UMassD Believes

Summer Writing Project


What do you believe about spirituality, mindfulness, faith?

Post submissions here that match this topic thread in comments.


  1. Toluwani .J. Agbojo

    When you live your life without faith, you’re expected to get nothing but disappointment. A wise lady once told me, ”For every disappointment, there’s an appointment through your faith in God”.
    I’ve been through so many hurdles in my personal and educational life, and sometimes I ask myself, WHY ME? WHAT’S HAPPENING?, WHEN IS IT GOING TO STOP? These questions created a big distance between my faith and I, so much so that I started to do things way out of control/order.
    Over the years, the difference between belief and having faith caught my attention. Faith is a STRONG trust in someone or something whereas belief is a habit of mind. Perhaps this has been my mistake all this while.
    I got a better understanding about faith through various scriptures in the bible and what it entails. Matthew 17:10 says “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, MOVE from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”. The key point in this scripture is, no matter how small your faith is in Christ, I’m able to move big obstacles (mountains) out of my way.
    The bible also says in Hebrew 11:6 that “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him”. When I seek the Lord in faith, great things are sure to come my way. This never crossed my mind.
    Having faith is wonderful, but growing it is pure excellence. I found out that the only way to grow my faith, is if I put it to practise on a daily, so that when situation arises, I won’t be moved.
    I can boldly say to myself that over the years, my faith has indeed improved my way of life and thinking.
    Thank you.

    • It is truly inspiring to read how your faith in God has grown over your life. It is definitely difficult to understand why we go through hard times in life and we question God why he lets this happen to us. However, I have come to realize that without these difficulties, we would never be able to appreciate God for all the blessings and we wouldn’t be able to learn from our own mistakes. God never abandons us, we just live in a world of sin where sadness and pain are bound to happen to everyone. He grants us the free will to go to him in times of trouble and guides us through obstacles when we have our faith.

      • Hillary Mukasa
        Summer Writing Project
        2 August, 2023

        We tend to engulf ourselves in sadness. But, as hard as it may seem, you should always turn to the Lord. I it feels better to crawl into your bed and just sleep away your problems, or to just endlessly scroll on social media for hours on end, but I advise you to try to avoid this.i tell you this cause God is walking by your side and everything in between. In Psalms 23:4 it says “Even if I walk through a very dark valley. I will not be afraid because you are with me. Your rod and your shepherd”s staff comfort me.” one of the parts say Your rod and staff; The rod and staff are the weapons that Shepard use to keep their sheep. This represents Jesus as a Shepard and us as his sheep. This shows us how Jesus will protect us from harm and keep us close to him. Us as children are his sheep, who follow him and he is our protective Shepard who gives us life. All we have to do is seek a relationship with Him, basically just have faith.

        • I really enjoyed this post, looking for the Lord in times of triumph and comfort is a task most if not all people can achieve. I feel like searching for the Lord in chaos and when sadness overwhelms you really shows how much you believe and trust in the Lord.

        • I agree that it helps you deal with issues and get past certain situations but all people are different and have there belief’s.

      • It has been amazing to hear about your faith and how it impacted you on your life. Your post shows the transformative power of faith and how it can guide us through life challenges. The distinction between belief and faith is profound. Belief can be passive but faith us an active and unwavering trust. Your commitment to daily practice in growing your faith is commendable. Like a muscle, faith becomes stronger when exercised regularly, enabling you to face life’s trial with greater resilience. Your story serves as a testament to the positive changes that faith can being into one’s life.

    • I completely relate to your post. I’ve been struggling with my faith for the longest time and often times, I forget how powerful God is. I will continue to fight everyday to remember that Jesus has my back. Loved all the direct bible scriptures!

    • I love the approach to this that you took and wrote about. I agree with what you wrote about and it reminds me of a few things. Throughout the Bible, we are told to rely on God whenever we can and sometimes told how little we can achieve without him. What you wrote also reminds me of the journey of growing someone’s faith and learning more about the faith. I have just recently started growing mine and I am nowhere near being far or maybe even halfway into the journey and is already something I wish more people would understand and give a chance. It is a beautiful thing and I have only taken baby steps at this point. I wish you all the luck in your journey and I hope that others can experience it too.

    • well said! Always keep believing….

  2. Trinity Stroud
    Summer Writing Project
    26 June, 2023

    What Do You Believe:

    When I first saw this option my heart knew this was the right choice for an essay. Despite the many diverse subjects that make up who I am, such as being a Black mixed woman growing up in a small White town, or my own battle of gender and sexuality, or perhaps my own interesting perspective on mental health, it seemed to jump out among all the others. I don’t know why or how, but that is the beauty of my faith, intuition and magical wonder.
    I am a Pagan, and no I do not eat babies or worship Satan, although some pagans (or witches) do (haha). My goal in life is to reach a peak understanding of love within myself, the Earth, above and below and everything in between. There are many sections of Paganism, and the Pagan philosophy is known widespread for its independence from rules and regulations. But most of us practice magic, which is defined as altering and changing the reality we currently live in or desire. That in itself can be defined by many different things. Making food can be seen as magic, as well as creating art and practicing music. But why and how? It is because creating is magic, being is magic. Of course most Pagans do not denounce science and it would be silly to do so. Magic and science are two sides of the same coin, they both are practices and thoughts of how the natural and unseen world work.
    However, what do I believe? I believe, despite my quakey relationship with magic and witchcraft, I hold strong in my heart that magic is a very powerful tool that can move the mind, body, and spirit into place. It is an aid to oneself in whatever form that may be. Just like any religion or practice, Paganism and Witchcraft are a belief, a support of thoughts and ideals, rules and chaos to help you navigate the world. Magic is the embodiment of spirit. And I believe we all need a little magic in our lives, whatever that may look like.

