make me want to do my best in everything that I do. I know that no matter what I decide, they will always love and support me which is the biggest motivation that I could have. I believe that family is the biggest motivation that you can have because no matter what, they’ll always be by your side.

  23. “As you get older, you’ll learn the importance of family.”
    A statement that I’ve heard once, and have always kept in the back of my mind, only because it’s true. Family is one of the most important things to me, but the question is, what is family? to me family is my blood, or anyone close enough to me. My family is something that I’ve held me dear there are times where they’ve annoyed me, there have been times where they’ve made me angry, but at the end of the day I love them, and I know they love me. The statement of family becoming more of value as you age makes sense, at a young age, you want to be away from your family and be more with your friends, mainly because they annoy you, or they’re embarrassing, and that’s completely normal, but as you get older you realize you cannot rely on friends the same way you can with family. which makes the concept of family unique, and special. I believe family is important, because your family is truly the ones who know you, and love you for who you are, I could argue that they also understand you the most. Family is important to me, because of what my family has done with me and what they’ve done for me.

    I truly encorauge everyone to build a relationship with their family members, your relationship with your family is the greatest thing that can you can develop.

    • This definitely gave me a different aspect when looking at my family, and this was a very well said article.

  24. My family was the backbone of my upbringing. Without the relationships I’ve made with relatives I wouldn’t be the person I am today. My best attribute is my ability to communicate which is something I wouldn’t have learned if it wasn’t for my family. Without my relatives’ stories about past mistakes and advice for the future, I couldn’t have made it as far as I have. I learned almost everything I know from my family including learning it was okay to make my own mistakes. My family was always something I could rely on, I was always lucky enough to have someone that could help me with something or talk to me if I felt like I needed someone to talk to, I was never alone. Even when cousins would move out of state or relatives would pass away my family was always able to stay strong and in times we couldn’t we always made sure to bounce back. You can even find family in places you would never think they’d be because family is more than a blood relation. It can be formed through good and bad circumstances. A lot of the people I consider family I’m not even related to but that never mattered because I always knew they would have my back the way I had theirs. That type of trust is what turns someone into your family and those people could come from different backgrounds and have completely different experiences from you and your bond will be as strong as someone you share blood with.

  25. Sara R,

    If you look up the definition of family the first thing that comes up involves parents and their children, however, I believe family is more than just blood. When I think of my true family, I think of the adult that helped to shape me into the person I am today and the friends that have supported me along the way. Both of my parents are present, but I would not claim that either of them really raised me. The only woman that I ever saw as a parental figure would be the woman who ran the daycare that I went to for the first decade of my life. That woman changed my diapers, taught me the alphabet, and saw me off and on the school bus every weekday for years. Even though it’s been a few years since I last had contact with her, she will always be my family. A few months ago, I quit my job that I had worked at for 2 years. In that time, I became close with a handful of my coworkers who I refer to as my brothers and sister. I don’t call them that just because they are my friends, but because I do look up to the older ones and treat all of them as if they were my siblings. It has been almost 3 months since I quit, but I still visit them at work weekly because for 2 years for 20 hours a week I bonded with them behind the counter. As my friends they all teased me for months when they realized I was crushing on one of our newer coworkers, but as true siblings in the sixth months that I have been dating my boyfriend they have continued to tease me. My ex-coworkers have done a lot for me, but the most important thing they have done was help me to realize that you can choose who you want your family to be by who you surround yourself with.

