UMassD Believes

Summer Writing Project

Role Models

What do you believe about role models?

Post submissions here that match this topic thread in comments.


  1. Sherman, Samuel R 7/1/23

    What I believe in Role Models? I believe that Role Models can be the spotlight and leaders of the people to show them your pride and honor to show you care about this. A saying from my Advisor from my Leadership Team Mrs. Jill Shurtleff as well as the Director of the Warwick Area Career And Technical Center Mr. Timothy Kane once said that myself and the Leadership Team were the true leaders and Role Models of the Career Center.

    Getting back the the Leadership Team idea, During the last year of High School and at my Career Center in Rhode Island I stepped up to the plate and helped out my Engineering Instructor Mr. Michael Kugler when he needed help for me to teach incoming Career Center Students because he knew I would be the Role Model and person he could trust for that or any job he needed me to do which lead me to volunteering to become part of the SkillsUSA Leadership Team as a representative for my Engineering, Drafting & Design. My instructor knew I would be the perfect person in the program to do this so I took the consideration of doing it. The Leadership Team gave me the opportunity to meet new friends and familiar people I may know who were on the team from other programs. It gave me a chance to have courage and confidence to work with people to give out new ideas on how we can gain the money we need to support our Career Center to get them to the SkillsUSA Nationals competition in Atlanta. To explain a little more about Skills, SkillsUSA is the annual competition we hold every year to compete against other programs and Career Centers from Rhode Island in the States and then it would proceed with Gold Medal winners going off to the Nationals to compete with people from all over the place not just from Rhode Island. SkillsUSA mission is to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.

    The Leadership Team gave me that opportunity to become to Role Model and Leader of the community and the Career Center by being involved in events to help out people in need of help which shows how much I care about this Role Modeling act .

    Some events this Team I participated in include the following:
    1)Food and Toy Drives to help people in the community in need of meals for Thanksgiving and Gifts for the Holiday season

    2)Teacher Appreciation gifts and spirit week ideas

    3) Fundraisers that include :Valentine sales where we sell chocolates and carnation flowers, Candle sales to sell Scented Candles, Breast Cancer Awareness bracelets/donations, Golf Tournament

    4) Ceremonies that include: Senior Recognition Night to recognize Seniors in the programs graduating , SkillsUSA Awards for who’s going to States as well as who earned medals from States going off to Nationals

    5) Other events also include: Car show hosted by the Automotive program and Field Day event we plan for the students at the end of the school year for the Career Center

    Being a Role Model and doing all of this work really helped me this past school year to show I’m ready for the world to see who I am and what can I do to help change the world and set a good positive attitude for people to look up to and see when they are in need of a helpful hand. I learned from many people when I did the Leadership Team. I had fond memories that I’ll never forget and I’ll miss doing the work as I have showed the people and friends I have in my engineering program how to act like a role model and to do the right thing to help people like my job. If it weren’t for my Engineering Instructor Mr. Michael Kugler I wouldn’t have done this Role Modeling team without his support and to thank of course the Advisor of that Leadership Team Ms. Jill Shurtleff for being the best person to show me what it’s like to be a Leader at the Warwick Area Career & Tech Center.

    • Hey Samuel, I completely agree that positive role models such as teachers change our lives. I also competed in SkillsUSA because classmates and teachers inspired me and I have no regrets. I have role models that I look up to in so that I can aspire to be like them in the future in my career and personal life.

      • Hey thank you so much for the comment it’s so great to know more people out there who knows the piece I wrote out. It’s great to see others who were part of the SkillsUSA

  2. I believe that role models are someone or a group of people that hold themselves, or more precisely. held by us at a level that we aspire to reach in some specific regard. They are someone that we hold on a pedestal higher than ourselves and often higher above others as well. There is a bit of good in this ideology in the sense that we want to achieve more than what we currently have for ourselves, however this is also a double-edged sword. While being a source of healthy “competition”, it also comes with the idea of being an exact how-to guide, when that is not necessarily always the case. Most people’s role models are older than them and have accomplished more as a result. However, people fail to realize that there are different routes everyone takes as well as outside factors that may affect the paths that lead their role models to be in the positions they are in to be looked up to now. While having a role model sets a good example it also creates a complex for those who have them, and can make it seem like they have to follow the exact steps or some very similar ones to get what they want to achieve, when in reality, they can take a whole different avenue and end up in the same place, but they’d never know that because they’re so focused on a role model that they let the other opportunities for elevation surpass them.

