UMassD Believes 2023

Summer Writing Project

Living in the Moment

What do you believe about living in the moment?

Post submissions here that match this topic thread in comments.


  1. This is more on speaking in the moment, rather than living in it, but I’d consider it to be in this category rather than the uncategorized one. Everyone needs that friend that can offer that unvarnished truth, nice to meet you, I’m Sam Lemon. I’m someone who’s a little brutally honest with conversations and opinions. Brutal honesty is something that I believe to be a good thing, though there are some negative traits that come along with it. There’s always something on your mind when you’re talking to people, or you see something, or perhaps doing something that’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Most people don’t speak honestly and say, ‘you look great in that!’ or the common ‘I like that as well!’ to make someone feel better in the moment. I can see how that would gain a positive reaction with whoever you’re talking to, but is that truly something positive? To lie to someone? In this case, living in the moment is giving a truthful experience for everyone involved, even if that experience is a negative one, as telling the truth is always appreciated.

    The decision to tell someone a lie or to tell the truth in a given moment is something I’ve always been interested about. How people spend their time being toxic online, yet they can’t even stand up for themselves when it’s a face to face problem. For me, it’s the feeling of having that small reputation that I’m honest with everyone, brutally honest, to the point where people know that I tell the truth. Even if it’s negative.

  2. Lola M.

    My perspective on living in the moment is simple, YOLO. As a society nowadays people are significantly worried about everyone else’s opinions. The way you look, the way you dress, the way you speak, etc. We’re all human. One day we’ll be enjoying our days, and the next we might not be here. I refuse to live by societal expectations. Living in the moment to me means doing whatever you want, how you want, when you when, and with whomever you want. I choose to surpass my boundaries, and go beyond my limit because everyday I want to be better than I was the day before. I want to expand my limits, and see what I’m really capable of. You will never get to experience life being closed off from it. Speaking from a perspective of having anxiety, it’s very nerve-wrecking to throw myself out there, but I also refuse to be in a bubble of fear. Facing your fears is also a big part of living in the moment. Your future shouldn’t be decided by only making “right choices”. Sometimes the wrong choice is the right choice, and you’ll never be able to live freely until you make those choices. Also speaking from someone who hates change, I’ve come to realize that change is good. Having a routine is completely okay, but adding an extra into your day isn’t bad. It can be as simple as taking a walk to enjoy nature instead of playing video games all day, or cooking dinner instead of ordering out. Living in the moment is an interestingly way to live life, but I rather do that instead of playing it safe. My life has never been the same, and I congratulate myself on that because if I would’ve never made the choices I’ve chosen I would not be who I am today.

    • Karissa D
      Girl. I so agree with everything you said. I feel like I was always so worried about what I looked like or how I perceived myself, but honestly, who cares. We shouldn’t have to stress out about any of that. Like you said, we’re all human, we all have flaws so who cares. We all need to live our lives thinking like you!

    • I completely agree. Life involves risk and it is worth it to push your comfort zone. Your post was very well written and provides a wonderful perspective on living in the moment.

    • Very well written and I completely agree! We are all humans we might not be here tomorrow. Living in the moment can be trying something new, changing up your routine, to even meeting up with new people. Living in the moment can look different for everyone! Change is a good thing that allows us shift perspectives and get more out of life.

    • I 100% agree with this! It’s very well-written. I also understand your perspective because I have anxiety and I used to let a lot of things and opportunities hold me back but I have mainly gotten over that and feel so much more free now that I don’t live up to society’s expectations and I don’t think anyone else should either.

  3. Cameron T
    Over the years it feels like no one knows what it really feels like to live in the moment. Times are very different, Our generation is to busy worrying about what we look like while out, staring at our phones hoping a certain person will text or call you.
    Whenever something happens everyone feels a need to take their phones out and video tape the situation and post it on our snapchat stories or our Instagram pages for others to see.
    We spend hours in the mirror perfecting our hair and makeup, then we have to get all of our close friends approval on your outfit instead of having your own confidence. We want to look perfect when we go out so we pictures with our friends. That’s not all, once done with the pictured we need to look at all the pictures and make sure they are perfect.
    Living in the moment is genuinely laughing with your friends and family at dinner, going to a concert and let the music take you away. Putting your phone away so you don’t have to look at what everyone else is doing and one bad text or comment will ruin your whole night when you should be living in the moment and push all other worries to the side.

    • I feel like you could not have said anything truer. i feel like we need to push are worries aside and just live now.

  4. What do you believe about living in the moment?
    I believe tomorrow is never promised. Therefore you should take in as much of the big moments, and as much of the small. I feel as if nowadays some people are too worried about the future and all the stress that they’ll have to endure then, rather than take in what’s going on around now.
    Personally I have struggled with living in the moment, and that has prevented from actually enjoying and taking advantage of the opportunities in front of me. To avoid “living in the moment” and just getting it over with, without enjoying it, I would always tell myself “everything has an end”. But now looking back on it, it has made me regret all those moments where I could’ve really enjoyed those times and opened myself up to new possibilities and make a lot of different connections that could’ve changed my future (that I’m continuously worried about) for the better.
    I would say this even counts for people too. As high school has come to an end and my friends and I are heading off to college. I can say there has been times, in the past, that I’ve taken our time together for granted because I was so worried about everything going on instead of just worrying about what’s going on now. As a result, I’m trying to squeeze in as much time together because we are all moving to different states and have a slight chance of seeing each other during breaks.
    I can say that this summer I have prided myself of taking in every moment with everyone I love as if it was my last. I’ve opened myself up to every possibility and not shut myself off as much as I usually do. As a result, I can truly say this summer I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated the time I’m spending with the people I love. And I will keep implementing this into my life, even after summer is over.

  5. What do I believe about living in the moment?
    Living in the moment allows you to fully appreciate life experiences. It’s about being present. As a child, living in the moment means pure joy, curiosity, and boundless imaginations! As a child growing up in Haiti, I never imagined my life to be the way it is now. Growing up in a whole different country is enriching, providing unique experiences and diverse perspectives. I say those three particularly because growing up I was a very curious girl. I grew up in the capital of Haiti with my mother, grandmother, and aunt. When I was about two years old my father left for America. In Haiti with all my relatives, I learned that whatever happens in life happens for a reason. I learned to appreciate everything and live in the moment. Understand and learn why? All you can do in life really is love, live, and laugh while you can. You don’t get any younger. Everyday is a new day while you’re growing and learning the way of life. My father managed to bring me, my sister, mom, and grandma to America when I was 7 years old. As a young child, transitioning to a new world and language was challenging. But over time, as I learned and grew I managed to navigate both worlds. This taught me how to communicate with people. I was Intrigued by how people interact and understand each other. Entering high school, I knew I had to mingle. I joined various clubs and sports. I joined CCSR, LGBTQ+,STEP, BLACK STUDENT UNION,HAITIAN FLAG DAY. I joined the girls volleyball team, and track team. I made sure to experience every living moment that made me enjoy pure joy and boundless imaginations. Even today, I am continuously learning and evolving.