  26. I believe for better or worse family is what makes us who we are, yet they can’t take credit. Our upbringing is the foundation from which our individual stories begin, and our personalities are made. Family influences our thoughts, actions, and decisions, often guiding our paths without us even realizing. Yet, amidst this undeniable impact, it is we who ultimately decide how to interpret and internalize their teachings. The lessons learned at the dinner table, the bedtime stories whispered, the disagreements weathered, and the moments of laughter shared – all contribute to the foundations of what makes us who we are. The strengths and weaknesses of our family members become our own, sculpting our responses to challenges and victories alike. However, while they lay the foundation, it is our independent choices that cement the structure. We inherit traditions and values, but it is our autonomy that shapes our future actions. We must carry the torch forward, adapting, refining, or even breaking away from the legacies handed down to us. Family’s impact is profound, yet humility dictates that they can’t claim exclusive ownership over our successes or failures. We are the authors of our own narrative, our destinies intertwined with theirs, but not predetermined by them. We navigate the intricacies of life, choosing which lessons to embrace and which to discard. In this delicate dance between influence and autonomy, we discover our true selves, the unique union of past and present. Family’s significance is undeniable, but it’s our individual choices that determine whether we become passive echoes or vibrant originals in the grand symphony of life.

  27. Lori G

    My family and I have always been close. Growing up, I’ve always had very supportive cousins, siblings and my mother. I always believed that as long as you have the right family members in your corner, then your family in itself can be the key to your success. For me personally all my motivation to be a better person than I was yesterday comes from my family. To me I feel like a family bond can be built with anybody that you know has your back 100%. People who will support your decisions but will also tell you what decisions they perceive as bad decisions. Family is people who give you guidance and will keep you safe. For me my family is people who give me love. THey constantly let me know that they are in my corner and are there for me when I need them. There have been moments where they also had to remind me to rely on them more even for little things. I also have people who are not my blood relatives that i look up to and look to them for guidance. I feel if I have a strong support system such as people I consider family then I can keep going a step further in my life.

  28. Family is one of the best things ever. This is a group of people that bend their back for you and would go out of their way to do things for you. It is a key part of life for many people and it is a key part of mine. My family is so important to me I would do anything for them. I want to be able to grow up and help support them because they have helped guide me through so many things. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them in my opinion. Many people might not have had an ideal family but still value the people they keep close to them in their life. Cousins, Grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. all these people are held close within most people’s lives. And without them, many things may have not been possible. Without my family, I may not have been doing what I am right now as they have pushed me to be the best I can be.

  29. The basis of everyone and their motives in life revolves around family. Families teach us how to engage with people in the outside world for the first time. It teaches us how to give and accept love, how to assist others and be supported in return, and how to respect others and be respected in return. It offers us a different vantage point from which to observe the world. Every member of a family has a distinctive personality that makes them stand out, making them different from one another. Even people with completely different aesthetics in life can be brought together through the connection of family. For the sake of our collective emotional and physical health, as well as that of the other members, we must connect with one another. As we have to keep our family safe, and strong, and build powerful emotions amongst each other then we have to maintain a strong bond with each other. Also, the interactions of having to be unique with other members of the family. Strong family relationships mean better communication with each other. The members of the family take out the time to talk to each other whenever they want to spare time. No matter whether the conversations could be about small things or big ones. They understand one another and listen to what the other person has to say. Everyone feels the need to be appreciated. Stronger family bonds mean that when a family member appreciates you, it heightens your self-esteem and in turn makes it easier for you to express your appreciation.

  30. I believe that having people you call family is very important in life, whether it is by blood or not. My family is the main reason that I am going to be what I am doing because of all the support they have given me through the years, helping me get motivated to do great things with my life. They have given me many opportunities to do great things to help others like helping me donate blood for the first time this year. Support from family isn’t a one way thing though, you have to help your family as well no matter how small it may seem it will always mean something to them and maybe even influence them to do great things. You shouldn’t only motivate just your family, if you see a friend or significant other that seems like they could use some attention or kind words, just go and give it to them and you may help in a way you didn’t even know that you could.

  31. I believe that family is everything whether you don’t get along or you do. Family is something that has meant a lot to me since day one, and using them also as resources to help me succeed in life. Believing that they are always there for me, and have my backs makes almost all the things in this world easier. Constant love is what they show, but you might not always see things from their side. Having someone that is not you that cares about you as much as you do yourself can make you even more rational most of the time. Any family member really just wants what’s best for you and when you may not think so, but it’s true. One thing that helps everyone is there are no other connections you have with your siblings or your parents that you can get anywhere else. These connections come in many forms which may not make you think like this, But in my family no matter what happens they are right behind me and here to support me in every single way. Having a supporting family can bring you from horrible places to where you wanna be in life, and that is exactly what my family does for me. I believe that all success comes a lot from family and just because they might not be blood family, caring and loving is what makes people family, sports make people family and even work. Family is there for you and always should be.