    • I agree with you. A role model can be a good thing to have but also a bad one. It all depends on how you view this person “higher” than you and how you act because of it.

    • I agree that role models are older, and should be older, life is a sequence of mistakes and the lessons we learn from those mistakes. Not all people find a right in their wrongs throughout the course of their life, but those who do become role models.

    • I agree that role models should be older than you, due to their experience in life overall. I also believe that whether or not a role model is positive or negative, both can serve a great purpose for showing you what path you should take for yourself in life.

    • I haven’t thought about role models in a negative way but this was an interesting way to look at it and I agree. Everyone is different and there is no one path to success so copying exactly what someone does won’t mean you’ll achieve the same goal.

    • I like how you say it a double-edged sword. We all want to have people we can look up to and yes age is a factor you mentioned but you also talked about how completely different routes can lead you to the same place. This often makes people feel there route is wrong because it’s not the same as their role model. I also like how you mention that people allow other opportunities surpass them. We can often feel the need to follow people especially role models that is true people will let other chances to be great or to learn more go right past them. Especially if it’s not in the same field or career as the thing there role mode dose that makes them so great.

  3. Michael A

    There are many people in the world that you may have or still do “Look up to”, and those are people who I would consider role models. Having someone like this is very important especially growing up because they give you the guidance everyone needs when we are young. When I say young, I don’t think there is an age limit on having a role model. I think role models are one of the most important things we need in life.
    Setting a good example is one of role models’ main responsibilities. They show us that success and personal development are possible and that they can be attained with effort, tenacity, and fortitude. We look to role models for qualities like integrity, empathy, courage, and perseverance that we want to develop in ourselves. We can obtain insight on how to handle difficulties and overcome hurdles in our own lives by paying attention to how they act and make decisions. Role models are our guide in life to make sure we’re going on the right and successful path.
    Role models also aid in the development of our moral character. They provide as an example of ideals and beliefs that we can identify with, and their conduct acts as a guide for us. We may question ourselves, “What would my role model do?” when confronted with challenging choices or moral quandaries. Their influence can direct us to make decisions that are consistent with our own beliefs and foster our own development and wellbeing.
    Just because you have a role model, doesn’t mean you have to follow their exact paths as well. As I said before, they are mainly a guide or a blueprint in your life. A few people I would consider a role model at some point in my life are, My mom,my camp counselor Gene Austin, My Advisor and more.

    • I also think that it is important to use what you learn from your personal role models to become a good role model to others.

    • Hey Michael, love the statement and I agree with it. Role Models are good and I believe everyone needs one. I know some role models that made me the man I am today. I also like how you mentioned at the end that you don’t have to follow you role models foot steps exactly, I agree with that.

    • I agree with this. You can have a role model at any age, and gain new ones at that.

    • I agree that role models are a major factor in character development, they way people act whilst your watching them will directly influence they way you act within similar situations.

  4. OneciaC
    Role Models play a significant role in shaping the lives of individuals, especially younger generations. They are individuals who posses the qualities and traits that inspire and motivate others to aspire and be the best versions of themselves. In my case my role models were the women who I grew up with. The women who I watched struggle everyday to give me and my siblings and cousins a better life. Those women were my mother, grand mother, great-grandmother. As a child I was thought by them to never depend on anyone to pave a path for me because then I’d be forced to walk in the footsteps created for me, I was thought to never give up, to always be independent and to always be humble and give back to those who didn’t or weren’t able to have there own. It was constantly instilled into me from a young age that if someone was struggling when I wasn’t then I should help them and expect nothing in return and that’s something I still carry with me to this day. The morals they helped instill into me have helped me to create the goals and dreams I am now working hard to chase and achieve. Looking back I wished I had thanked my grandmother and great-grandmother before they had passed because they helped me to always understand that the positivity you give off won’t always be reciprocated but it will always be felt and remembered. I am grateful that my mother however is alive to see my follow my dreams and do so while keeping my goals and values intact no matter the obstacles thrown my way. In my opinion role models aren’t the people you wanna be like they are the people who made mistakes and could acknowledge their mistakes and teach others from those mistakes instead of letting them hold them back from accomplishing a goal no matter how big or small that obstacle is and that’s exactly why my role models are the women who I’ve seen go through hundreds of struggles but it never made them less determined and that makes them some of the strongest people I’ve been blessed to know, and I can only hope that I’ll one day inspire younger generations the way they did to me.