    Sagine S, Magloire.

  6. What does it mean to live in the moment? I live in the moment I enjoy the small things in life, I have the ice cream a go for the walk I watch the sun set and look at the stars because you never know what will happen tomorrow. My goal in life is to become happy that is why I chose University of Massachusetts Dartmouth to get my education to give back to my community and to become happy, I have no regrets and that is what I believes it is to live in the moment, to be in a point. In your life where you can die without regret, and you have no question you have done everything in your power to have the most fulfilled life possible. living in the moment isn’t hard all you have to do, is to do what you want when you want, enjoy want you love and just do what you truly desire. Most people don’t live in the moment, this is due to a lack of Finacial means or time to do so. Some people don’t ever think about enjoying the small things and only flow with the wave of everyday life. Society can also add to the lack of joy in one’s everyday life. With the time we spend working and stressing over every little thing we never spend time with the people or things we love. We as a people need to learn to love and be loved and enjoy are lives.

    • I completely agree with your point that living is to live without regret. Staying true in the moment can only get you one step further to living in the moment.

  7. I believe that living in the moment is spending time around the ones you love, because that time could be limited. Our generation is so worried about what’s going on behind a screen that we do not see what is going on right in front of us. Some of us would rather sit at home and do nothing than go hang out with friends. I used to be of those people, I have passed on events and sat at home doing nothing, later regretting my decision because I will eventually forget about what I did sitting at home, where I could have created memories with people that won’t always be there. I grew sick of missing events because I was too worried about being uncomfortable or too busy hiding in my phone when I did go out. I eventually came around and jumped out at opportunities to go be a kid with the people that I grew up with, and it became one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    Growing up we’ve all gained and lost friends and family members, regretting not living in the moment when you are not around them. Thinking about the things you did or did not do when you were around them because at some point, you will spend time with your friends for the last time and probably have no idea at the time. You don’t want to be a few years down the line and have regrets about things that didn’t happen, so go step outside your comfort zone and live in the moment. Why not go out and act stupid with your friends because you don’t know when you will see them again. Go ahead and live in the moment.

  8. Karissa D
    As we grow older, I think it gets harder to live in the moment. As kids it was so easy to just get away from ourselves and escape into our imaginations, most of us didn’t have much to worry about. As we grow into young adults, we forget what is really important. There are so many new responsibilities that we get as we age like getting good grades, working, getting our license, getting into a good college, etc. We get so wrapped into all of it that we forget to be teenagers and have fun while also keeping all those responsibilities. Most people are never fully present in the now because they believe the next moment is more important than the present. But with that mindset, they tend to miss their whole life. I 100% believe I am a part of those “most people.” When I got into high school I was so worried about everything, I forgot to be in the moment and enjoy being in high school and having fun. I went through so many hardships and the fact that I wasn’t remembering to enjoy those moments, made it even harder. Life is way too short to spend another day at war with yourself. So my advice? Travel, make memories, have those unbelievable adventures with the people you love. When you’re older, you aren’t going to be thinking about that F you got on a test or that person you stopped being friends with your sophomore year of high school. You’re going to be thinking about all those vacations you took, those crazy adventures you had, and all of those beautiful people you loved. You’ll think of those moments that made you feel truly alive. Life becomes way more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never experience the same moment twice.
    Over the years I have learned to have this mindset and it’s caused me to have so many amazing moments that I will truly treasure forever.

  9. Every month in my senior year a speaker was brought in to give some random piece of advice. Although many of the discussions were valuable, only one kept returning to the front of my mind. Now all I can think about when putting up with the daunting tasks associated with life is that “it is important to put forth the best effort and be the best at what you do in this moment”. At first it seemed simple but once I actually broke it down I realized how much it ripples into life. for instance working at my high school job taught me skills in talking to people and finding ways to get so much done with little time or minimal resources, and I have used those skills in many other aspects of my life. Sometimes the small things we do everyday give us a step up on a new challenge. This saying brought me a strange amount of drive and seemed to push me into doing tasks that felt meaningless. I began to care and feel like everything has a purpose. Throughout the rest of my last year in high school I feel like I fulfilled everything that came my way and it’s all because of the woman who told me how important everything truly is. In the coming year I know to trust what I’ve learned because it has already gotten me so far. I know that even when things are pointless I have to try because who knows what skill I am further developing.

  10. I have never thought of myself as someone who “lives in the moment,” before. I am not a daredevil nor do I go on many adventures. I am a worrier at most times and a homebody. However, lately I have changed what the phrase means to me and started to think of myself as someone who does live in the moment.
    Living in the moment doesn’t mean going on wild adventures and living life to the fullest. It doesn’t mean going out all the time because staying in is bad for you. It means just being content with where you are now. Not dwelling on the past and dreading the future. Not wishing you were somewhere and someone else. You are truly content with where and who you are and how you are choosing to live.
    It took me a long time to realize those facts. I never dread the past much. Although when I do, I always think, “What’s done is done, and nothing more can be done.” When I worry about the future-not knowing what’s coming or if I can handle the obstacles-I always think “Why worry about something you don’t know and can’t control?” When times get hard, instead of wishing I was somewhere or someone else, I think “One day at a time and take it easy.”
    Living in the moment is a difficult skill to learn, understand and live by however it is a necessity because once you live by your own meaning of the phrase, you gain confidence and knowledge of how you want to live. Everything becomes easier because you are just thinking of where you are right now, not a week ahead or years in the past. Time can become chapters that are easily read, noted and moved on.

    • Looking at this now I didn’t truly understand the phrase of living in the moment because there are many ways to just live in the moment even if it’s just by yourself with no one around because honestly, I think its more enjoyable being alone and enjoying the moment because we get one life.

  11. Morgan R.
    When asked the question “What do you believe?” My immediate response is always I believe life is fragile and everyone needs to live in the moment. I believe I am someone who constantly lives in the moment, in the world we live in today tomorrow is not always promised and I believe we must celebrate life and be grateful for what we have because not everyone has the opportunity to have what we have. From a young age I was faced with the challenge of being sick and having to constantly be in the hospital. I realized very quickly life is fragile and it is short and can be taken away in seconds. As the days go on I believe we have to live in the moment in order to have the life we all deserve, I believe we need to surround ourself with the people who will help us live in the moment and help us realize how great life is and how we must celebrate it even if there is no reason to celebrate. By having these people in our lives, they allow us to open our eyes and see how special life is and why we need to live in the moment. Sometimes people dread waking up because life isn’t the best at that time, but that morning could drastically change and be even worse. I believe everyone should have a positive attitude when waking up because it is a new day, and it is time to live in the moment. Find the small things you enjoy in life and do them every day, that could range from reading a book to meeting up with friends for the sunset. Do what you love and help others find what they love and just live in the moment and appreciate life.