  32. Roselynne Conlin

    I believe having family surrounded by you whether its blood or not is very important. You may want to ask for advice on a very simple decision or a very difficult decision. You may be going through a hard time in your life and need someone to talk to and in most cases, it is family that will help you out. I think anyone who has been there for me and has encouraged me to achieve my goals is considered family. It is important to surround yourself around people who are trusting, honest, and encouraging. Family are the people that help you grow and help you recognize mistakes. They are there for you to vent your problems to or to help you with homework. People have many ways of defining the word ‘family’ but I’d say it is the people who let you have your own voice and truly understand you for who you are. These relationships may not always be perfect; there could be long-lasting arguments, disagreements, etc. However, those problems are always temporary when it comes to real family. Another big quality of family is respect. Having respect for the people that care for you is very important, it is also important for them to give it back. Anyone can be family whether that is a friend, a pet, a neighbor, a teacher, and the list goes on. Whoever it is that surrounds you with comfort and the feeling of happiness is family. Family is a group of people who make you you.

  33. What does family mean to me? Most people might consider their blood relatives as family. Although that is not the case for everyone. To me, family is the people you surround yourself with who give you unconditional love and support when you make a mistake or when you reach an achievement. In their eyes, there is no doing wrong but only mistakes that they can help you fix. Families are built upon communication, compassion and respect, those are fundamental when considering who in your heart is family. Those people you find yourself calling in the middle of the night for advice or the people you go to see who give you the upmost joy are your family. Not only is it important for them to have your back, but you also have to have theirs. Working on creating relationships is not a one sided thing, there has to be work done on both ends. Making sure that when uncomfortable situations arise there is a “judgement free” support system that can guide you to what seems fit. Anyone who steers you in the right direction regardless of is happening. I can say for certain that I’ve been in arguments with my family that causes me to feel frustrated. But when I’ve had a chance to cool down, I can genuinely say that I see where they’re coming from and why they chose to give me that advice. Sometimes hearing what you family has to say can be a good thing even in the heat of the moment. Moments like that can give you a different perspective because those words stick with you, good or bad. My family has been part of the reason why I’ve been able to become the young adult I am today. Your family should be there to guide you to success without sugar coating anything. Families come in all sizes, so if you only have one person in your corner then that’s ok. Whatever and whoever your family is, should only matter to you.

  34. Of all of the values I have, family ranks first by a long shot. This is because of our ability to communicate with one another and the large amount of time that we have spent with each other. I have had many serious talks with my parents and sisters involving arguments and apologies which have built up our trust and loyalty as if it were a sword being fired and cooled over and over. This bond that we have is what I believe is the closest that anyone can have with another person or people. These people are around you for all of your life and their faces are engraved into your subconscious before you can even comprehend the world around you. They allow you to grow and support you until you realize that you can’t remember a time when you didn’t recognize their faces. This is why lifelong friends who knew each other since they were babies might feel like siblings or how someone who was raised by someone unrelated to them sees them as their family. There’s definitely a different connection shared between friends made in school and at sports or events than those who raised us and grew up with us. I can talk freely with some of my best friends and even share information that I wouldn’t with my family, but there’s some connection that is missing and it allows me to be vulnerable with my family which I couldn’t share with my friends, or even best friends.