    • Hello,
      I agree with you, that role models are people who inspire others through their qualities and traits and how they inspire you to give back to others in need

  5. I believe that role models contribute to how you view yourself and the world around you. The kind of person you look up to has a significant influence on your thoughts and perceptions, which is why I believe that they are important. They can help you decide who you want to be and the life you want to lead.
    Role models fit an ideal criteria that tends to usually consist of all positive traits and we all have a different opinion of what’s good or bad so to all of us, when we think role model, we think someone that’s worth looking up to and are a positive influence to those around them. For most people, myself included, my role models are people that I’ve grown up around, like my mother. To me, she is one of the most dedicated and self driven people, she’d go to the ends of the earth for me and my siblings and that speaks volumes to me. It pushes me to be more responsible and ambitious when it comes to anything. I attribute half the woman I am today to my moms’ effort and perseverance. She’s been a wonderful role model for me and showed me what a great role model looks like. Role models can have a significant impact on the lives of the people that look up to them which is why I believe they are extremely important.

    • I agree, role models definitely make you act and look at the world differently. No matter the reason, I believe everyone needs a role model or somebody they look up to and aspire to be like. My mother is also my role model as I credit her for everything good that has happened to me so far in my life.

  6. Role models play a significant role in the shaping of young minds. They inspire and motivate you to grow up and do great things. Role models are the people you, as a child, look up to as a positive example of the type of person you want to become. Whether they are hard workers or they advocate for others, there are role models all around us. In my own experience, there are multiple people I look up to as role models, including my parents and grandparents. My parents have always been very hard workers and taught my brother and me to be grateful for what we have and that when you work hard on something, good things will come out of it, whether it is a goal you’ve reached or just a sense of accomplishment. They also taught me that if the outcome isn’t what you wanted, you keep trying and don’t give up. My grandparents also taught me the value of hard work. However, they always held their community, jobs, education, friends, and family on a pedestal in their lives. They both advocated for people with disabilities. My grandmother was a special education preschool teacher, and my grandfather advocated for those who had disabilities by co-founding a company that helps people become more connected in their communities and get them the care that they need. These four people have shaped me to become more responsible and aware of the impact you can have on other people’s lives, sometimes just by doing a small good deed.

    • I agree! Role models play an important part in who we are today. When we’re young we want to be similar to whoever our role model may be, and that encourages us to work harder. Role models gives younger generation inspiration to become better people and do great in life.

    • I agree! Role models are important because they make us who we are. Having a role mode encourages you to do great and inspire others.

  7. Role Models

    I believe in role models; role models are keys figures in today’s world that inspire a younger generation that is very active and socially aware. These figures in society give us something to believe in they stand for much more than being an amazing baseball player, singer, or writer. These leaders of ours don’t have to be smart, strong, and rich; role models are the way they are because they are unique to themselves and that is why we gravitate towards them. We want to be like our role models, they are symbols more than just a person they show that there are no bounds to you, that you are allowed to be more. It should be said that our role models have their own role models and so on and so forth. As an example, my mom is my role model she showed me that hard work and responsibility can take a toll she also showed me that we are all human, however the greatest thing she taught me was that no matter the weight on your shoulders or pressure forced on you by others as long as you keep moving and persevere through the adversity; no matter what you will make it. That is why I believe my mom is a role model because of things she taught me but also for the person she is, she is my mom that is what makes her unique to me. Role models are in place to show that we can do anything as long as we believe.

    • So true about how they could be more than athletes/singers. It’s about who they are, and what they do to help you to carry on.

    • I agree so much to this comment. I see that many people think like a role model has to be someone popular, someone who is rich, or someone successful but a role model can be someone who has impacted you from the start and has shown you the ways of life. I don’t think many people see their parent as a role model but they have done a lot in our life and that the point of a role model. Someone you look up to and have impacted your life.