    • This is beautiful! I really do believe you need to appreciate and take in what is happening in that very moment because you do not know what is going to happen next. I also agree with waking up every morning with a positive outlook for the day.

  12. I believe in living in the moment, well trying at least. Throughout the past few years of living my everyday life I have felt as if I have not been the most present in the moment. This feeling ranged from focusing on other relations, past moments, or future objectives while going through present day activities. These conversations in my head would leave me feeling anxious and not in control of my future decisions which created such a nervous way of thinking. Social media opened up a great insecurity with what success I should or should not be making while still being a teenager. This completely fed the way I was thinking. Seeing people my age making millions off of Instagram ads and Tik Tok sponsorships made me feel very insecure about my current, past, and future decisions. I do not know if this feeling could be rooted in some jealousy but seeing that every day when I open any social media app makes me nervous for my future. As well as social media having an impact on this feeling, just having a phone in my right hand at all times is definitely not helping my case. Browsing on YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat definitely drags me into not being in the moment. However, this way of feeling does nobody any good while putting myself down. Being able to realize that dwelling on the past and the unknown has truly released me from this mindset. By just using your senses and taking in your environment that surrounds you can be so beneficial. Living in the moment can be such a powerful and exciting way of living by just not knowing what can come next.

    • I agree, I also can find myself in the doom scroll on YouTube and other social media sites which can really hinder just enjoying every day to the fullest.

  13. Living in the moment makes you appreciate the now in your life. It makes you stop and think about the little things currently going on and makes you realize to slow down. We are all accustomed to everything moving at such a rapid speed, taking the time to be present in the moment helps you to appreciate what is happening right now. When I think about living in the now, I consider how life can get so hectic that it can seem like you aren’t spending enough time with the people you care about and are instead concentrating on finishing another task. This summer has really taught me to live in the moment and always go out and try new things. This was truly the last time that all my friends were going to be together and for us, we all had to live in the moment and appreciate how much we take for granted. I made an effort to live in the moment as much as possible during the year since you never know when you’ll see someone for the last time. You may genuinely take the time to enjoy what you are doing if you are present in the moment. When you are a kid, you can’t wait to get older and experience all the things, but growing up has taught me that I should’ve appreciated being a kid more. Constantly worrying about the future and rethinking the past makes it so much more difficult to live in the moment because it is not a skill. Being present in the moment should come effortlessly to someone, especially when they are around others they truly like being with.

  14. I believe that I should live in the moment more. I am always in my head thinking about my next steps. I like to think years in advance and make plans. Who will I be in five years? Who do I want to be with? What job do I want to have? When do I want to have kids? Do I even want to have kids? This causes me a lot of stress because there is only so much that I can control. I can only see/plan so far into the future. I wonder if it is even healthy for me to make plans so far in advance, or if they set me up for failure. Because of this, I struggle to live in the moment and enjoy where I am right now in life. What I want to work on most in this new part of my life is surrounding myself with things and people that make me the happiest at the moment. I think that trying to live in the future is making the present less enjoyable for me.
    I also believe that part of living in the moment is accepting the past. If you get worked up about the things that you have done and have happened to you, you can not be content with where you are. Sure I have made mistakes in the past, everyone has, but I try not to let them drag me down. Though I may try to live in the future sometimes, I have never lived in the past. I accept the bad things that have happened to me. They make me who I am. If those things never happened I would not have been able to learn the lessons that came out of them. I have made many mistakes, but I do not regret them because I have learned why I should not make them again and how to avoid them. I try to have as few regrets in life because there is nothing I can do to change the past. I have to accept that they happened, learn from them, and move on. Just like how I accept the past, I also have to accept the future. This is much harder for me, but I believe that this is the only way I can be satisfied with where I am right now and truly live in the moment.

  15. I’ve heard a lot of people say things like, “something always has to go wrong.” This phrase has a lot of emotional sentiment in it as the person feels like they are always waiting for something bad to happen, and in turn, they are not living in the moment. I have felt this way time and time again. When you’re stuck in a situation where you never want to leave, you start thinking about scenarios which affect the good feelings you’re having. Picture it like it’s a saturday afternoon, you’re at home with your pets and you’re listening to your favorite music. The sun is shining brightly through the windows. There’s nothing to worry about, nothing you have to do. Yet there’s a part of you that feels this emotion come up telling yourself that this happiness won’t last. Something will go wrong. Is there a reason behind this? You tell yourself, “I’m an unlucky person so obviously things will go wrong.” This perception can hurt the psyche and ultimately have a negative affect on your self perception of the world. Life is full of ups and downs. However, that is not a bad thing. Every human on earth has to experience the triumphs and losses of life. It’s a part of growing up and accepting yourself. You aren’t an unlucky person. You are a person put here to live your life just like everyone else. Take a second to live in the moment you’re in. As the next moment can be even greater than the last.

  16. Nolan.K

    I believe that living in the moment is extremely important for many reasons. You never know what’s going to happen in the future, but by living in the moment your future could be changed in ways you wouldn’t think. As the end of the summer gets closer, I’ve realized that I haven’t truly been living in the moment as I dread the beginning of the school year and I haven’t fully enjoyed some of the things I’ve done because of it. It’s ok for me to be anxious for the beginning of the school year, but I know that I need to live more in the moment and enjoy the rest of my summer to the fullest extent. Time flies by too fast to live in the past, so I urge anyone reading this to live in the moment and enjoy the rest of your summer.

    • cwhiteheadmoniz

      August 21, 2023 at 6:48 pm

      I agree with your writing. As this summer went I realized how quickly the days had flown by.

  17. Mia D

    Opportunities come and go. But life is too short to question whether or not we should make those decisions, Which is why we need to just live in the moment. Life is too short. We may have centuries, or even tomorrow could be our last day on this earth, So just do it, because tomorrow is never promised.
    I believe living in the moment can get us out of our comfort zones. And experience things that we have never experienced before. The amount of freedom we feel. When doing what we want and no one is there to stop us. Because again, we are just living in the moment, Yes, it’s scary. But we need to take a chance. I know this summer we lived more than just waiting for something to come around. I know this summer I lived in the moment and experienced a whole different world. Before living in the moment, I would just sit at home wondering when an opportunity would strike until I took the initiative into my own hands to bring my friends and me closer together and just having that freedom. To do what we wanted to do.
    College is around the corner, and it’s going to change the way that we view life. And we’re going to have those,” should I do this?”, “is it worth it?” But honestly, just go for it. Because if we don’t take that chance. We’re gonna wonder why our whole lives we never took that chance and just lived in that moment.

    So my advice is that tomorrow is never promised, so just take that chance, get out, and live a little before it’s too late. Because you only get one life. So live it to its fullest potential.