  35. What does family mean to me. Well thats a rocky one I never new the true definition of family till 8th grade when one of my aunts did the most ive ever seen any one do to try and get someone to realize there potential. My aunt showed me what it really meant to be a family. To me family isn’t only blood, Family to me is any one who allows me to be 100 percent me and accepts me for my true self. Family always has my back and when I think I peak my family is the one to push me to reach for more. Family has taught me that when you feel like your flying and all of a sudden you see yourself coming back to earth its those people you consider family that make you wanna fly again Family sees you at your best points and worse and to them your you. Family doesn’t discriminate .Family forces you to communicate and to learn and understand those around you. It teaches us how to give and accept love, how to assist others and be supported in return. Family forces you to see the world in different eyes because family will tell you what you want and don’t want to hear, No matter how difficult the conversations Family can tell you small things or big, could be things that bring you down or things that elevate you its annoying but you learn to love it because its the truth. family are people who let you have your own voice and and truly let it be heard. Family pushes you to make your dreams a reality no matter how big or small and shows you that what. may seem impossible is very much possible. Anyone can be family whether thats a friend, pet, a neighbor, or teacher. Whoever it is that surrounds you with love and the feeling of happiness is family. Family is a group of people who make you unique. Thats family to me.

    Yan De La Rosa

  36. I believe family is one of the most important things in your life and being surrounded by these people are extremely important. Your real family is always gonna be there for you and have your back no matter what you go through or do and will support you along the way. Family teaches you how to unite and makes you feel secure around people you like with their unconditional love. Throughout my life I’ve always been close to my family and I do everything with them and will do anything for them because I know they would do the same to me. They have helped me during rough times and not only blood related people I’d consider my family I have close friends I’d consider them family to me and have that same feeling with them. I’ve grown up with these people been around with them since day 1 and I don’t plan on leaving anytime soon as I said I strongly believe family is always gonna be there for me and I’m grateful I’m able to say that proudly.

  37. what family means to me, family is everything to me because i have a small circle of my family i lost a lot of people in my life including some close family members but i realized that i have to keep my loved ones close to me and the one that don’t care about i push them away. My mom means everything to me because she was there for me when no one else was, she was the pushing me to go to college and make me a better person overall but family takes a lot of sacrifices but its important to keep someone in your life so they can push you to do better in your life. One time i was feeling really sad and depressed but my mom picked me up and told me everything is going to be okay you have to keep pushing myself if i want to survive in this world and she taught me everything i know. Especially when my other side of my family gave up on me and didn’t believe in me at my lowest i wish they didn’t give up on me but it is what it is at the end of the day that’s why i believe in family and someone that loves and cares for you don’t push that away because tomorrow isn’t promised, you just have to keep it pushing through out your whole life because if you don’t you will never believe in yourself and you won’t move on from certain situations and that’s my opinion on family thank you for you time and i hope this helped understand what family is

  38. Cleo S
    When I think about all of the big life events that occur (for example, marriages, birthdays, and graduations), I always picture my family in these moments and life events. Personally, I believe a person’s family is what matters most to a person in life. Family is there for you through all of life’s challenges, from watching you take your first steps to teaching you how to talk, teaching you how to drive, and to help you with the hard parts of life. Family is always there for you in the long run and will always have your back no matter what. They are not a friend you can ignore or split up with because of the difficult times that are commonly seen in  friendships. I’ve learned in my lifetime that family isn’t just who you are related to or born into, it is also the people you find along the way who you choose to be family. People you choose to help guide you in life are also considered to be family. Friends that can help you out when no one else knows what to do are also considered as family. Family members may also be the who encourage and push you when you need it most. In addition to being close to you, your pets who have always been there for you and love you no matter what may also be considered family. Family is a crucial part of life, which is why I feel so strongly about this topic.

  39. I believe family is defined by love and not blood. Growing up I was always taught blood is thicker than water, and that my blood family would always be the most important people in my life. After growing and learning to open my heart and life to new people i’ve been able to redefine the word “Family”. To me my family is made up of people i can depend on, the people that respect me, and those who love me regardless and i love regardless of what the future holds. No last name will guarantee a dependable relationship. It took a lot of lessons and a lot of let downs for me to realize what qualities I like and don’t like. I have also met people I consider family, those are the people I care about more than myself, because you’re friends don’t have to love you they genuinely chose to. Sometimes I feel safer and more connected with my friends like i can fully be myself, when i’m with my family it feels like there’s this unspoken rule that you can’t completely be yourself. I always have to dress right before parties, I cant talk about what’s really going on in my life without judgemental looks. It’s weird it feels scripted.