    • I think it was well said about stating what you believe and how it’s important to you. It’s also cool to learn about a new belief/religion.

  3. Destiny Grant-Poole
    Summer Writing Project
    UMass Dartmouth

    What do you believe about spirituality, mindfulness, faith?

    To be honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. I was told to write about spirituality, mindfulness, and faith but I’m lacking in all three categories. So, I’m going to take this opportunity to write a letter to God. Dear God,
    I seem to be lost in this world and I really need your help. I’ve been struggling with stillness and having faith in what you have in store for me. I know that I should be reading your Word more and spending an adequate amount of time with you. I’ve sinned over and over again and I can’t help but think about what could have been if I just listened to you. Would I be happier? Content? What would have been my mindset if I had trusted You earlier? All these questions run through my mind and I’m disappointed in myself for being disobedient. I try to tell myself everyday that what I’m doing is not pleasing You. I need You, Lord. This world needs You. I’m asking for help to overcome whatever challenges I’m facing in this present moment and in the future. I’m asking for boldness to declare Your good works. I ask for whoever is reading this to be blessed and whatever they are battling to be cast away so they live a good life. My faith may waiver, my mind may be clouded, I will get attacked in the spiritual realm but I can always rely on You to protect me. This is what I believe. I am waiting to be gracefully broken by You so that I may spread Your gospel.

    “Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.” ~ Psalm 136:26


    • Hey Destiny, I loved that you started off with the reality of how us as believers lack at his mercy. Yet you were honest and humble about everything. I too can relate and have so much to work on. We all do. I can proudly say that it starts with people like you. Spiritual warfare is so real especially on us young ones in this generation. It’s so important to know that we are targets everywhere we go, and if we don’t know how to fight with Him, we lose at the hands of the enemy because we cannot do it alone. Psalm 91 :15 – He (the believer) will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” Which is exactly what you did. Keep being you and pray without ceasing. <3

    • Hi, Destiny I honestly loved your letting I think you reaching out to God in any way possible is beautiful! I hope your journey finding your faith and building your connection with God goes well and always remember when things get tough He’s always in your Heart and one prayer away.

  4. Thomas E. McKnight

    Faith is many things to many people. I believe in the absence of a higher power that others worship. This requires faith as faith is how you view the unknown. A problem arises when you remove God from the equation, it leads to a relatively simple question: why be good if your choice won’t matter afterward?
    I struggled with this question for a long time. The answer to be good is obvious but the reasoning behind is difficult to answer. The last star will burn out and a choice has no grand meaning, so why be good? What does ‘good’ even mean? It layers questions upon questions. Often when complex ideas pile up an answer will arise that is simple. In a world that ends the same, the suffering endured to reach that finish line can only increase with your actions. A choice will not affect the ultimate outcome so when it causes suffering, it’s unjustifiable. I attempt to make people’s lives better. What other purpose could there be?
    Ease the suffering in what I can only view as a blip of existence.
    In the belief we are alone, this idea can begin. It is not punishment or divine purity which motivates these ideas. It is the belief that only actions can change anything. It is if we wish to bring to this world joy or sorrow. It is us whom I view as the guiding light or darkest void in our world and whom I believe deserve idolization or scrutiny.

  5. Gahbriella Barnes
    Umass D writing post
    July 31, 2023

    What does Spirituality mean to me?
    I first am very glad that I have an opportunity to talk about my religion here and that this is a discussion topic. As a Christian, I’ve come to believe that my perseverance is attributed to spirituality. God talked about this in Romans 12:12 when he said, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer”. I feel that as a society we’ve given up on working our way through things. Times get rough? Give up. You have a relationship but something happens (that you can reasonably work through) let go of it. We want everything now and everything good now but that’s not how it is. We need to be patient, in dealing with others, in love, and in ourselves. The problems that I’ve personally endured had been a process of being patient and waiting on God. Even while personally feeling that God had left me, I had to remember that his word stands true on the fact that he’ll answer my prayers. So spirituality to me means perseverance and trusting that God has me, even in times of doubt.

  6. Isabella C
    I don’t like Catholicism. I think I’ve always had this opinion if I am being honest, but the reasoning behind it has changed over the years. When I was young I didn’t like being forced to sit still for so long, in middle school I didn’t like getting up early on the weekend, and a few years ago I definitely didn’t enjoy when my grandpa disowned me because my sexuality is a “vile sin”. It honestly makes me kind of sad that people can take a book that is about love and acceptance and turn it into a reason to hate others. I know that not everyone is like that, as I have met some amazing people who worship a god of their choice and some of my best friends are religious, but I’ve had too many bad experiences. I can’t speak about all religions, as I don’t have personal experience with a lot of them, and I would never judge someone on what they believe (you do you), but based on what I have experienced and the harm it has caused me, I don’t think I’ll ever be a religious person. I wish I could be, because, at the end of the day, I’m kind of jealous. I wish I could believe in something so strongly, I wish that I could feel secure and happy dying because I believe there is more after, I wish I believed in confession cleansing the soul so I won’t have the carry the weight of the past. But I don’t.