  18. Arianne Allende D.

    Living in the Moment

    “Live in the moment”, my mom would always say as a rolled my eyes and scoffed, continuing to escape from the present through the endless forms of media within my handheld supercomputer. As a kid, the world through your lens is a new, exciting, and colorful place with endless enjoyment and opportunities and I sure as hell did not sway from living in the moment. However, as time passed and my anxieties about life grew, I avoided living in the moment. Why? You may ask – and looking back, I do as well. Towering responsibilities. Bullying. Grief and loss. Struggling with chronic anxiety and depression. I didn’t see the point of waking up in the morning. I counted down the days till Friday – the weekend I could rot in my bed, close my curtains and escape the outside stressors of the world and the memories I could have made along with it. I would get lost in imaginative worlds through media – movies – yet, I would always skip through the hardest parts – and that is what I wanted to do. The more I dissociated from living in the moment to avoid the present – and the past – the more I lost how to enjoy the simple things that solidified the present, living in the moment. The forward button that I always wished for was made a reality, as my world crumbled into disillusion. I struggle with lapses in my memory. I lost memories with my family, and friends all because I can’t remember or simply did not make those valuable memories. This is precisely why I am so keen on trying to get up in the morning and live in the moment – to “stop and smell the roses”. I still have bumps along my journey but progress is not always linear – and that’s okay. I will just strive to enjoy the simple parts of life and enjoy the time I have left.

  19. To start off, let’s define what it really means to live in the moment. Living in the moment is the act of embracing one’s present situation with open mindfulness and full engagement rather than dwelling on past experiences or worrying about what is to come. It is when a person can immerse themselves in their current experiences, thoughts, and emotions without the stress of regret or anticipation. Living in the moment allows for a person to truly appreciate every experience and opportunity as well as give a better understanding of themselves. I believe it is vital for us to always live in the moment as it will lead to a more fulfilling and joyous life. Throughout life there will be many struggles and hardships and if you only dwell on those, whether they have already passed or yet to come, then how will you be able to enjoy life? Although there will always be some sort of adversity throughout life that we must go through, it is important to not just focus on the bad. There will be good moments but if you are not living in the moment, then you won’t get to truly appreciate those good moments. Living in the moment allows us to appreciate life and all the small things along its journey. As for myself, I feel that only recently have I really begun to live in the moment, and it has allowed me to be more appreciative and just feel better more often. I genuinely believe that by learning to live in the moment, you can live a more prosperous and happy life.

  20. ssicajaucastellanos

    August 14, 2023 at 1:35 am

    Living in the moment is something I like to go by ever since my early teens years. I used to like to accurately plan everything to a T and I still do but recently I have preferred to create a different type of memory. I began to consider what memories I’d have to share to my future family, friends, or the ones I’d always carry with me to look back on. I used to take a long time to plan my next move with everything and during that process, I lost a few chances to do things that I would have throughly enjoyed. Traveling has been my goal to do as much of. I had the chance of going to Germany, Poland, and Austria which I had almost paid a deposit for but switched it in the span of a few days to another opportunity that presented itself which was Portugal, Spain, and France. While in the city of Madrid I met this girl through a friend and we decided in 10 minutes to hop into an uber and head to the center of the city at night instead of what we had originally planned. I made some new memories with new people and gained a new experience. We headed into a bunch of different stores and tried new foods that would have never happened if I had not met her or made such a quick decision. I had a blast and it is something I got to share with my friends when I returned. A similar thing happened in Portugal, I decided to take a sudden turn on the grounds I was walked on and came across a large view that allowed me to see some national monuments that I had only seen in my textbooks in high school. I was so shocked but over the moon that I got to see them with my own eyes and it would have never happened if I went on a different trail. I wanted to soak in everything because it was only going to be those few moments in life that I was going to experience it all first hand. I had to enjoy every second of it while it was happening in that very moment.
    Living in the moment is something we need to appreciate more. We don’t know what life has in store for us next, enjoying what we have now this very second is how we learn to soak in our surroundings and what they mean to us while we have them. Before we lose them to the next moment in our lives.

  21. Liberty L,
    Engraved in my class ring is the phrase “Speak up and stand out.” I believe that everyone should be unapologetically themselves and take advantage of what life has to offer. From a young age, I’ve made it my mission to never change who I am on the inside to better adhere to superficial societal norms. This includes how I look, who I surround myself with, and the opinions and morals that I base my decisions on. I do not let fear of judgment stop me from making memories or being happy. Quite often, I find myself living to the fullest when I can fully acknowledge and embrace my insecurities. My love of fashion is not limited by my beautiful fat rolls and cellulite–nor is my curiosity and quest for knowledge quenched because I am too nervous to raise my hand and ask a question. I can live in the moment and take chances because I’m not embarrassed by loving who I am. Though, living outside of my comfort zone has also opened up more doors than just fun and unique experiences; taking a chance has led to more connections than I ever could’ve imagined. When I see someone sitting alone, I talk to them because that one interaction could be the start of a lifelong friendship. If I find myself in a situation where something doesn’t seem right, I will never hesitate to voice my opinion and try to help. But some of the best things that come from living in the moment include the simple treasures life has to offer. My recommendations to anyone reading this: go for a walk in the rain and enjoy jumping in the puddles, call that person and tell them how much they mean to you, challenge yourself to try something new, sing your favorite songs in the shower as loud as you can, and genuinely compliment at least three people you know.

  22. I believe living in the moment is one of the most important aspects of life and a key factor to being happy. Up until I was around the age of eleven or twelve I was always someone who lived in the moment and tried to enjoy what I was doing right now. The reason I started living in the moment at that age is because I finally got out of my comfort zone and started to do things I would never do, thanks to my good friends who encouraged and helped me. It’s because of this mindset that I’ve gone on many adventures and have had many stories to tell. I’ve met many people during the course of my life who have struggled with living in the moment and I can see the negatives that can have. When you fail to live in the moment and enjoy what you are doing you often tend to have regrets which is something you can dread on for a very long time. For example, I love being outside and riding my dirt bike , exploring abandoned structures, legally of course, and driving. All of these activities require you to live in the moment and enjoy what you see, feel ,and hear. A lot of people in my generation struggle with living in the moment, maybe due to social media, lack of encouragement or some other factors. I truly believe living in the moment is key to enjoying and living a happy life, and is something I strongly believe in.

  23. Living in the moment is all about embracing the present and savoring every experience. It means letting go of worries about the past or future and fully immersing yourself in the here and now. When you live in the moment, you appreciate the beauty and joy that surrounds you. You notice the small details that often go unnoticed and find gratitude in the simplest of things. Living in the moment allows you to fully engage with others, deepening your connections and creating meaningful memories. It helps you to be more mindful, reducing stress and anxiety. By living in the moment, you can make the most of every opportunity and seize the day. So, put down your phone, take a deep breath, and embrace the present moment. Life is too short to let it pass you by. Enjoy the journey and make every moment count.

