UMassD Believes 2023

Summer Writing Project


What do you believe about education?

Post submissions here that match this topic thread in comments.


  1. I believe education is far more than just the K-12 and college years. It’s a cumulative collection of memories and experiences throughout our lifetimes shaping who we are and how we live.

    Something that’s stuck with me for the past few years ever since I heard it was that the things we learn in math class (1 + 1 = 2, a2 + b2 = c2, how to find the derivative and antiderivative and do both at the same time) are not because we explicitly need to know how to do those things. We do it to learn how to organize our thoughts and come to logical conclusions from data. It’s all exercise for our brains in problem solving. The more practice in taking apart the complicated equations, the better we can see patterns in problems in our real life that have nothing to do with math at all. Some educators may feel strongly otherwise or they may not know at all–they just teach what they’re told.

    But school classes don’t teach you all you could know in life. They are not a complete education, especially not when you look at all the classes you’ve ever taken in life. Starting from kindergarten, it’s a mix of some physical education, bits of history, scaling math and English classes, a few science classes in the high school years, and a sprinkling of electives. There’s not much variety and there’s clearly not enough to cover all the things in the world. There are thousands of places to go, hundreds of cultures to experience and learn about. On my recent trip to Hawaii, I was fortunate enough to go to the Polynesian Cultural Center, a sort of hands-on experience and glimpse into the cultures of Polynesia. I learned far more about their cultures in one day than I ever had in the several years of history classes. Life experiences are far more than the words in a textbook.

    We learned how to talk from attempting conversation with other people. The best way to learn a new language is with people who know it. We truly only learn when we go out and experience life for what it is. When we get burned by the fire, we (hopefully) learn to not touch it. This is why I believe education encompasses far more than just the classroom hours.

    Thank you for reading!
    – Jennifer Lins ’27

    • Very very well explained thoughts on this. You really did well with your views on the education and the many things you have learned along the years

    • I liked all of your thoughts and you did really well on all of your views on what you believe in for education. I hear what your saying all the time because people don’t want to go to school or don’t like to go to school.

    • This is a very well thought out blog post. I love how you mention why we learn all of that math throughout the years. It is extremely cool that you have visited Hawaii!

    • I agree that education extends beyond the classrooms we sit in. True learning is done outside and through experience, socializing, talking to other people, and exploring everything that interests us. I’ve learned some of my best lessons outside of textbooks and outdated curriculums. when you were talking about all the technical things you memorized from school and explained how you don’t take it for what it is and you know that it’s not really that that’s going to help you but instead stated that we learn It’s to practice how to break down and solve our problems to come to logical conclusions that will help us realize patterns of problems that spoke to me. I never looked at it that way, and it reminded me of advice that a teacher gave me when I asked them what I was ever going to use this for, and she told me that when it comes to school, not all of it is going to matter and to not take anything at face value and instead come in and grab what I need from it. She said a school is a tool, and if I utilize it as such and get from it what matters to me, it will help me a lot in life.

    • Love it.

    • I think your belief on education is very well said. Education is sincerely important to our lives as far as bettering ourselves academically for the future, however the core memories that come within are just as important. I have met so many friends and made so many connections with teachers and faculty, as well as created infinite core memories that I will remember forever. Sometimes the best teacher is indefinitely experience, especially with other peers. The main principal is to learn to balance both education and socializing and to combine them to allow yourself to gain as much knowledge as possible, on paper or in the real world.

  2. “History is so boring” is something I hear very often when I tell people my major. I learned to shrug these comments off, but they have always gotten under my skin. I’ve always found importance in learning about our past, and I still fail to understand how someone could not do the same. History helps contextualize our lives today; current events can almost always be connected to past events. It helps us to avoid repeating mistakes and, most importantly in my opinion, adds perspective to our own individual lives. Learning about the past could help us understand each other, or even ourselves and families, on a deeper level. Without history, our past would be erased; we would never be able to connect to our roots in any meaningful way. In learning about history, I feel connected to people who lived centuries ago.

    No matter how advanced society becomes, many aspects of human nature remain unchanging; this idea has brought me comfort and is one of the main reasons why I love history so much. I put on makeup in the same way an ancient Egyptian woman did centuries ago. I eat food prepared in the same way that my Taino ancestors prepared it before colonization. We all feel the same longing for love and community that people have felt since humans have existed. For all of these reasons, I believe that history is an integral part of education, regardless whether or not it is “boring” to learn about.