    • I agree with this too because I also have friends out there that I would consider family because of the things they have done for me in my life and family that is blood related might not always be there for you.

  40. Family is my compass, guiding me through life’s journey. This core belief runs deep within me, shaping my values and perspectives. Family isn’t just a word it’s a source of unwavering strength and unconditional love.
    In this fast changing world, my family is my constant. When things get toughened and difficult, their love steadies me. Every moment we share becomes a treasured memory.
    Family isn’t just blood. It’s the friends who feel like siblings and teachers who guide us. These bonds remind me that family is about care and connection, no matter where we come from.
    As I start this new chapter, I carry my family’s lessons with me. Their belief in me gives me courage. I want to be that pillar of strength for others. Even with school taking up time, I’ll nurture my family ties. Talking, laughing, sharing these simple things weave the fabric of who I am. This fabric, I believe, is worth keeping.
    Family isn’t something that stays the same. It’s there when we struggle and there to celebrate victories. It’s a reminder that we’re in this together.
    In this new phase, my belief in family stands strong. It’s my anchor in a sea of change, reminding me of my roots and pushing me forward. Family, to me, is where the best things in life begin.

  41. What defines Family? Family is a word that is much stronger than blood. What does it mean to be ones “Family.” Family are the people in your life that will be there for you no matter what, these people will constantly have your back no matter the time of day. These are the people that will go out of their way to make your life just a little bit easier, people who would sacrifice a part of themselves to help you. Two individuals could be blood related but if there is no love the other is more than capable of hurt or stabbing them in the back. Moreover, I have been in instances where I wasn’t able to talk about certain things with my family because they were not willing to learn and understand where I was coming from. I would bring the same issue to a friend and they would always help sort it out, and to me that is what I conciter family. In plenty of instances I have been betrayed by certain family members that I thought had my back but revived help, love, and support from those who I may have just met. I have learned growing up from my peers that have always had my back and that bonds are always stronger than blood.

  42. Family is an irreplaceable part of human existence. Families hold an unparalleled significance in our lives. Beyond biological ties, it is a sanctuary of love and understanding, playing a pivotal role in our emotional, social, and psychological development.
    From birth, families provide a sense of belonging and security. The unconditional love within familial bonds offers a safe haven in a world often marked by uncertainty. This foundation cultivates resilience, enabling us to navigate life’s challenges with confidence.
    Families serve as a cornerstone for the formation of our values and character. Only through interactions with family members is how we learn empathy, compassion, and cooperation. These essential life skills transcend the family unit, influencing our interactions with the broader society.
    In the midst of life’s frenetic pace, family offers a refuge for connection. Shared meals and heartfelt conversations foster emotional bonds that endure over time. These moments of togetherness counteract feelings of isolation and remind us of our intrinsic need for human connection.
    Crucially, family is an unwavering support system. During successes, they celebrate our achievements, reinforcing our self-worth. In times of distress, they provide solace, guidance, and unwavering encouragement. This familial safety net emboldens us to pursue our aspirations fearlessly.
    Family also preserves our heritage and traditions. Through stories and rituals, we connect with our cultural roots and ancestral wisdom. This link to our past enriches our sense of identity and provides a sense of continuity in a rapidly changing world.
    In essence, family shapes our sense of self and belonging. It is a reservoir of love, guidance, and shared experiences. Only through family, is where we discover our strengths, navigate human relationships, and find solace in times of trial. The importance of family is immeasurable – it is the cornerstone upon which the edifice of our lives is built.