    • Zaylie T.
      I completely agree. Although we tend to get stuck on our phones quite often, it really is a good thing to set aside electronics and appreciate all the little things in our lives that often go unnoticed. I love how you connected this concept to how we interact with people, especially since I feel like so many conversations and interactions are often interrupted by phones, and those few times when there are no interruptions are the times that the most bonding occurs.

  24. Living in the moment has always been a struggle of mine. As a teenager, it can be difficult to focus on the now while everyone else around you are telling you to look towards future success. Graduate college, get good grades, make friends, pay your tuition, are all things I have heard in the past couple months. It seems nearly impossible to live in the moment when all these factors are weighing you down.
    Living in the moment may look different for many people. To some people, focusing on the now comes easy for them. That may be due to their upbringing, family, and financial factors.
    For me, living in the moment means drowning out all the what if’s and how’s, and focusing in on your present successes. I have spent too long worrying about what is to come, that it can be hard to enjoy the present times. I changed that mind set by focusing on how far I have come. I look back and remember all the times I would doubt myself on what I can achieve, and here I am proving myself wrong once again.
    It has now been easier than ever to focus on the present, and remind myself that whatever happens, has reason and I have made it through one hundred percent of my hard times.

    • I agree living in the moment has been very difficult to do since transferring from seniors in high school to freshman in college since It’s a new experience that we aren’t quit used to yet so i definitely agree!!

  25. The idea of “living in the moment” inspires mindful, wholehearted acceptance of the present. It’s a way of life that forces us to discover happiness, gratitude, and importance in every moment of our lives. This opinion is based on the idea that our only real control is the present. The future is uncertain, and the past cannot be changed. We can develop a stronger connection to our experiences and fully present. Focusing on the present moment helps us maintain mental clarity and helps give us a break from the demands of planning and worrying in a world where information seems abundant, to be abundant and connectivity constant. A deeper appreciation for life’s subtleties is fueled by the idea of living in the moment. These fleeting moments, whether they be the beauty of nature or the simple pleasures of laughter, become more vibrant when we engage with them fully. This point of view does not, however, dismiss the importance of making plans for the future or studying the past. It serves as a friendly reminder to balance self-reflection, planning, and current living. Choosing to believe in living in the moment requires decision, in a world where time moves quickly and demands compete for our attention. It’s an invitation to live in the moment, to take in all that life has to offer as it happens, and to find comfort and contentment in what is happening right now. This belief can be embraced into our daily lives to help us develop a more profound sense of well-being and a lasting connection to the surroundings.

  26. In a fast-paced world that often glorifies busyness, living in the moment is not something we all do. While out, Ive find myself being self-conscious, anxious, and thinking of everything else then the moment I am experiencing in real time. Having peace of mind is the only way to truly live in the moment. It serves as a foundation for genuine presence and engagement with the present. Living in the moment can only take place with true engagement from oneself. This engagement is made impossible when outside distractions such as phones, anxieties, and insecurities takes forefront in our minds. Having peace of mind is less about living in the moment and is more about possessing inner tranquility and acceptance of yourself. Easier said than done but once accomplished living in the moment is no longer something you tell yourself to do, it becomes second nature. Having the inner peace to feel comfortable in the moment will allow you to truly feel the moment, enhance your awareness, allow you to make deeper connections, and be more fulfilled by your experiences. Finding inner peace is not something that is found over night, it is a processes that takes practice. Implementing self-care, mindfulness, and meditation of any form can help lay the groundwork towards living in the moment. Although my personal journey to finding peace of mind is not one that is finished some things that have helped me to live in the moment is having a “you only live once” mentality and allowing myself too authentically be myself in every interaction.

  27. Keith F.

    With complications in the world today and concerns that everyone shares, a great many people have forgotten how to live on a day-to-day basis. Collectively people direct their attention to the future or overwhelm themselves with concerns that they often have no control over. In order to attain happiness by living in the moment one must learn to appreciate what they have. This does not have to be a material object since it can also refer to relationships or hobbies or other forms of self-betterment one pursues. Actively taking motions to better oneself is an example of living in the moment. None of this is to say that looking ahead to the future or thinking back on the past is a not-so-good approach to life, but the ability to recognize where you are and being able to function in the present is just as important. There are also people who live in the moment that take everything happening in their present as a cause for concern. They do not consider that what they are so worried about will no longer be an issue in their immediate future. Of course, this train of thought is not applicable to everything, but it is more common than one might think. Along the same lines some only live in the moment without ever considering their past or their future. This state of being renders them the same person for their whole lives. They never change who they are since they are unable to grow from their experiences. To have a genuinely happy and accomplished life you must be able to balance your past with living in the moment as well as being able to consider your future.

  28. In life, there are many goals and accomplishments people wish to achieve, some people devote their entire lives to how to make themselves as successful and wealthy as possible. This is all fun and good until when that they reach their goals they have no one to celebrate with. Life is full of tosses and turns that will without fail throw all of your plans out the window and will make you work your way all the way back up. You can possibly work your entire life however I believe that life isn’t just your accomplishments, it’s the memories, the time, the friends, the family, the jokes, and every other miniscule thing that makes you happy. I began truly believing in this once I realized that I can always make more money, assets, and connections however, I could never make back the true friends, the family moments, and most importantly the time. Time is such an important and valued thing, yet despite this many people forget to take the time for friends, family, or even themselves. This realization that I could never get time back in my life truly changed me. I used to not really care about what I was doing in my life, but after that realization I made, I made drastic changes to how I live my life. I started hanging out with my friends more, I would purposefully do things that would benefit me and my future while refusing to neglect the things that truly make me happy.

  29. To me living in the moment means to just let go of all your worries, what people may think of you, and to just enjoy being content with where you are and what you’re doing. I hear a lot of people say that living in the moment could mean taking risks, going out all the time, doing something crazy and enjoying it. Which it could for them. But I realized recently that there are different ways to live in the moment. For me part of living in the moment is about being content with where you are currently in life. For one person that could mean living life to the fullest and going on crazy adventures. But for other people, living in the moment could be more relaxed. You could be in your living room reading a book and that could still be living in the moment. For the longest time I didn’t think like that. I didn’t always go out and do stuff with my friends a lot like most kids, and most of the time I would just prefer to stay home. I would always think that because of that if I wasn’t doing something meaningful and going out then I wasn’t living in the moment. So, then I would force myself to go out and be more social. Which did actually help me become way more social and outgoing. But I realized I could live in the moment in many different ways. Staying home and reading a nice book is living in the moment just as much as going out with your friends and having a good time.