  8. I know my topic is a bit different and uncommon but this is what I believe. I am pretty sure most of you have heard of the show Spongebob, well it isn’t just a typical show it is my childhood and I will always stand by that. What I am saying is I believe Spongebob is the reason why I am who I am today. Of course, he is my favorite character, as I see subtle things in common like always being happy and including others, but all the characters played a part in what I like to call my character development. Now I know this sounds strange but allow me to explain, Spongebob is adventurous and hyperactive and I take that from him I can be very adventurous and I tend to have a burst of energy numerous times throughout the day but…don’t ask me to go out to the woods at night I DON’T mess with that. Now let’s cover Squidward. I know he is very grumpy all the time but there is more to him and what I would like to talk about is his unhappiness and bad temper. I know everyone experiences bad days sometimes during the pandemic. I couldn’t help but be unhappy and the bad temper that just comes from my father, don’t tell him that (Whispering). Out of all seriousness, Patrick is where I can relate to the most right now laziness and goofiness. I am human and I get pretty lazy. I’m convinced it’s just poor time management, but I understand Patrick, and I don’t blame him if my head was shaped like my arms and legs I would be lazy too. But my goofy side shows more around my clothes, friends, and family members. I am a whole different person when I am making others laugh. Now I have been waiting to reveal “hehe” Mr. Krabs 🙂 he is short which I later discovered in middle school 5’2 was the tallest I’ll ever speak and money hungry. Now I know what you are thinking but it’s not in a bad way you see…I overwork myself a little too much and I am pretty sure my best friend can agree when I say it’s bad. But hey if you aren’t chasing the bag you gotta be either born rich or…yeah, I can’t think of anything else I just like to have money so when I have a breakdown I can shop and feel better, and pay my phone bill, and gas. Sandy Cheeks showed me that it’s alright to be strong while being a girl. I’m not that strong but there was female representation which I was glad to see growing up. So last but not least character is Plankton, dude is so determined to get a formula he will never be able to catch he became inventive to distract himself from his delusions. I get what he’s doing but be real with yourself you copepod, I really don’t what that is I just asked Google. But connecting this back to myself I am determined as he is because when I set my mind to something it doesn’t change and I’ll do anything to reach my goal, this could make me or break me but honestly I’m the first from my family to attend college so this is going great! So here is the end of my rant that can go on forever. I am very passionate about the positive impact this show has created for me. These are my examples growing up as a kid which taught me a lot, Spongebob isn’t just a show it’s a part of me Spongebob is where I get my unforgettable personality from, This I Believe.

    • I love the way you chose to take this topic! Cartoon characters are what most kids got to learn a lot from whether they realized it or not. They helped us grow and form our own personalities.

    • I like the way you talk about this topic! as most kids role model growing up are from the shows we watch.

    • I really like your take on this topic, I think there’s a lot more to the characters not just in SpongeBob, but in any childhood show. The all have different personalities that help shape us into forming our own personalities as we get older. We take these little things with us when we’re little and we come to realize that they were more influential on us than we thought.

  9. What I believe about role models?
    Well, I believe that role models can be a good thing to have. It gives you a goal for what you aspire to be. A role model motivates you to work hard for whatever it is they you want for yourself. Whether that be a certain job, lifestyle, morals, etc. to the smallest things like the color of a nail polish.
    Now this sounds fun and can even be quite beneficial like you wanting to go to college because of a role model influenced and motivated you to decide that leading you into more career opportunities.
    However, there are sometimes when a role model can do the opposite leading you down a path you maybe didn’t imagine yourself to be in. Not saying that college is everyone’s goal, but you want a role model that’ll make you want to be a better person than you are currently. Everyone has different ideas of what that “better version” of themselves is. Unfortunately, not every role model a person chooses to have will be one that helps them become better. Some role models can look gorgeous but have an awful outlook on life or maybe a role model is smart and has a great job but a poor home lifestyle. Not everyone will follow a role model exactly but some do which is why it’s important to truly look at your role models and see if this is someone you would truly want to become.

  10. What do I believe a good role model is?

    Well, I personally believe that a good role model is, is someone who inspires you to be both a good person and to do wat makes you the happiest. An example in my own life is my previous dance teacher and godmother. She was always someone who encouraged me and pushed me to be not only the best competitive dancer but the best person I can be. Growing up I was taught that hard work is what gets you where you want to be, and dance taught me that lesson probably more than anything else in my life. I was not born naturally flexible or with the best feet a dancer could have, but my dance teacher pushed me to work extremely hard every day to get where I wanted to be.

    In addition to how she encouraged me to work hard, she also was someone who I looked up to and wanted to be like. I always wanted to dance like she did and be successful in it like she was. But she was one of those people whose life wasn’t particularly extraordinary but was one that people wanted anyways. She did well in school, became a great choreographer and met a great guy. She showed me how to dance well and work hard and how to be content with what you have at the same time. In my eyes both now and when I was little that is what a great role model does.