    • I totally feel the same way about loving history. Not only do I feel like learning from the mistakes of the past is essential to building both our characters and society itself, but honestly I found history itself really interesting as well. People who say history is a boring major are just weird fr.

    • I really love how you live in a way that involves your personal history. A history major is totally valid, we need more historians in the world to make sure we don’t repeat the mistakes of our past.

  3. I believe that Beliefs in education encompass a spectrum of convictions that shape how educators, students, and stakeholders perceive, approach, and engage with learning and teaching. These deeply-held viewpoints significantly impact educational practices, methodologies, and outcomes.
    At the heart of educational beliefs lies the understanding that learning is a transformative journey. Educators’ beliefs about their students’ potential, abilities, and diverse learning styles drive their instructional strategies. Believing in the capacity of every student to learn, these educators employ methods that cater to individual needs, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment. Furthermore, educational beliefs encompass the role of critical thinking and creativity in learning. Educators who value these aspects often structure their curricula to encourage exploration, problem-solving, and originality. They recognize that fostering these skills equips students to adapt to an ever-evolving world. Beliefs also influence the relationship between education and character development. Some educators believe in instilling values such as empathy, responsibility, and integrity alongside academic knowledge. This approach aims to shape competent professionals and well-rounded individuals.

    Student beliefs play a crucial role as well. Students’ self-perceptions and beliefs about their abilities can influence their motivation, confidence, and academic performance. Teachers who acknowledge and address these beliefs can help students develop a growth mindset, encouraging them to embrace challenges and learn from setbacks.

    In conclusion, beliefs within education are the undercurrents that influence instructional approaches, student mindsets, and the overall educational experience. By recognizing the impact of these beliefs, educators can tailor their methods to foster a more enriching and empowering learning journey, and students can harness their beliefs to cultivate a lifelong love for learning and personal growth.

    • I like how you emphasize the importance of the student/educator relationship in cultivating student success and self confidence needed to achieve it. Teachers play a vital and often overlooked role in shaping their students, as to better prepare them for their future and adulthood. A good teacher who recognizes this can make all the difference in a students life.

  4. I think of education as power, it holds a lot of power not only to people in present time but to the people in the past, and of course in the future. I believe that education is a topic that holds significance because not only has my community and family encourages having an education, but I also believe that education has such strong characteristic of your reputation. Whether starting your education as you’re younger or older, gaining education is something that you can’t regret learning, especially in modern times with new inventions, and disasters that are happening around the world. I believe that you can’t go wrong with having an education because having but also gaining knowledge during the span of your life can only benefit in ways we may not understand or help yourself and others out of unexpected situations. I also feel that education helps bring people closer, with favorite subjects and different topics to learn it can make many different connections. Having a strong education can also get you recognized by higher places, which can also mean a possibility of more subjects and topics to be discovered. I believe education can also be a way to help someone come out a rough patch.For some people, it can also easily take over someone’s mental health. For other people, education is a gateway to unlocking minds and they find joy. Not everyone has the same stance on education but I believe that education can be helpful but can be overbearing.

    • I totally agree that education is power! It really does give you so many opportunities, not just for career wise but also to make connections with people and expand your perspective. It can definitely be overwhelming sometimes as well. Love this!

  5. Deborah P
    I believe having a supportive and attentive educator throughout one’s developmental years is crucial in creating a positive atmosphere for learning and encourages students to pursue higher education or create career goals. I am a firm believer that educators are one of the most important people in our lives, especially at a young age. I was in the second grade in Mr. Shae’s classroom when I grew to love reading. When I had finished reading my first book, I was unable to comprehend how the characters I had loved so deeply and the adventures I had gone on, were all simply confined to ink printed on paper. I had become so fascinated with the words jumping off the page, that all I could do afterward was read any book I got my hands on, mesmerized by the scenes that had come to life and the places I would go.
    During my time in elementary school, my family had gone through many changes, and it was very difficult for me to adjust to. As a result of that I had begun to feel lots of anxiety when coming to school. He often encouraged the class to read along with him daily but considering my personal situation at home and out of kindness, he always offered accommodations such as a quieter room or extra time after school to go over lessons. Whenever I felt anxious or upset, he would offer a variety of books to choose from. I would take one home and swap it out for a new one the next day, it easily became something I looked forward to and I immediately fell in love with literature.
    Since then, picking up a book has been my escape. The stories always console me after a bad day and always offer me solitude, especially amid the global pandemic in 2020. Like many, I struggled with my mental health during the shutdown and had a hard time making friends once schools opened again. During those moments, reading and writing supported me endlessly. Reading kept me company during those difficult times, while writing in journals allowed me to navigate my thoughts and process my emotions.
    My second-grade teacher left such a positive impact on my life, it is because of him I have chosen to study English and hopefully be a teacher myself. I recently wrote Mr. Shae a letter, thanking him for sparking my passion for reading and for always being so kind and I hope he continues to teach for a long time. I believe many more kids should have impactful teachers such as him and feel excited to learn in classrooms the way that I did. It’s been almost a decade since I last saw him, but I think of him often and will always feel immense gratitude for having such an impactful educator in my life.