  43. I believe that family is the foundation to living a long and fulfilled life. Family is important to me because they are always there providing love, support, and a sense of belonging. They have been there for me throughout my entire life sticking with my through good times and bad times. They are my built-in best friends. I have shared special moments with them and created life long memories. As I come to UMass Dartmouth 3000 miles away from home I look towards my family for support in my new adventure. I know they will always be there for me even if we are not together in the same house or the same state. When I first moved in I was nervous and scared to start my new life away from the people who love and care about me. But, in the few short days that I have been here I have already made a second family. I have build bonds and friendships that I know will last a lifetime. These people here are now my family. I believe you are born into your family and throughout your life you meet new people who become your family. College is the perfect opportunity to start creating a new family and a new support system. I look forward to starting my new life, keeping in contact with my family all while building a new life long family. I am confident that I will be okay starting my new life with my new family.

    • Reading your post gave me more confidence about navigating independence and solace so far away from family. My family will only be about 1100 miles away from me which I thought was really far, and is. But seeing that you have the same beliefs and views about how strong family is has really helped me start to overcome my fears about being so far away on my own. 🙂

    • I agree and relate with this blog very much. I like how you used your current situation, moving very far to go to college, to show how important family is and explaining how you need and will find a new family everywhere you go. I also liked how you talked about how your family is always there for you even though you are so far from each other and not physically with each other but still manage to find ways to care for one another.

    • I relate to some of what you said. Family is super important to me because they helped shape me into who I am. I could never imagine a life without my sister because she’s been with me through every step. She’s four years older so she’s been through the things I have and always has great advice. I’m also looking forward to making new friends and creating what I hope are lifelong friendships.

  44. To me I believe that family is one of the most important things in life. I strongly believe in constantly supporting and being there for everyone in your family. There are many definitions to the word family, just because someone is related to you or shares the same blood as you does not mean you have to consider them your family. Family acts as a safe space when you are experiencing a challenging phase in life such as illness or personal setbacks in school or in the work field. Having family by your side can help you overcome these challenging hurdles that life sends your way. Your family also helps you learn and grow by introducing you to different cultural values and traditions and showing you how to become successful. Some of my favorite traditions have been passed down in my family for many generations. Your family and the individuals you choose to surround yourself with offer you a sense of identity and ensure the proper emotional development. For me my family taught me how to overcome my challenges in a positive manner and how to love others for who they are and not who I may perceive them to be. My siblings are some of the most important individuals in my life and have taught me almost everything I know. They have always stood by my side even if they do not believe in the same things as me. I will always appreciate the endless support that my family induces upon me.

  45. Something I strongly believe in is Family. Family isn’t only considered for the people related to you; I consider all my closest friends’ family. I consider them family because they have always been there for me when my family couldn’t be at times and always supported me throughout my biggest accomplishments. I believe that bonding with family and friends is a main part of life because it keeps everyone happy and close to each other throughout the hard times. My family has helped me strive and overcome my biggest challenges and that why I think it is one of the most important attributes in my life. By staying close with family many traditions past down from generation to generation keeping legacies of our older relatives in the family. I think that it would be important to keep passing down legacies from others to bring us closer every day to things our ancestors used to do. One of the main things about family is you will always have someone to rely on when things get hard and will always have someone to go to for comforting. Sometimes you friends can’t be there for you like your family can. Another reason why I believe in family is important is because I wouldn’t be the person, I am without my family they have always seen the best in me never the worst, I think that even through the hardest time family would never leave you. They will always try there best to resolve problems with you. That why I believe family is one of the most important things in life.

  46. Coming from Italy, my family loves home-cooked meals. One thing I’ve learned in my life is the gift of giving; however, not through expensive flashy gifts, but through food. Food has been a way for my family to bond, and I believe in the power of this tradition.
    My visits to my Italian grandmother’s (or “Noni,” as we like to call her) house have been frequent throughout my life. Coming from an Italian family, my parents have always pushed me and my siblings to have a good relationship with our relatives. However, with these frequent visits comes the constant interrogating once we step in the door. Not interrogation of our social lives, but instead of whether or not we are hungry. The questions come unrelenting the whole time you stay, even if your answer is no: “Are you hungry?” “Would you like me to make you anything?” “How about I make you some pasta?” “I’ll make you a steak!” Although these questions pile up and become rather bothersome every time, I have learned that they are not meant to annoy us. Instead, it is my Noni trying to show her love. She wants to make sure that we are cared for, and to her it is through food.
    Whenever I invite my friends to my house, I find myself asking the same questions that my Noni has asked me for so many years. By having this belief passed down to me through my family, it has given me the ability to have compassion for the people around me, and want to give just as my Noni and family have for me.