    • Thank you for sharing your story, Isabella. If you are looking for campus resources to help address issues related to sexuality and discrimination, UMassD has a page here with more information:

    • I couldn’t agree with anything more. I adore you being so vulnerable for I have struggled with the same experience! When I was younger my nana forced me into a religion, and now being older I have to hide things from her, or else she’ll cut me off! I’m proud of you always!

  7. Alfred Hernandez

    As a Christian, faith has always been a tough subject. Is faith merely believing? Or is it working something out with an added level of trust? The struggle begins within the universal Christian church. The many denominations and divisions make it clear that we have begun to worry more about interpretation and motivation than discipline and faith. When we live by interpretation and motivation alone, although it may seem good at first, it opens the door to many mistakes and also leads to the slothful pride we take upon ourselves when we condone our shortcomings. However, discipline allows us to stand back up after a mistake and with faith keep moving forward. So of course, what exactly does faith do? It convinces us that our next step will be worthwhile.

    When a small child has faith in their father, they are convinced that if they put their trust in him that they can travel safely with him, that they can be honest, ect. Likewise it is with God, that if we put our faith in him, he will save us from death. The expression of this faith convinces us to have humility and righteous living. Although a believer in God may stumble in sin, their faith allows for correction and discipline. So faith is never alone, it is expressed through our actions.

    Because of this whenever I obey the commands of Jesus, for example, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ or ‘Love your enemies’, I understand that life is bigger than we think which is why I ought to forgive my enemies and anybody that lives differently to my expectations. When I forgive my enemies because of my faith in Christ, I trust that this will inspire (1) discipline in my character, (2) repentance in my enemy, and (3) honor for the teachings of God. For this reason, I understand faith and work live together.

    Although, I am anguished by the division in the church and in this world. In this world I had to make a decision in faith whether to be atheist or christian, and by becoming Christian I chose to live differently than many of my friends. But even within Christianity I had to make another decision in the faith, which church is the correct one. Thus, I made the decision to be Catholic. All of this I know separates me from friends and even many in the faith, but I take this step of faith trusting in Christ, that ultimately, I am doing this for him.

    So it can also be said, faith is a sacrifice. That if anybody has faith, they ought to sacrifice their shortcomings and walk forward. If anybody has faith in Jesus Christ, they ought to bear their cross and follow him. This may come at the cost of some friendships, or public image, or habits, or you might even need to sacrifice your hatred for somebody in order that you may forgive them, but it will all be worth it.

  8. Blessing Valcourt
    I believe that Jesus died and rose again. I also believe that He will one day return to this Earth, and collect those who have repented and believe in the Gospel. Without God, I really cannot do anything alone. I feel grateful to have been raised in a very spiritual family because I know everything I accomplish is not through me, but through Him, and the strength that He gives me. Praying also brings a lot of peace. Even if you are in a tough situation with no immediate solution, having patience and other fruits of the spirit can aid in bringing peace to your life. Trusting in Him and not taking things into your own hands really helps in times of need. Specifically, all this is towards Christianity. Of course every religion has its downsides, but I see none with Jesus. What I have grown to love the most is that his mercy and grace is ever lasting. I can humble myself and ask for forgiveness everyday. That doesn’t mean I should sin on purpose, but it teaches me that no one is perfect, He sees me for who I am and I would never give that up. Even down to gifts like the Holy Spirit and Discernment. Knowing what is right and wrong, & having the power to make the correct choices in life that coordinates with the plans He has for us. His love is the best love, you won’t find it in a boy. But he sends specific people to mimic and show you how He loves you. discerning that love, and praying that it is indeed from Him and not the enemy. I’m only 18 and have been through so much. In times were depression came over, I eventually won the battle with the help of Jesus Christ. If no weapon formed against you prospers, believe it! Being a Christian is beyond memorizing bible verses and posting them on IG. It’s having a close relationship with Jesus, doing what it takes to please Him, and mimicking the way He treats you to your neighbors and close ones.

    • Hey blessing I like how you said you overcame what you were going through with the help of Jesus Christ because without him I wouldn’t be at the place I am rn. Nice blog!

    • I love your perspective on living authentically as a Christian! I have often found and struggled myself with only showing my faith on the surface, on “Instagram” or sharing Bible verses with friends. Its important to truly embrace Christ behind the scene through intimate prayer!

  9. Regina White
    UMassD Believes

    I heavily believe in researching and respecting all religions to achieve a greater understanding of ourselves.
    Growing up in a Unitarian Universalist community, I learned to take in all information on what others may believe in and give myself the space to choose what I believe in myself. I was never forced to believe in any God, the Bible, or the Torah coming from a Judeo-Christo Church. We learned about loving thy neighbor and leaving the world better than we found it. We read the Old Testament stories as just that; Stories. Picking parts of religions that we hold to ourselves and not holding others’ beliefs against them held our church together, as a community.
    Although it’s not how I remember it as a child, I still go back on some Sundays just to reconnect, after taking some time to look toward other religions for guidance. The image of my mother from my childhood is my biggest supporter, although now her journey has moved away from the church, in my head she still is teaching my sister and me about the rain gods, loving all animals including slugs, and pagan remedies using herbs from our garden.
    I believe in truly understanding the world and the people around us, before fully committing to what we understand on the inside.

    • I agree with you 100% that researching and respecting all religions causes you to achieve a greater unerstanding of ones self. Choosing what to believe on your own is an important step to take when transitioning into a better frame of mind.