  6. I picked to write about education because I believe everyone should have the same chance at receiving a good education no matter the situation. Every kid should have the option of being taught in a classroom by a teacher. I believe that every kid should have a safe place that is filled with knowledge that can help them later on in life. And also have the best memories that they can make while at school. Education brings so many opportunities to life, things as better job opportunities

    • I completely agree that every child no matter age, race, gender, etc. should be able to access some form of education. The first few years of education is detrimental to a child’s developing mind which is why education is such an important right that everyone should be entitled to.

    • I completely agree that every child no matter age, race, gender, etc. should be able to access some form of education. The first few years of education is detrimental to a child’s developing mind which is why education is such an important right that everyone should be entitled to.

      Joey lasoskie

    • I agree that everyone should have a chance at a good education no matter what. Growing up in a poor city I was always looked down upon and considered dumb or unknowledgeable by people outside of our city due to a stigma around us but also because we weren’t known for having the best educators or education in general. I had one teacher who made it his life duty to give us the best education we could possibly have because he wanted us to have a shot to have at least one class where we were learning real, genuine, quality lessons compared to other schools where all classes were high quality. These classes made me appreciate and enjoy school so much more. I too believe every person still in school deserves to have a chance at an amazing education no matter where they’re from, what they look like, or what kind of person they may be.

  7. Education has historically been a difficult topic for me to discuss, so I chose to put myself out of my comfort zone. My father never graduated high school, my mom never attended college. Growing up even when we were barely making ends meet they always used it as a lesson. I can’t remember how many times my mom would say “don’t make the mistakes I did and you won’t have to live like this when you grow up” or something along those lines. Additionally the majority of my public education was fraught with trouble. I have ADHD, which wasn’t diagnosed until I was around 11. It made me feel very lackluster in my education, I was constantly branded a failure at home for this, and my problems at home then leaked out into my school life. It led to me being labeled, I was a trouble-maker, and an outcast. The word itself therefore brings so many tough feelings for me, but I have always believed in the power of education, which allowed me to persevere despite the troubles I had in school. To this day I still believe in the power of education. I believe not only in the power of the institution of education, and its ability to further my potential for success in a career, but also the power in the basic idea of education. As humans we are one of the best animals at learning, and I feel grateful everyday for the ability to educate myself everyday. Whether that be through a more disciplined setting, or by actively choosing to learn everyday.

  8. Education is critical and is a cornerstone to creating a stable society. Further, developing the incoming generations to keep society and economies within it the ability to thrive. Besides certain flaws within the education system, for the most part, sharpens the abilities of children trying to navigate through the world, giving them access to basic lanes of knowledge. For example, Math, Language, Sciences, and History, and in later years of primary school, allowing them to choose what type of classes they would like to take; helping sort out what they would like to do for their future career, namely choosing between Physics and Chemistry. However, after high school, I believe that the type of education is more important in comparison to just any degree. For example, if an individual is studying and giving maximum effort towards learning calculus but pursuing a career in sports media, then it wouldn’t make sense. This leads to my next point, purposeful learning. I previously said that education is critical, however, this doesn’t mean that any education is worth it. The whole point of an education is to improve and work towards a career of your choosing. But if a person is not selective with the type of classes and their overall approach, then they are wasting their time and, in college, their money as well. Around 62% of college graduates don’t end up working in their specific field, making their degree and time spent wasteful. Especially since, in recent times, certain universities can cost more than someone’s salary per semester. And some professions don’t require a college degree to make a liveable wage or even learn the material. Other options similar to trade schools would probably be the best option. Meaning that college isn’t and shouldn’t be the automatic and only route to success for all people, especially seeing the price tag next to it as well. In conclusion, with the right tools, mindset, and approach, education can be the defining trait between two individuals.