  30. I believe that living in the moment means experiencing life while doing a certain activity, being with a certain person or people, or in a certain place, without actually thinking about the passing of time or worrying about things in the past of future. You are just having fun doing whatever you’re doing and your mind is solely focused on what you are doing. It’s kind of hard to explain but I hope that makes a least a little sense. For example if I’m sitting at home doing nothing but scrolling on my phone or waiting for people to text or call or snap me I’m not living in the moment because I’m actively thinking about the passing of time or I’m worrying about something in the past or future, where as if I’m in my car with my friends zooming down a curvy back road with the windows down blaring music, I am living in the moment because I’m not thinking about the passing of time, or I’m not worrying about other matters in my life, I’m just there in the moment having a great time. As someone who struggles with anxiety quite a bit, I find it amazing to be in situations where I am not at all worrying about the things I usually worry about, like school assignments, friend drama, what people think of me, etc. After I realized this I now try to be in situations where I’m “living in the moment” as much as possible because not only am I at my best of a person in those moments, my best memories almost always come from times where I was living in the moment. From what I’ve heard about college life, it’s a lot of fun, partying, making new friends, trying new experiences, all that, but I’ve also heard it’s a lot of struggling, with papers, exams, work, living on your own for the first time, and many other things that are sure to cause me a lot of worrying. But I hope I can take advantage of every opportunity I get to live in the moment as to balance out the harder parts of college life and everything that comes after.

    -Josh Whelpley

  31. When I have personally been told to “live in the moment” I tend to second guess myself with how much stress I have been putting on myself, thinking about the future, thinking about the present, and the past. All three parts of the day are why I personally can not always “live in the moment. To be able to “live in the moment” I personally believe that the happiness that comes with it is, the feelings and thoughts that I have put on myself for not really ever living in the moment has affected not only myself but my social life as well. Examples would look like, my friends and I would be out somewhere either if that is parting or being outside, but knowing that an assignment is due later that day is when the effect of living in the moment happens, either I need to leave where I am to make time for myself and to get what needs to be done, or staying outside with the friends and making the wrong choice to be able to live in the moment. I am incredibly indecisive about it at times. To be able to not worry about anything around you or whatever is going on in general, basically being stress free to be able to live in the moment, but again that also has its downfalls since that is also when procrastination comes into play. Since I wouldn’t be able to worry about anything else to be able to just live in the experience, I would only be putting what I need to do aside until I decide when it time to go back and return to the real world and the responsibilities it holds.

  32. Harmonie J.
    What would living in the moment mean to me?
    Living in the moment is being in the present, not the past, not fearing the future or anywhere else for that fact. It’s experiencing life as it’s right in front of you not worrying about what happens next. Living in the moment can be hard for some people in many situations, I even speak for myself when saying living in the moment can be challenging or difficult especially for someone like myself who typically doesn’t do well with change or things i’m not familiar with so when I’m introduced with or to new things, environments, people or anything else for that fact it’s hard, its new and concerning for a person like myself. To live in the present moment can be challenging sometimes especially for those who overthink and or analyze, many people aren’t able to live their lives to the fullest due to certain fears or the idea of not being in complete control. It’s natural and common to constantly live in the past or to fear change. Some people are comfortable that way but I strongly believe that living in the moment is extremely important, it shapes certain experiences, our outlooks and responses to situations. I’ve always had the mindset that tomorrow isn’t promised neither is time. We don’t have any guarantees on what tomorrow or even the next day holds for us, why be stuck in former times and not now the present. I say this to say live life through a clear mindset, don’t stress about tomorrow or the future or even an hour from now take pleasure in living in the moment and cherish it, savor it and live your life to the fullest ENJOY it.

  33. We are weak, a human’s life cycle is only so long; It could be less than a day, it could be over a hundred years. But in the end we have no avoidance from death. We experience ups and downs, yet we don’t know when it’s gone. So by living in the moment we are allowed to enjoy our lives to the fullest. Striving for a objective, a goal. Let’s us live in the moment, whether it be a big like getting accepted into college, or getting some ice cream. Both of those can lead to you getting a good memory or two, at least in the moment before it’s forgotten. The enjoyment you experience is unlike anyone else’s, as it’s your feelings. Your own meaning, you own interpretation. Every day, every hour, every minute, and every second have lead up to the moments you are living. The moment you are reading. Are you happy? Are you content? Either way the moment you are living in was only a moment, so hopefully you feel happier soon. Even if you don’t, that’s ok. Whenever the moment isn’t the best, that makes the good moments feel even better. But every single moment, has made you, you.

  34. Seth W.

    Whether dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, we all struggle sometimes to fully live in the moment at all times. Often we dwell and worry about decisions we have made in the past or contemplate decisions big or small in the future. It’s alright to do it sometimes but doing it too much can turn into overthinking and stress. The key to living in the moment in my opinion is not overthinking. Simply learn from the past and be conscious of the future. Spend the rest of your time enjoying and living in the moment. Another way that we struggle to live in the moment is when we hold ourselves back because we fear that other people might judge us. Being free from those thoughts is an important step in living in the moment. Experiencing new things is the best way that I practice living in the moment. Learning something new, travelling, or meeting someone new can be a great experience and a great way to take a break from the same old routine. The best way to do this is by saying yes to almost everything. If your invited somewhere, say yes. If your friend asks for help, say yes, Say yes to any new experience that comes to you.

  35. Growing up everyone around me told me that I need to stay focused on my future. While yes that is true and important, it tends to take away from the here and now. The past couple years, and especially this past year, I have strayed away from what I used to do and decided to take make the most of every day. For the first time, I participated in a school sport and ran on the track team in my senior year. After meeting some of my, now, closest friends when I was on the track team, I wish that I joined the team sooner. The same concept followed me into the summer months. Instead of working and going home and repeating every day like I used to, I try to get out of the house as much as possible and do something. Whether it be going out for a car ride, watching the sunset, stars, sunrise, or just making a fool of myself with a group of friends. This concept of living in the here and now has made me much happier and my mood has been much better.

    This is definitely going to be a summer to remember because I’ve been focused on living in the moment and not waiting for things to happen. Kenny Chesney’s “Here and Now” explains this concept perfectly throughout the majority of the song. As Kenny says, “Ain’t no better place, ain’t no better time than here and now… Better get to living ‘cause all we got is here and now.”

  36. Often people forget about the now, and end up lost in the past or the future. We find ourselves lost in the worries of what is to come. Political campaigns, promotions, or even just simply wondering about the next bit of work to do. People forget to take breaks and take time for themselves. Living in the moment is important to do, taking time to center yourself and remember what you are doing, and where you are. For me, I can remember a time when I had forgotten to do that. At the age of 11, I was worried about the possibility of countless things, from rabies, to lightning strikes to the world ending. It had consumed everything I had thought of, making me worried about things that were never going to come, or were at least unlikely. It bothered me a lot, and I had trouble sleeping. It took help to get myself out of that mindset. But when I had finally found my center, and lived in the now, I was no longer worried. And eventually, I had learned to deal with those grievances. While the world is not an entirely safe place, it is important to remember to enjoy the time I am alive while I have it. And I will never forget what I have learned. I know now to enjoy life as it is, and not forget that I have family, friends, hope in this world. Now, I strive to never forget that again.