    • I appreciate and agree with your desire to learn about each religion and faith. The more knowledge gained from your research can only benefit yourself and others!

    • I agree, there might be different religious beliefs and learning of each is something that interests me, in the end we all share strong feelings toward what we believe in.

    • I agree, researching and respecting everything we experience can better shape us once a little perspective is brought into proportion.

  10. Summer writing project
    Vasilios Nikopoulos
    I believe in Eastern Orthodoxy as the true Christian faith. I myself respect other Christian’s but at the end of the day I believe in the truth and the true church. The true church to me is the Orthodox Church.
    To back track and give some history the church was started and grew throughout the Roman Empire. Rome itself had persecuted Christian’s for many years. It was till the Roman emperor Constantine who was a Christian made it the official religion of Rome. From this point I until 1054 there was one church. In 1054 the church spilt between west and the eastern Roman Empire. After this the western church would split multiple more times. The Orthodox Church would stay the same up till modern day. Due to these facts I believe that the Orthodox Church is the true church and is the religion I will follow till I die because it is the closest to god.

  11. Ricky Maina

    I always believed in God but there was times I asked myself, do I really believe in God? I grew up in a Christian household and Jesus was always apart of my life but I never really let him in my heart. I never went to seek him or his faith, I was just a Christian who went to church every Sunday. When I turned 16 I decided to take a step further and walk in the path of God. I started praying more, reading the bible, spreading the gospel with friends, there was no better feeling of walking in the path of Christ. Yes, there’s sometimes where I get thrown off or some distractions that lead me away from God, but the love would never leave me. Having something to believe in is so beautiful and the faith that I have for the man above keeps our relationship close. Seeking God was the best thing that’s ever happened to me and if you are in a position right now where your lost that’s ok. Open up to a friend, research on how to connect, and you will see a difference in yourself and a difference in how God moves with you. I love Jesus, and Jesus loves you.

    • Ricky, what a simple yet impactful story about your faith. Having a relationship with God is always the best way to go.

  12. Logan Rodrigues

    When people think of a home, it is typical to credit the strong walls and roof that protect them or the furniture that provides comfort. However, the key to any successful structure is a strong foundation.
    Regardless of the path you take it all starts with you, therefore making us the foundations of life. Like any project, you need tools and the mind is a very useful tool when utilized properly. My belief story begins before I built a strong will in myself and it starts with me outside on a cold day. I hated the cold more than anything else and waiting for the school bus in the snow made me miserable. One day I was so cold I just began thinking about the previous summer when I was at a beach on a hot day. Closing my eyes, I used my senses one at a time trying to recreate the warmth and happiness from that day. For a brief second, I made myself believe that I was warm. The next day I tried again and this time I felt warm for a longer time. Over the winter I made a habit of doing this daily and it eventually became second nature to me and the cold never bothered me. Shortly after that, I saw a quote from Lao Tzu that goes “Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits….” and this inspired me to try this with self-confidence. I told myself I believed I would be successful. I deceive my brain by telling it something over and over until it believes what it is being told. I found confidence growing in myself. The growth was miniscule at first but then it grew exponentially after I disciplined my thoughts. During covid, I had free time to run an experiment. I used the plank exercise which is infamous for how tiring it gets after a while. I would try to hold the position as long as I could, but I got exhausted I noticed my thoughts got negative saying I couldn’t go anymore or I should just quit. Then I decided when I started to get tired I would tell myself positive thoughts saying I believe I still have more in the tank, and I know I can go for longer. The results were positive just like the thoughts. I managed to beat my personal best every day for a couple of months straight. The exercise has little importance in the following stages of life, but the discipline to believe in myself will continue to be of value because it gives me an extra ability. That is why I choose to believe in myself.

  13. Patrick Sennott

    For me religion has always been in my life, but it became one of my core values on March 25th of 2018. That was the day that my dad died out of nowhere. I began to question everything I ever believed. If God was real why would he be so cruel? What had I done to deserve this? At the time I was a 13 year old boy who had Jost lost his superman, but as it says in John 13:7 “What I do you do not realize now, but you will understand hereafter.” Now I realize that the Lord has a plan for me and he gives his toughest battles to his strongest warriors. Looking back now, if I had not lost my dad my life would have taken an altogether different path. My faith got me through losing my dad and grandma, struggling with self image and bullying, and so much more. While walking with Christ isn’t always the easiest thing to do, in the end any pain can not compare to joy that follows. I have grown to appreciate every challenge that I face because I know that no matter how difficult it is there is a reason for it that I don’t know yet, and a lesson to be learned from it. My faith has altered my life and taught me so many lessons on how to better myself and those around me. Trying to live for the Lord changes how you look at your day to day life. You begin to notice the small things which are holding you back from your true potential and when you change them you see the impact that God can have. Through him all things are possible, all you have to do is have faith.

  14. Grace Vasconserve
    Summer writing
    11 August 2023

    What do you believe about spirituality?