  11. Ruudvan J
    Growing up I played many different sports so a lot of my role models are athletes, but as we seen in recent times athletes are not the best role models due to us not knowing who they truly are. As I say that the few athletes that were my role models have aged perfectly fine, athletes like Lionel Messi, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant. Each one of the individuals named represent a different aspect in life, but as a collective they are a representation on not giving up and believing in yourself. Lionel Messi was represent not selling yourself short due to obstacles, as he was diagnose with autism and GHD (Growth Hormone Disorder,) his life drastically changed after being diagnosed with GHD due to his family not having the funds to get him the proper treatment for his diagnosed, seeing how he was able to achieve great things inspired I could do the same. LeBron James for me represent not letting your surroundings determine your future. As he was homeless growing up with a single mother and had to constantly be on the move without a permanent place to stay which greatly hindered his social life. With those challenges most people do not make it out of those conditions I can say with my own experience hearing about the obstacles he has faced in his life made me believe I can achieve anything I want and my background does not matter. Last but not least Kobe Bryant, He played a pivotal part in my life growing up and to always work hard at what I do.

  12. Role Models

    A role model may not even know their a role model, but as long as they inspire others through their actions, they very well could be one. When someones a role model, people aspire to be like them. They may look into their personal, professional or ethical values, depending who the role model is. In life I feel as if a role model can be anyone. Your dad or mom, drill instructor, boss, or even friend could be that person you look up too. No matter their fields or backgrounds, they can do the same thing, which is inspire others to pursue their goals. For me, my dad is my role model. He wasn’t just my dad, he was my soccer/baseball coach, a comedian, and a family man at heart. Now I work two jobs, I may not be doing as much as he does every day, but I can see myself following in his footsteps. But in all, doesn’t have to be your dad, or even a relative. Anyone could be a role model, they don’t even have to know you. It’s whoever that gives you courage to continue.

    • I agree that most people don’t even realize that they are a role model, because like you said, role models can vary from a superstar to your parents and they may not even know. And there is also many ways to look up to a role model from personal views to just being your favorite player.

    • I agree, remodels can be anyone from celebrity’s to a sibling. It doesn’t matter who they are all that matter is whatever they’re doing they’re inspiring people to do better.

    • I agree with your statement about how anyone can be a role model and not just someone that you have to know. Someone you look up to doesn’t have to know you in order for you to be able to be inspired by them, its the persons actions that makes them a role model.

  13. How Role Models Impact Our Lives.
    I believe Role Models impact our lives in ways beyond the ways we believe, weather it is our Parents, Peers, Friends, Partners or even the people we watch on television they all have a significant impact on how we perceive and do things in our day to day life because these our the people that are around us everyday and even though we may not intend to we will pick up on habits and perceptions of the people we have been surrounded by which in turn causes all of us to in our own way kind of look up to them. I know everyone’s initial thought when they hear the words is who they aspire to be like, they see the way that person leads their life or how they do certain things and try to apply that to their lives but in my opinion our role models are the people we would least expect like our previous teacher and soon to be professors. People have always told me that I am a product of my environment and I feel as though that is applicable to everyone so as much as someone can aspire to be like a Kardashian or Drake they will go back to what they have been surrounded by their entire lives thus far. Although I believe we tend to look up to the people around us more I believe we can be whoever we want to be and chose to take our own paths in life.

  14. Matt K

    What is a role model?

    A role model is someone you look up to, take advice from, and are always inspired by them and their actions. Anyone can be a role model without even knowing they are one. For example, if they are just doing their own thing, not even trying to inspire anyone but someone still looks up to them without knowing, that’s a role model. You can look up to someone from many different ways, could be an athlete you like to watch, or someone you saw online that you thought was funny, or someone who has the same beliefs as you. For me, it would have to be my Father. He has had an astonishing impact on my life and I look up to him for numerous reasons. My Father is always pushing me to do certain things I may not want to do but are good for me in the long run, and he is always there for me when I need the assistance or reassurance. He is also constantly motivating me to do the things that he believes are going to assist me to guide me to a better future. Without him I would be nowhere close to where I have gotten in life. He is the main reason for my motivation and my success in and out of school. That is what a role model is in my eyes and all the ways other role models inspire other people like my dad did to me.

    • I share a similar appreciation for the guidance and love my uncle gave me. Although he is not my dad, I view him as a father figure, best friend, and role model. Without his support, I would not have tried as hard as I did to get to where I am now. It is astonishing how much one person can help, and I wish to be a father one day to become something special for someone else.

    • I agree that motivation from someone you look up to goes a long way, my mom wants me to work as hard as I can to be successful, she’s the hardest worker I’ve ever known and has made countless sacrifices for my benefit. I owe it to her to do something with what she has given me.