  37. Hannah S.
    I believe in living in the moment.
    Growing up I lived the stereotypical perfect life. I lived in a happy home with my parents, younger brother and dog. I was a healthy and happy kid with lots of loving family and amazing friends. I was a student-athlete along with the president of one of the clubs I participated in. I knew I lived a good life, but little did I know how lucky I truly was.
    In November 2020, my life changed forever. A simple sick visit to the pediatrician ended in a trip to the hospital and a life altering diagnosis. I was diagnosed with graves’ disease, an incurable autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid affecting 1 in every 33,000 adolescents. As I began to grieve the ways my life would change and what could have been, I encountered a phenomenon. It always seems that people wait for devastation to start living in the moment. We have no idea how fortunate we are until those things we took for granted are taken away. I never had moments where I reflected on how grateful I was for things so ordinary to me such as my health.
    Since then, I promised myself to live each and every day to its fullest and in the moment. I began to realize how grateful I was for my good health days and even on my bad days how lucky I am that my body is strong enough to fight. I also began to appreciate the things I had in life even more than I did before like getting my favorite color popsicle or singing my heart out to Taylor Swift in the car with my friends. Life is so precious. Please live in the moment and be grateful for all you have.

  38. Peter A
    A quote that meant a lot to me was not one said by a great philosopher. It was said by a friend of mine, He said: “people say I’ve changed, I [pooped] my pants, I had to change.” What I love about this is that it shows personal change as a good thing. When people change, the trend is almost always for the better. However, I don’t like how it frames change as something as instant as changing your pants. Change is slow. People will often say that they were “so horrible a year ago.” Did they instantly become good one day? No! Of course not. Change is like a tree you water every day. It grows so gradually that you don’t realize it.
    Speaking of being “so horrible a year ago.” you probably thought that same thing a year ago, and the year before that, and the year before that, and so on. That’s good, it means you are a better person than you have ever been. Does that mean you’re perfect? No, but It means you learn from your mistakes.
    Just because you want to learn from your mistakes does not mean you need to dwell on them. In fact the opposite, if you spend all your time dwelling on something you are bound to repeat it. You need to live today, not yesterday, not the day before, or the one before that. Live in the moment and look to the future with hope. A better you is just around the corner.

  39. One of the most important things about living in the moment is knowing the importance of time. I Believe time is the most important thing in the world. We go to school and work so we can make money but without time there’s nothing to use that money on. Balancing school work, your job, and your free time is challenging but important. Students can often let their free time slip away when school work becomes overwhelming, and if this becomes a bad habit later on in life they might find themselves doing the same thing with their job. Meeting deadlines in college or high school is important but it might be good to take a decent break afterward, time management was a necessity for me in high school. I’ve worked full-time my last two summers in high school and it’s been hard for me to manage, I feel like some weeks I wake up, go to work, then sleep and repeat. It’s been hard for me to spend time with my friends when I’m out of work and all I want to do is sleep. I know now how important balancing life and work is, and I’m going to make that a point in my future and I think others should as well. Time is how we hang out with our family and friends, and with such a limited amount of it, it is crucial we spend it wisely.

  40. Living in the moment has become a phrase that we hear very often. However, what does it truly mean? Does it refer to living life spontaneously or recklessly without any thoughts about the future? Does it mean disregarding our responsibilities and simply following our hearts? These are questions that require us to take a step back and truly reflect on the importance of living in the moment. I believe that living in the moment means fully embracing the present without worrying about the future or being bogged down by the past. It’s a conscious decision to enjoy the here and now and make the most of what life has to offer at this very moment. Many times we let opportunities slip away because we are either too worried about what lies ahead or dwelling on past failures or mistakes.

  41. “If you want to do something but you’re too scared to do it, do it scared.” This is one of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever gotten. It’s helpful for me because I’m not used to doing things outside of my comfort zone, and I end up holding myself back from experiencing so much because of it. But I realized that when my mind isn’t bombarded with what if’s, it’s easier to experience life freely. Life moves so quickly, focusing too much on one part of your life can make you miss the part you’re living in now. I learned to not live life with regrets of the past or worries about the future because all that does is take away from me living in the present. With this advice I’ve been able to understand myself better and try more challenging things.

  42. Katia Farias

    Pages of a Story
    (Living In The Moment)
    Overtime, people grow up and think I wish I was a kid again. At one point possibly 30, 40, or 50 years ago they were once in that place. This may have included riding bicycles, playing tag, or even having a lemonade stand. As a child you don’t realize how valuable time is and how it reflects on you. When I think of the phrase “Just live in the moment,” it’s memories and times in our lives that we will never get back. Sometimes memories are those individuals don’t want to remember but it traces you year after year. In society today many suffer with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and even bipolar disorder. In this case, thinking too much about future events that have not even occurred is known as anticipatory anxiety. This takes away the idea of enjoying anything at the time because some are more worried about what is to come in the future. You must learn to accept the way your life is going, the memories you are making like said previously are moments you will never get back. You must learn to embrace the memories being made and enjoy each day slowly and as it comes. Some days will be harder than others but it is all singular pages in a book that eventually get pieced together which make a story, your life. Unfortunately, in society today many don’t look at their days and view all the positives or even at their past week, it seems to always be negativity. Always looking back at negativity causes you to feel a certain way and then you get older and have many regrets onto why you thought that way or did certain things. Taking each moment day by day allows you to reflect on the life you are living and sometimes it may be poor decisions made but this way you are able to fix it and better off yourself. As an adult now, I look back at the days when I was 5 and I regret not going outside to play and not embracing the moments being made with family members who have passed. Each day should be lived in the moment because once you get older things may change and moments might even slip away.

    Thank you.

  43. Living in the moment to me is like diving headfirst into the stream of life and letting its currents carry you. It’s the feeling of being fully awake or feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. It’s about letting go of the constant mental clutter that pulls us in a million directions and just being where you are. When you live in the moment, you’re not weighed down by regrets of the past or worries about the future. Tomorrow is never promised, so many young people are dying everyday and its tragic they’ll never get to live their life. People today care too much about what others think about them too much and are afraid to live how they want. Even if it’s with work or school it’s easy to get caught up in the little things and always getting in your own head chasing the next goal/milestone. But living in the moment reminds us that isn’t just about the what you’re trying to reach it’s about the journey and doing the things that make you happy. So, take a deep breath, look around, and let yourself be present. Life goes by fast no point of spending it a way you don’t want to live.