    I believe that it is important to read and study from as many religions as you can. Humans are a part of the ultimate reality. It doesn’t matter what faith/religion you believe in or whether those beliefs are right or wrong, because the end goal for every single one of them is spiritual fulfillment. Most religions teach that one must reach spiritual perfection to live peacefully. The human condition is the answer to why we suffer. Transcendence is the salvation of the normal limitations imposed by the human condition. It is possible to overcome the human condition either from attaining salvation or death. For example in Hinduism salvation is achieved through moksha. Moksha is the liberation of the atman from the bondage of samsara. This ends the cycle of rebirth, death, and suffering when a person’s Karma has been fulfilled. In Christianity and Islam it is taught that spiritual perfection awaits in the afterlife. In Buddhism salvation comes from following the noble eightfold path. The eightfold path is right mindfulness, right concentration, right effort, right speech, right thought, right action,right understanding, and right livelihood. Buddha came to the conclusion that we create our own suffering and the path out of suffering lies within us. We suffer because we crave, are focused on our ego, assume things are permanent when they are not, and we must realize that things are not permanent. When we do that, we reach nirvana ( liberation). Studying many religions enables us to know each one, including our own, more precisely. It provides a better understanding of the world and gives us insight into why people do the things they do.

    • Super important points you brought up! I love how you approached this with respect rather than judgement!

  15. Jonathan S.
    Being raised as a catholic, I had difficulty understanding why we needed to praise God. As I grew up, I put a lot of my faith in education and treated my teachers with respect. As I did, more questions arouse as I learned more and more. I could not help but ask myself what I wanted most.
    With my faith in education and rules, I always feared expressing myself to the world. I was scared that if I did, I would be judged. I realized that these thoughts were all in my head, and no one else was thinking them except me. I then learned about the Law of Attraction. It opened a new world that I never knew existed.
    It was still confusing to know what is right and wrong. As I continued my education and my life, I kept these thoughts to myself. I believed it would cause catastrophic impact in everything everyone believes individually. This thought frustrates me because I can not help myself to follow the rules and follow those who know more than me.
    In time I figured out patience is required in the Law of Attraction. With more information I obtained, I began to create new faith that I find hard or even impossible to describe. In the best that I can, I believe everyone is capable of doing anything and everything. No matter the will power of an individual, a person has the right and claim over their body and soul. Your body will always be your universe: you can do anything.

  16. Xavier Lopes

    What I You Believe In?
    The Merriam-Webster Dictionary dictates that the word believe has many different definitions for various usages. Believing in something is like a moral – something that you believe to be true that inspires you to do better as a human, to pick the better choice for the greater good, or even what characterizes you as a good friend. Believing in something is what every human holds close to them and uses to characterize who they are in their own story. The definition that I am utilizing is the belief “to accept something as true, genuine, or real.” Whether we see, hear, or feel Him – God is the almighty. When someone asks me how I know that He is real, I ask them if they take the time to listen. God speaks to you when you least expect it. He uses you as a vessel, but doesn’t ask for you to tell people what is right or wrong. The only things that He asks of you is to believe and to love your neighbor as you love him. Whether you know it or not, God is all around you, watching and protecting you. He is listening in your most distraught and joyful times. People often have the misconception that there is a secular way to worship and love God. He doesn’t have a set rule system that says to do this and that. God knows that every person needs something different. He knows what every person needs and His timing is always right. I will leave you with this, Romans 1:16.

  17. Growing up in a strict Christian African household we always had to go to church every Sunday and always had long prayers before bed. I never wanted to do any of those and was always lazy and reluctant about it. Left to me I would’ve stayed home Sunday’s and slept in every night through the prayers but my mother always forced me and my siblings. Till this day she does, but I’m glad she did and she does.
    My faith in God, the father, the son, Jesus Christ and the HolySpirit have gotten me through my 18 years of my life. I’ve been through a lot of adversities that I’ve overcome because of prayers and faith.
    I believe my faith in God and my hardwork will get me through my College years.

  18. Kristina Sousa
    Summer Writing Project
    UMass D
    14 August, 2023
    As a student navigating the challenges of academic life, social interactions, and personal growth, concepts like spirituality, mindfulness, and faith take on unique and valuable meanings to me personally. These aspects offer a sort of framework for understanding myself and the world around me, providing guidance and support during times of stress and uncertainty. Spirituality for me involves exploring the deeper questions of life, purpose, and existence. It’s a journey of self-discovery that goes beyond the confines of textbooks and exams. It’s about seeking a connection to something greater than oneself, and for me, this includes: nature, art, and religious practices. Engaging with spirituality offers me a sense of meaning and belonging, especially when faced with the challenges and transitions that college life will bring.
    While mindfulness helps me tune into thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This gives me a chance to approach challenges with greater clarity and equanimity. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a few minutes to pause and reflect, this can cultivate a sense of balance amidst the chaos of our academic journey. Now faith doesn’t necessarily refer only to religious beliefs; it can also encompass trust in oneself, in others, and in the process of life itself. For me, faith involves having confidence in my skills and abilities to overcome obstacles and learn from failures. It means trusting that the experiences and opportunities I encounter, whether positive or negative, will contribute to my personal and academic growth now and in the near future. Overall, these concepts can intertwine and complement each other in meaningful ways. When I remind myself of spiritual values, I also lead myself to explore mindfulness practices, which allow me to manage stress and anxiety more effectively. Altogether, all three of these topics co-exist for me as faith provides the strength I seek out during challenging times, and mindfulness helps me acknowledge this and stay connected to myself, my goals, and my future. Together, these elements create a holistic approach to navigating the complexities of college life.