  9. Kai N

    I believe education is the cornerstone of personal growth, societal progress, and global advancement. It is the catalyst that empowers individuals to reach their full potential and equips them with the skills, knowledge, and critical thinking abilities needed to navigate an increasingly complex world. Education opens doors of opportunity, It enables individuals to expand their horizons, explore diverse perspectives, and engage with a wide range of subjects. This exposure not only nurtures intellectual curiosity but also cultivates empathy and understanding, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.

    Moreover, education is pivotal in driving economic development. A well-educated workforce is better prepared to adapt to evolving industries and technological advancements, enhancing productivity and innovation. Education nurtures a skilled labor force capable of tackling challenges, creating new solutions, and contributing to economic stability. Even beyond its economic and intellectual benefits, education plays a fundamental role in shaping responsible citizens. It instills values, ethics, and critical thinking skills that empower individuals to make informed decisions, participate actively in civic life, and contribute positively to their communities.

    Education also has a profound impact on health and well-being. It promotes awareness of healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and mental well-being. Informed individuals are more likely to make choices that lead to healthier lives, benefiting themselves and society at large.

    In conclusion, I strongly believe education is a transformative force that transcends generations. It empowers individuals with knowledge, cultivates essential skills, and fosters a sense of social responsibility. By investing in education, societies invest in their own progress, innovation, and cohesiveness. In an ever-evolving world, education stands as the key to unlocking human potential and building a brighter future for all.

  10. Guy Bamba

    I believe education has a strong impact on people’s futures, because It better citizens by getting good paid jobs. shows the difference between good and bad to make the environment a better place to live in. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us as human beings grow and develop so we are able to shape a better society knowing and respecting rights , laws, and regulations.
    My belief in education extends beyond the traditional classroom setting. Lifelong learning, the continuous pursuit of knowledge throughout one’s life, is a philosophy I strongly endorse. In today’s rapidly changing world, knowledge becomes obsolete quickly, and individuals must adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Learning encourages personal growth, adaptability, and resilience. It instills the mindset that your growth has no endpoint, instead it is a continuous journey that enriches people’s life and contributes to the collective wisdom of humanity.
    Education should not be solely about acquiring information, it should also foster critical thinking and creativity. Encouraging students to question, analyze, and evaluate information empowers them to develop a discerning perspective. Creative thinking, on the other hand, enables individuals to approach problems with innovative solutions, pushing the boundaries of human potential. A well-rounded education balances knowledge acquisition with the development of these essential skills, nurturing individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society’s progress.
    Overall my belief in education is more than just a means to secure a job or gain qualifications, it is a transformative journey that shapes individuals into empowered, informed and empathetic citizens of the world. As we continue to navigate the complexities of our modern world, embracing a holistic approach to education will undoubtedly pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future

    • I completely agree with the points you made on how the changing aspects of society affect how we should deal with education.

  11. Throughout my lifetime, I find myself privileged to witness the incredible feats of innovation achieved by engineers who dared to dream big. This journey into the world of human ingenuity has illuminated not only the boundless possibilities of progress, but also the shadows that casts over even the most noble intentions. The engineers of tomorrow, driven by their desire to shape a better world, could hardly have foreseen the unexpected turns that history would take. Their aspirations and accomplishments are disfigured by a harsh reality. That the very tools they created to uplift society could be twisted for a darker purposes. As I prepare to take my own steps in this landscape of creation, I am acutely aware of the ethical responsibilities that come with wielding the power of invention. While I cannot predict every potential outcome, I am committed to navigating the intricate balance between the promise of progress and the potential for misuse. Just as those before me have learned from the past, I’m determined to approach my journey as both an aspiring trailblazer and a vigilant custodian of the impact my work might have on the world. As I graduate into the next chapter of my life, armed with knowledge and inspiration, I am resolved to shape the narrative of my contribution with both ambition and ethical discernment. My goal is not only to be a part of the legacy of innovation, but also to ensure that this legacy is one of responsibility, compassion, and enduring progress.