  44. Simon S
    I spent a long time in a constant state of worry about what I’ve done in the past and what I will do in the future. I tend to be a much more cautious and nervous person and found it hard to just enjoy where I was in my life at that point. It felt like I was always worrying about how this would affect or change the future all of the time, rather than enjoying my life and hobbies. Overtime I finally began to just be able to enjoy the moment and sometimes not worry about what was to come or how things were earlier, just enjoy the moment and make memories. That’s what living in the moment means to me, going out and doing things you enjoy, doing what you want and being happy in your life. I found myself going out into the world more and taking more opportunities to be out with my friends and less time inside and focusing on things that at the end of the day did not really matter. I realized how much just living in the moment helps with just enjoying life and finding joy in the world. My friends and family while most of the time not directly helped me find a new way to enjoy life and go out and do things and enjoy the time I have. I started going out to concerts and other events to try to broaden the scope of my hobbies and how I spend my time.

  45. Daphne P.

    Live in the moment, enjoy the moment. Everyone is always saying live in the moment, and I can’t help but agree. Every moment is way too short for us not to be living it. Time flies by too fast for us to constantly focus on the future or be suck on the past. I HATE BEING ON MY PHONE when I am out with friends or even surrounded by people. I sit there and experience the moment for all it’s worth, even if no one talks to me. Life is too short for us to be stuck on a screen rather than enjoy the moment while it lasts. Every second matters and it’s a shame that we often let it go to waste. You could shout, “Enjoy the moment because it only lasts for a second,” from the rooftops, but barely anyone will listen.

    We sometimes focus on what’s happening behind a screen rather than at that moment, which is a defense mechanism. Some people do it because they fear interacting with others, and others do it because they don’t want to interact with the people around them. However, cell phones also allow us to continue living in the moment. They let us capture the moment somewhere other than our memory. Our cell phones let us live in that moment, even if we want to forget or have forgotten. That’s what makes cell phones beautiful, in a way. However, don’t let cell phones stop you from living in the moment but remember to experience it. It’s essential to balance capturing the moments and living them. We shouldn’t allow our cell phones to distract us from the present.

    You could live in the moment in many different ways. It could be as big as going skydiving or as simple as trying new food. How we live in the moment is unique to who we are. Living in the moment is different from person to person. Live in your moment, being true to who you are and what you stand for, because nothing is risker or more nerve-racking.

  46. Living in the moment is a mentality that I have struggled to remember and listen to. Every day I live my life trying to achieve perfection, but I will never reach perfection, but instead I waste my life away rather than living in the moment and enjoying the imperfections of life. Every day is a challenge, but all these challenges become a little easier when I let go and live in the moment, I have so much life left to live that letting my perfectionist tendencies is taking away from my beautiful present and future. Society moves fast, and it doesn’t stop for anyone, so it’s important that I take advantage of every second I have in life, enjoy every conversation I have, and appreciate the continuous relationships I have. I have gone too long in my life letting myself get taken over by the need and urge to have a “perfect” outcome for every situation, not everything works out how I want, not everyone will stay forever, the only thing in life that is given is that it can be beautiful and letting the pressures of my own expectations go I will be able to live in the moment and enjoy life for what it is and not for the unrealistic ways I want it to be. Although I am young, I have already experienced the many highs and lows life has to offer and looking back now there are many moments where I wish I remembered to let go and live in the moment, life is too beautiful to let it just pass me by. The imperfections that come with living in the moment is the perfection I was missing, living in the moment is living and thriving through the imperfections of life and letting go.

  47. I believe that living in the moment is a simple concept that everyone should somewhat do in their lives. It is doing something without thinking about future consequences like maybe eating something unhealthy or talking to someone who you don’t know. Throughout school you’re always building up to one big moment whether it’s graduating high school or getting your dream job but sometimes it could ruin your life in the now. Without living in the moment you might miss out on some vital experiences that could help you develop into the best person that you could be. This would fully allow you to be yourself and experience stuff that you might’ve not gotten the chance to experience if you were always worrying about the future. I like to think that I live in the moment when I too am guilty of worrying how something would affect me later in life. Just slightly using this in our daily lives could be a little push so we aren’t a stick in the mud while our friends are living life.

  48. Something I’ve always believed in is living in the moment, but more specifically, not overthinking things in the moment. Sometimes we can overthink certain things, which can get in the way of us really appreciating the memories we’re making. Even simple things like going out with friends can be ruined by worrying about what others think and getting into your head too much. That’s what living in the moment means to me; not overthinking the little things and just enjoying life stress-free. Looking back, you will definitely regret it and wish you weren’t as stressed about things that don’t even matter. It’s easier said than done, but worrying about people’s opinions will only lead to you being insecure about yourself and thinking negatively. You can’t force or convince people to like you, so you shouldn’t even bother with trying to change who you are. I also believe part of living in the moment is not taking things for granted. If you’re just going through the motions of your day-to-day life, you might not realize how good you have it. We tend to live our life without stepping back and realizing how blessed we are to have these memories. Especially since it’s the summer before we become freshmen to a brand new school, now is the perfect time to cherish. Don’t take for granted going to the beach with family, late night drives with friends, etc. because a lot is about to change soon.

  49. Noelani M.

    Everything Happens for a Reason

    I believe “everything happens for a reason” in life. Even though I am the type of person to overthink every situation, I know if I got the chance to change anything I probably would still not be satisfied. Therefore, I am convinced “everything happens for a reason”.

    Every mistake in my life has taught me an important lesson that I would’ve never received if I didn’t “mess up”.

    Every wrong turn whether it is figuratively or literally can open up new doors that you may never have seen otherwise.

    Every failed relationship may teach you a lesson. At the moment you may not understand why things may have gone wrong but a failed relationship can teach you different lessons to navigate a new one that could be a whole different dynamic because of the struggle you had in the past.

    Every failed friendship may alter your brain chemistry. Friendship is so vulnerable and intimate so it hits very hard when things may not work out as you hope but these events can lead to better outcomes that would never be possible without a bump in the road.

    Every fight can teach you more about yourself and the person you are disagreeing with which can lead to better communication and empathy toward situations with other people.

    I believe the saying “everything happens for a reason” explains that every event in life has a purpose which can lead to different opportunities and experiences. You may not understand it at the moment but setbacks that were “not supposed to happen” are supposed to happen…

  50. Cayla M
    What is living in the moment? Some may say taking every risk life has to offer and never turning back. Your past is the past for a reason. I chose to live life to the fullest while never turning my head back to the past. Happiness comes from the moment while the old turns into memories. Our generation has these standards where we document our life on phones and capture the moment, while we aren’t really capturing the moment in our heads nor minds. I used to never live in the moment, I expected everyday to come to me as if life was guaranteed but in reality life isn’t promised everyday. Live in the moment while you can. As a little girl I used to dream of having this big future of mine and rushing to be older and wiser but never predicted what life would be leading up to those moments. I chose not to rush those days anymore and cherish everyday as if it’s my last. Although we all don’t view the world the same as others, we may choose to make what’s best out of it. Earth is a beautiful place filled with millions and millions of creatures, we should not ruin nor take it for granted. Life is given for living not for waiting, why wait in life? Why not suck every moment we have that life gives us? Life is like a clock slowly running out of time, make time stop by living in the moment.

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