  19. I’ve been trying to adjust to so many changes recently, college being one of them, and it’s been difficult. It’s especially hard to know if other people my age are experiencing the same nerves and anxiety I’m feeling. One thing that’s really helped me through my overthinking is manifestation. To quickly clarify, manifestation is the bringing of something tangible to your life through attraction and belief. I use manifestation in my daily life to attract positivity and and ease my anxiety.
    While some may feel as though manifestation is corny or doesn’t work, I disagree. Ive seen real changes in how I think, act, and treat people since I’ve picked up this practice. You truly need the right mindset and the right attitude in order for it to benefit you in any way. You don’t need to be a part of any specific religion to practice manifestation, anyone and everyone can pick it up.
    Manifestation has so many different aspects like positive affirmations and the law of attraction. If you’re interested in starting here are some tips. Be clear about what you want; be specific in what you’re attracting as sometimes you may get exactly what you ask for. Visualize what you want; visually picturing the things you want is a great way to attract what you’d like quickly. Focus on positive thoughts and emotions; doubt and skepticism will only hinder your manifestations. Take actions toward your goals; you need to play a part in getting what you want! The universe won’t do everything for you.

  20. Growing up being part of a Catholic Church I’ve learned many things. One important thing that always stood by me was Believing and listening are two different things when it comes to going to church. You can sit in a church service for an hour and say you were listening to the whole service but now we’re you believing the word of the lord? were you taking that time to be mindful? Not just listen to the Bible but take the time to pray for yourself for your family for that stressful week you were having. I’ve heard so many kids say they only go to church because they are forced to. Most don’t understand that having Faith is a journey they need to accept themselves you can’t just go to church and expect God to reveal himself you need to accept him in your heart, believe in his words and you’ll see the glory it is to have a connection with God.

    God gave me the blessing to be a youth leader. To guide the youth in my community to build their connection with God to guide them through this beautiful journey. I understand Being Catholic I might get judged by others by what I believe in. But that’s okay because my faith is too strong to let that bother me my love is overpowering I know God is within me, my family and most importantly in my heart. So if you’re a person who genuinely struggles to find your path with God and feels stuck because of what you’re going through today I’m here to pray for you.

    “God I come to you today to pray for the person reading this who struggles to build their connection with you I pray they find the guidance to get closer to you to believe in you, to open their hearts, and love you the way I do and if they need help finding there faith bring them to me so I can guide them and give them the tools to believe in you Amen”

    • I really love the point you brought up in you’re question -were you taking that time to be mindful? that was so well said !

  21. Spirituality, mindfulness, and faith are all deeply personal and subjective experiences that can greatly enrich our lives. Spirituality encompasses our connection to something greater than ourselves, whether it’s through religious beliefs, a higher power, or a sense of interconnectedness with the universe. It allows us to explore the deeper questions of existence and find meaning and purpose in our lives.
    Mindfulness, on the other hand, is the practice of being fully present and aware in the present moment. It involves paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. By cultivating mindfulness, we can enhance our self-awareness, reduce stress, and find greater clarity and peace in our daily lives.
    Faith, in its various forms, provides a framework for belief and trust in something beyond our immediate understanding. It can provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of belonging. Whether it’s faith in a religious tradition, in oneself, or in the inherent goodness of humanity, it can serve as a source of strength and resilience.
    While these concepts may differ from person to person, I believe that spirituality, mindfulness, and faith all have the potential to bring us closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. They can provide solace in times of hardship, inspire personal growth, and foster a sense of connection with others. Ultimately, they offer us the opportunity to cultivate a more meaningful and fulfilling life. In my family we are very spiritual, we believe in God with all our hearts. I personally believe that if I walk with God everything stressing me out in my life will sort itself out.

  22. Sarah Moniz
    Blog Post
    14 August, 2023

    In my waiting, in the weeping, in my sewing and in my reaping, I rejoice in the Lord. The greatest blessing of my life has been not only to love the Lord, but to serve him in all I do. To be a font of His holiness and a monstrance of his glory. In every attempt to rebel against my Catholic upbringing, I have only drawn myself deeper into His mercy and grace. To live without Jesus is simply to disacknowledge his daily presence as a companion, guardian, and waymaker. The discomfort that Sunday mass brought, with its cheek-pinching neighbors, clammy handshakes, rough cushioned kneelers, and sour bread; such a fuss seemed positively unnecessary and cruel as a restless child. A maturing teen who wanted nothing but to fit in, simply could not dream of embracing such a countercultural religion. In this defiance and weakness, I learned that true peace and fulfillment is found in the surrendering of my will to His own. Though opposition and judgment are posed against the teachings of Catholicism, it is in this suffering and hardship that I am made more like my Savior, who was also once ridiculed and teased, giving me reason to rejoice in the challenge. I never wish to disrespect or undermine the beliefs of others, but rather serve as an example of my faith and broaden their perspective, so that they too might feel the peace of living in Jesus Christ. Such a love is difficult to understand and even harder to articulate. My Catholic faith is more than just my lifestyle, it is my purpose for living, and I will honor it all the days of my life.

  23. I believe wether you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc we all have the same common goal. We all want to honor something higher then are self, we all want to better out lives, and we all want to be good people. I believe faith is the fairy dusk that gives spirituality its magic. Our faith is our power I believe where your faith grows your sprit goes. I believe whatever after life you believe in is were you go when you die. I believe spirituality is custom to each person.