    • You make an excellent point regarding the ethical concerns that we humans must bring up regarding how our innovations are utilized. It is an ever more apparent issue as technologies that start with the intention of being used to progress as a society can become easily corrupted and exploited for nightmarish acts.

  12. I believe that getting an education is key to a longer and more fruitful career. College was an option for me, I had to weigh out my pros and cons. I knew that if I did not go to college I would be living the life my parents did, not knowing what they wanted to do. I’ve seen that they have passed through many difficult times and I have spent many days without seeing my dad because he worked so many countless days and nights. I realized that if I followed that same career path I would most likely result just like him, barely making it and not being able to see my family. A college degree gives me and my family, which I hope to start one day, a higher guarantee for a job. It gives me higher possibilities to lead a better life than what my parents lived. I know that it doesn’t guarantee me happiness, but I think that with the correct work ethic I can be what I dream of becoming. This education will make me the first of my entire family to have graduated college and allow me to show my siblings that all the hard work pays off one day. It will be one of the biggest reflections of all the sweat and tears I have put into making my family and myself proud. I will be the bar which my siblings will one day have to surpass. A huge milestone in my life.

    • I think that it’s really cool and a huge achievement that you will be the first in your family to graduate college and I agree with you when you said that education is key to achieving a long career. And I also relate to you when you were talking about how you rarely get to see your dad because, while i was growing up, I barely got to see my dad.

  13. I believe that no two people will ever have the exact same education experience. We all have unique support systems and unique minds. There are also plenty of different ways that individuals can learn, and in some cases, some people may learn at different paces than others. One person might be able to jot down notes in a notebook quickly in class and have a comfortable recollection of the lesson, and another might have to have a one on one with their teacher after class to have a full understanding of the lesson. I also believe an important piece of a successful education experience is educators and faculty that truly care for the students and their education. I’m sure everyone has a favorite middle school or high school teacher that made them feel at home in school. Not all educators go out of their way to make the students’ days maybe just a little better and most of the time that’s all that some students need. School is stressful for everyone but it doesn’t always have to be and the more it isn’t the better. Another belief about education I have is that education while being a powerful tool to have a better understanding of the world around you, is too centralized in our society. Just because one person has a degree from a college and another focused on work after high school doesn’t make the first person ‘better’ or more important in our world, everyone has their own path to follow and some might not need extensive education.

  14. Dhruv P
    Being able to focus on education is the most important part of your career,just starting your way up from pre-k to 12th grade,and if you seek higher education most people attend college.But just getting into college is the challenging,you have to pass high school and the requirements you have to complete to pass high school.But within all those years of high school,if you work your butt off you could get into ivy league colleges.Overall getting to know all this knowledge from high school could help us in the real world,and if we are not attending college getting a highschool diploma can help you get jobs,such as being a Labor,power plant tech,community health care worker,and ect.Most of these jobs sounds fun but you wont get as much salary as the people get that attend college most people go to college to seek higher education and after there done you can get into good goverment jobs.

    But being able to get good education is a must for most families for example

  15. Dhruv P
    Being able to focus on education is the most important part of your career,just starting your way up from pre-k to 12th grade,and if you seek higher education most people attend college.But just getting into college is the challenging,you have to pass high school and the requirements you have to complete to pass high school.But within all those years of high school,if you work your butt off you could get into ivy league colleges.Overall getting to know all this knowledge from high school could help us in the real world,and if we are not attending college getting a highschool diploma can help you get jobs,such as being a Labor,power plant tech,community health care worker,and ect.Most of these jobs sounds fun but you wont get as much salary as the people get that attend college most people go to college to seek higher education and after there done you can get into good goverment jobs.

    But being able to get good education is a must for most families for example,me being the first generation to go to college is very important for me and my family,cause coming from a struggling family its important seek higher education for money and to support my family.