  47. Something important I’ve noticed about my definition and outlook on family is the fact that family should be there for you regardless of your status in life or in other relationships. Families creates incredibly strong bonds all on their own through both pain and happiness. Because of this, family should remain constant and reliable while navigating other relationships whether platonic or romantic. However, family should also allow you to grow on your own and develop your own sense of self.

    My real family is small- it only consists of my sisters and my grandma. I’ve learned how to be both independent and caring as well as guarded and vulnerable. I’ve been able to lean on my family in times where I thought there was no hope or when I was tired. They have been constant in my life and have created an incredibly strong support system for me to rely on when I cannot be at 100%. This is also why it’s incredibly hard for me to be so far away from them. I’m originally from Tennessee- Massachusetts is nearly 1100 miles away from my home and my family. And although I know that family is constant, I’m now faced with the fact that I will be growing on my own and finding my own way through the world.

    Essentially, my family has taught me a lot about building the foundation of who I am as a person but also inspires me to find the rest of myself with what I have already learned from them and with them. Family is the strongest unit you can have in life, no matter how small the size.

  48. Branden H
    I believe that more than 90% of your life revolves around family, whether it be your own family or other peoples family. Many times your friends’ family will start to feel like or even treat you as their own family. There are many incidents in a public area where you will meet someone who you have no idea who they are but then you begin to get closer and realize we are related in a way, I find incidents like this to be very common even for myself. From the day you are born you are surrounded by your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts or uncles, once you get older you are surrounded by your significant other, kids, etc. until you are now surrounded by your grandkids. Your family could contain 10 people or even 50 people but their love for you is the same. In the biggest moments of your life you have family around you, during your graduation, wedding, or even during times of grieving when you look to your right then your left family is around. They are always there to cheer you up when you are down, have fun with you, as well as begin new adventures with you. One of the scariest moments in everyone’s life is moving away from your family and living either on your own or with a significant other, even though they may not be physically around us our family will always put in the effort to call everyone morning or night or even both! Overall, family is the most important thing in life. They are there for you all day everyday and also during the hardest times in our lives.

  49. To me family is all about love and support. Family is also important in making us who we are, how we see, and interact with the world around us.To be part of a family doesn’t always have to mean you’re related by blood. It could include the friends you choose and the love, respect, and care that you all have for each other. The purpose of family is to create a strong support system to be able carry burdens that one person can’t carry on their own. Being part of a family can also bring out the best in yourself, encourage you when you get lost, and push you back on the right path. A family’s shared love and care for each other creates a sense of identity and self-worth, helping in personal development and emotional well-being. Being in a family provides a compass for navigating through our toughest times in life by its unwavering presence, constantly reminding us of our beliefs and values and directing us towards our goals.

    • I agree with this so much. Having a family support through such a big life change is so important
      Logan J

  50. I believe that family is the most important thing you can have in life because they will always be there for you and help support you no matter what. I am grateful to have a loving family that has been with me through the bad and good times because I know that they would do anything for me and I would be there for them too. I also believe that family doesn’t always have to be blood related people because there are friends out there who matter to me just as much as my family and I know that they would support me just like family. I know that family is also very important to me because I can talk to people who are older than me and they will help guide me or I could be there for someone younger than me and help guide them too. I am the oldest out of my siblings with a younger brother and sister and I know that anytime they need anything they would text or call me and I would be there to help them. Without my family I don’t know where I be at today but I know that they will always be with me and I can count on them too.

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