  24. Caleb French
    Blog Post

    In everything I have gone through and have seen regarding religion I still believe it is an important part of the world. It gives the people a reason to believe in something when it seems that there is nothing, gives them the power to push through adversity. While many religions differ in what they worship and how they worship and even how many Gods they worship it comes down to two factors, the good and the bad, heaven and hell for example. Every religion has some form of punishment and reward for those that follow the teachings and for those that don’t. As someone who grew up a Christian seeing all these people use the lord’s name to do these delusional acts and deny people treatment or be rude to people or just use the word Christian as a right to be treated better is frankly sickening. It’s so frustrating to see the news cover the Christians that are rude and greedy and refuse to help people in need which is one the whole ideals for Christianity. But regardless I know that there are good people who might not show up in the news all the time and people who are doing good regardless of what the media paints them out to be. But it is hard to keep going on especially when the route to leave is so easy to go down and just be done with religion. A lot of testing was done through the pandemic with churches closing and people staying home and just taking time to think if this was really necessary and just stopping all together. But for those that have decided to keep pushing, good luck.

  25. Although I’ve never been an overly religious person-prayer and believing in God is something my family has instilled in me. God helps us in everyday life. This belief is found in many different religions and cultures, and it has a big impact on people’s lives.
    When people believe that God helps them, it’s like having someone to turn to when things get tough. It’s like a comforting feeling that helps them stay strong and hopeful when they face difficult times. It’s a way to never truly feel alone. Some like myself might pray or meditate to feel connected and get guidance.
    Believing in God can also encourage people to be kind and caring. Many religions teach that it’s important to help others and be compassionate. So, when people believe that God is watching over them, it motivates them to do good things for others, like helping those who are struggling or in need.
    But not everyone sees it the same way. Some people might think that the idea of God helping is a way for our minds to cope with challenges or to explain things we can’t understand. They might see it as a way our brains work to find comfort and meaning.
    So, whether you believe in God’s help as a source of comfort and inspiration, or you see it as a way to encourage kindness and good deeds, this belief is a big part of many people’s lives and influences how they think and act. Faith in God has helped me understand myself in so many ways and has influenced me to be a better person. My faith in him has helped me through difficult situations. Lastly, God to me is in the smiles of people, it can be felt during a song or a sunset. Whether you believe in God or a higher power I hope you find peace that we are never alone.

  26. Jack G

    Religion is one of the most important factors of this world that seems to influence every detail of life. There are countless faiths and traditions that connect people to other people by worshipping a deity that they believe is the source of life. By worshipping to the deity of their religion, a person may feel a sense of renewed purpose in their journey that can help elevate them to where they want to be in life. However, I myself can feel that at times I am confused about the purpose of faith and how it actually impacts people’s lives. A frequent question asked to worshippers of a religion is “how do you know your God is real?” Someone could answer that they feel God inside of them, another may look to the Bible as evidence, and others could say they just do. In my opinion there will never be a way to truly confirm that a deity is real, for as a species there is no form of action that can prove the existent of so-said deity. I believe that religion doesn’t need an answer to the question of if God is real, because religion is so much more than just worshipping and praying. Faith brings a sense of belonging and family that can’t be seen just anywhere, it is a very special part of life that anyone can have. Religion can make people better themselves while also improving their own communities at the same time, therefore I believe there is no need to the answer of if a higher deity exists.

  27. Onyi
    The word believe has two definitions. One being the acceptance of truth, while the other pretends to the opinion of truth and thinking or supposing that that idea stands factual. Both these definitions reflect what I believe in, which is God. I grew up in a very religious household with family members who attended church every Sunday. You would think being born into a family that hold these morals I would obviously adapt them, you would be wrong. I have always been the type of thinker who needs hard evidence and information on a subject to understand it and assume it. With something such as religion I never got that data. I watched as my family benefited from church and the word of the lord. I never understood why I could not reap these benefits or feel fulfilled in the same way they did. I began to loose myself and felt far different from my immediate family. In August of last year 2022, I suffered a loss of a close friend of mine. This was a very difficult time for me and I felt more alone than ever. I caught myself asking god “why..why him?” and began feeling angry at the unknown. As I turned to God with more and more questions of “why” I realized I had already accepted him as a truth, as a being with higher mortal power. I was missing my opinion, taking the idea of the lord and making him factual in my mind. The acceptance was far easier for me to consume than the opinion. I guess I always knew he was there and that he held a certain power but proving to myself that the words in the Bible and the ideals relayed to me at church were factual was more difficult. I began to take other things I believed in and stripping them for their natural being. I asked myself, why I blindly followed these ideals that have no factual evidence at all, such as love at first sight. After taking all the other things I do believe in that do not contain evidence of realism, it became easier for me to except god. I began going to church and taking the prayers not as direct quotes but expressions that have the potential to turn true if thought about correctly. This switch in notion allowed me to open myself up for prayer. I am happy to say I feel I belong again and that I have truly found something I believe in. Though certain aspects of the scripture keep me wondering I still have supposed the idea of god being factual. I am happy to say I believe in God.

  28. I’ve decided to write about spirituality because I’ve always been told as a kid that we were put on this earth because of a being named God and that we should honor and worship him, and I felt like the Caribbean household I grew up in was forced by my grandmother to choose Christianity. I’ve struggled with the idea if there was even a god above sometimes. If you watch, when someone says a prayer, they are usually talking about their life, asking for forgiveness or change from a being that no one has ever seen. I would watch my grandmother say a prayer every morning to God, asking for protection for her family and herself, before I went off to school, and I’ve always wondered why she’s always praying every day at a specific time. I was too young to understand, but that was her way of comforting herself. And I too did have faith in God. When she passed, I started to question if there was truly a man above listening to my prayers. I used to pray that she could be able to watch me walk across the stage at my high school graduation. I’ve questioned you on a continuous basis. Why wasn’t mine answered? Why does he take loved ones away at the time that they are needed the most? I believe that there is an explanation for the creation of this world and that people find spirituality as a comfort zone sometimes, and then there’s times that I feel like there is a stronger being above.