  16. I believe that education is a really important key factor in life as we know it. Civilization has come a long way from the time when people had to rely only on their resources for survival. Life was an uphill task that could be accomplished by following certain practices. With scientific advancements, civilization has not only progressed but has moved ahead technologically, socially, and economically. This world that we live in, it wouldn’t be the way it is now because of education. Education is so important because it helps people be better people, helps people get better paid jobs and shows us the difference between right and wrong. Education doesn’t just provide book smarts for people; it can provide knowledge in other areas such as art, history, and music. The sky’s the limit when it comes to education. Live a life full of learning opportunities, open a book, teach yourself things, and take classes. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. One of the most important reasons why education is important is because it provides direction. Education gives us a road map for approaching life and enables us to make plans to improve our lifestyle. Without education, people cannot progress in society or make changes to their lifestyles. For example, well-educated people can plan their future by understanding their strengths and weaknesses. When you have an education you are able to fulfill the basic needs in life. You are taught to get dressed and learn self-care and practical life skills. As you become an adult, education will help in getting a job and finding a place to live. Without education, you cannot improve your lifestyle or gain worldly knowledge. Education builds confidence and helps you evaluate your capabilities and aptitude. Thus, this why I believe that Education is an important key factor in life.

  17. Aidan W
    I believe that each of us needs to learn our passion, to find out what we want to do in our life. Each one of these things had an effect on the way I think, the way I am, and who I am. My whole life I’ve wondered what to expect from myself, with friends who seemed to have their whole life prepared or my family’s occupations and lifestyles. But for as long as I could remember, I never had a vision, an idea for what I wanted.
    Up until I discovered a passion, one in Psychology, one that mixed a multitude of concepts from statistics and applied math to understanding the complex psyche of people from all walks of society. It was a passion I realized I hadn’t had much education in up to that point, but it had flipped a switch in my brain, it was my passion, not my parents’ or my teachers’ or even my friends’. It was entirely my own.
    And that was something I hadn’t realized up to that point, all of my life I hadn’t really had anything that was my own “thing.” I had done my work in school, I had done what was needed of me, but I never really did the things I truly wanted. Because, to me, I didn’t really have much that I felt truly fascinated by, nothing to this extent. And with that realization, I learned what I wanted to do. Not what I needed to do.

  18. Education is the compass that navigates us through the uncharted waters of our lives. It’s not merely the consumption of new ideas and beliefs, but a transformative journey that shapes our minds starting from the very beginning. Through education, we are able to grow and create our own ideas and use the ideas of others to connect and build friendships that build our future. It empowers us to think critically, question assumptions, and foster an insatiable curiosity that fuels innovation. Beyond textbooks and classrooms, education, even if taught by yourself can enlighten you and inspire you to do more for not just yourself but everyone around you. The gift of being able to educate yourself on things you personally are interested in is what inspired me to go to college, and is what I think is the best thing you can do for yourself. Recently I have been trying to teach myself how to play the bass guitar. Not only has it inspired me to learn so much about something I didn’t know I’d be interested in, it gave me a new level of enthusiasm to learn new things. The process of teaching myself was also a fun challenge that led to a lot of fun experiences and moments in my life that I won’t forget. There are many ways to go about educating yourself and there are an infinite number of topics and ideas to educate yourself on, but you are the only one who can truly educate yourself on what you believe.

  19. Education is something that I tend to see many people taking for granted, especially in during the later years of middle school and high school. I think that depending on how you were raised and your environment plays a significant role in the way that you view public education. Today, it is almost normal to see students not enjoying their free public education and often complaining about it. Me personally, my mother is a first generation college student. Her mother ( my grandmother) did not attend college and immigrated to America in hoping of gaining better opportunities for her daughter. She succeeded in that because my mother was able to thrive in school and being educated gave her opportunities that other wise wouldn’t have been possible. My mother understood the importance of gaining a education in order to support the next generation. She instilled that importance into me and I intend to continue it onto my own children one day. As I grow up I began to realize more and more education is the key to success in the future which is why I have always taken it seriously even though some days I did not want to show up. Whenever I lack the motivation to do work I always think about the bigger picture and the struggles my ancestors had to endure in order for me to be here today. If I were to waste this opportunity that they would died to have then I don’t think I would ever be able to forgive myself.

    • I agree with you! I think free education is a gift that more people should appreciate because it can get them farther in life. You are definitely right about how the environment that we are raised in is a major contributing factor when it comes to public education and its receptiveness, which is why I also think it is important that the opportunity of free public education is always available for children no matter their demographic. I love the personal examples that you used to get your point across. Thinking about the bigger picture is a great way to stay motivated on days when school feels like too much of a challenge. It’s also nice how you give credit to your mother and grandmother for the struggles that they faced to get you to where you are today, and it’s cool that you already plan to teach your beliefs about education to your children someday.

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