  29. When approaching the topics of religion, you should proceed with an open mind. Everyone has their own opinions, and they are allowed to have them. I have an extremely open mind regarding religion and love learning about different cultural practices. Many countries are forced to follow one religion; we should be grateful that we live in a country that enables us to choose what religion to follow. Yes, some judgmental people will not support you, but at the end of the day, we are free to choose. There are so many different religions and practices that, for me, it’s hard to believe in just one. I grew up “catholic” (I went to church twice a year), but as I got older, I realized it was important to me to believe in something greater than myself. I am still figuring out what I believe in, but for now, I believe in the power of the universe. There is some truth in every religion. I trust the universe and believe in omens and signs from the universe. “Universe” means kind of whatever power is out there. We will never know, so go about it with an open mind and heart.

  30. MatthewC
    Throughout my life, I always thought why do I want to follow the Catholic religion? I believe that it’s real and because of that I believe it is good but it just seems like restrictions on my life. One of the things that we were made with and made to have was freedom. I never understood how we were free when I thought we had to live a certain way. As time went on I recently started to get more into it as I was learning here and there. Eventually, I learned that my understanding of freedom and Catholicism was wrong. Even in the place we live, we are free but that doesn’t mean I can go and kill someone and then go home kick back and relax. Religion isn’t about doing what you are told or what you’re “supposed to,” but about having a relationship with God. We are free because we have options. Even though some things are wrong and we shouldn’t do them but want to doesn’t mean we aren’t free. Our freedom is the option to choose good and choose God every time when the bad is still there as an option. What freedom would we have if we only had one path ahead of us with only one choice? Would you want a relationship with someone because they’re your only option? Or because they have seen what the world has to offer and choose you every time.

  31. I think this is a good topic for me because over the years I have learned that the more you trust in god the more he does more with you. If you notice when people pray they are praying in the moment because they are scared or need help. I have learned to do it even when i dont need help it made it easy for me to just talk to him on the daily i have also learned to pray first then ask others for help. I grew up in a Caribbean House hold where u cant say his name in vain or dishonor him, I am greatfull for everything that he done for me and im glad that their is a higher power and he the reason we was forgiven in my opinion and it thought me to never give up on something at all, just because u cant see him doesn’t mean he not their with you in my opinion. I feel like when you really are praying to just pray your mind goes to peace and your body relax and yes not everything gonna happen instantly but things do fall in place with him. I fear nothing at all because I know he is with me through absolutely anything and everything protecting but honestly just go with a open mindset to anything and believe in yourself.

  32. If you are not directly harming anyone, you should be allowed to do what you want. I identify as a transgender woman and use she/her pronouns. In 2020, I transitioned from male to female. Growing up male in a semi-conservative family, I never felt like myself. I was miserable, never able to smile. Transitioning isn’t something I will ever regret. I’m so glad I was able to experiment with my identity because it allowed me to grow and realize who I really am, allowing myself to be truly happy. Once I started dressing as and being referred to as a woman, acting more feminine and like my true self, I became much happier. I started to smile naturally without force. My world became so much brighter. I felt glad to be alive rather than like I had to get through another day. However, this change was met with backlash. From being told I didn’t “look woman enough” to being intentionally misgendered as a kind of punishment for being myself, I, like so many other transgender people, was and still are made to feel like we don’t belong every day. We are villainized and made to feel like we are hurting people for being ourselves. However, that isn’t true at all. Only after realizing I wasn’t hurting anyone by being a woman was I able to be proud to freely express who I am, despite the consistent bigotry in modern society.

  33. I believe that spirituality gives important guidance in my life. I always grew up as a Christian. I was baptized as a baby and was raised in a church but never truly knew God until I chose to expect him into my life. Before I formed my own relationship with God and read the Scriptures, I didn’t know what it meant to be a Christian. I didn’t know the different stories from the bible. I didn’t know how to properly show my faith. I was living life just to live, but once creating this relationship, I was living for a cause greater than just me, which didn’t mean I was serving to make it to heaven but serving the lord out of gratitude for all he’s done for me. This change in the way I live my life gives me structure and guidance, no matter the mistake I make or the days where my bible goes untouched, he forgives. One scripture you can look to for encouragement is in the book of Proverbs 3:3-6, which states “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” This line is one of many that shows anyone can lean on the lord for guidance in this life. And while newly living for god looks different for everyone and it isn’t a complete 180 in my lifestyle, knowing that he will always be in my corner is a feeling beyond comparison and keeps me in line. I believe that there is more than just this life with God and I choose him.

  34. Growing up in the faith and living for God’s purpose has been wonderful. You can feel the love of everyone around you and the support even in troubling times. I get reminded of Psalms 34:17-18 which states, “The Lord hears good people when they cry out to him, and he saves them from all their troubles.” This is the great thing about Jesus. It doesn’t matter if you leave him, I mean we all sin because we have free will. We are not forced to do anything, which is why we as humans are set apart from any other animal on this planet, He chose us! It also does not matter what denomination or church you belong to. If you follow Him, repent, and read the Bible for guidance. Everyone can be saved.

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