  15. When you are a young child, the behavior of others will imprint on your mind, in turn shaping the kind of person you will grow to become. It is important for society to emphasize the importance of being a role model to those who follow you. The people you look up to are the people you want to be. I love and respect the people that have helped to put me in my current position, but I can’t say that I want to be like any of them. I want to be what others couldn’t be for me, not because they weren’t good enough, but because they were trying to make up for those who should have been one of the people I looked up to. Role models aren’t superheroes or Internet personalities, they are real people that are responsible, wise, and strong. Wealth, power, and influence are only relevant in the topic of being a role model if those qualities are associated with humility, generosity, and positivity. In most cases, the most wealthy, popular, and influential people don’t serve as a good example to those who watch them. People aren’t remembered for what they create, they are remembered for the impact of their creation. Maybe my definition is just my own, but it’s the type of role model I want to be. A fulfilled life is one that ends with the knowledge that you are responsible for shaping the personality of a good person that will do the same for those after them.

    • I completely agree some role models and these influencers only highlight the light of their life. This allows them to shape and mend what we see. That is why it is so important to pick some authentic. Not only should your role model be looked up to by you but they should also be looked up to by their peers. For example J. Cole, he has never been frowned upon in the media and is always praised for his humility and acts of service. His peers look at him too because of his humble demeanor, even while maintaining that high celebrity status.

    • I agree with your view on being grateful for what others have given you but not wanting to be like them is very raw and honest. I think a lot of times we feel like we owe someone something because of what they have done for us but the truth is that sometimes we just out grow people and that doesn’t change the fact that at one time they were good for you. That notion is healthy and without it life would be stagnant and unfulfilling. Being able to notice this is mature and something you should be proud of.

    • I agree, role models imprint the minds of children and that role model whether they know it or not can shape who that child will become.

  16. Alex L. Pires
    Resilience is a term that describes my character. The definitions of resilience are, the ability to withstand challenges or the ability to adapt and change. As a kid growing up in New Bedford, I have had the blessing of having a stable home but that didn’t mean everything was peachy. Many of my relatives, my uncle, grandmother (maternal), grandfather (paternal), and great grandfather (paternal), all passed away within my middle school years. Each of them had great impact on me. My grandparents immigrated to the United States from Portugal knowing very little about where they were going and worked jobs to support themselves and their 3 or 7 children. My maternal grandparents were illiterate in both languages. Their struggles have taught me that, just like them, I have the ability to stand against the odds and succeed.
    All of us can admit 2019 – 2021 were hard years when it came to education. I showed resilience by adapting to the challenges of online learning such as starting conversations on zoom to help maintain some normalcy, and helping those who cannot understand the subject. When we returned to face to face learning, I enrolled in an AP class, 6 Dual enrollment classes while being a part of various clubs, and having a job. Yet I hardly ever cracked under pressure, maintained A’s to B’s, and had a pretty decent social life due. Because of my resilience, I able to excel for what little time I had in high school.

  17. I believe role models are a essential component of bettering urself it doesn’t take much to be a role model anyone can be one and in a way everyone is everyone has someone that looks up to them and imitates the way they act in every way good and bad it teach us how to grow up to be a leader and a stand up citizen the people I look up most to aren’t famous they didn’t change the world or save millions they were my family they thought me to be the man I am today they showed me how to work hard for what I want an to take advantage of the second chances I get and learn from mine and others mistakes to better myself and I try to do the same for those who look up to me and when you learn from those role models it’s easy to apply those lessons to the rest of your life and can lead you to be a even better role model for other and that’s what I want I want those who look up to me to be a better and more successful person in this world then I ever was I hope to show my cousins and siblings that college is a option no matter where you come from or how bad you are in school that if you work hard and take advantage of every chance you can make it anyway that’s why I am a strong advocate for being a role model and why I believe you should try to help and inspire everyone around you

    • I agree, family members are great role models. Every child should be able to look up to their family for guidance and support. I, however don’t think everyone should be a role model, for example criminals shouldn’t be role models.

  18. Nate M.
    I believe role models are crucial to changing our views and expanding our outlook on the world. A role model inspires the people around them and sets an example for others to follow. Success is often connected to being influenced by a positive role model to look up to, especially early in life.
    Everyone’s role models are unique. Some people may look up to a family member or friend as their role model, while others may look up to a celebrity or athlete. These diverse role models share one characteristic: they all teach the people around them how to encounter difficulties of life.
    Role models offer stability and a sense of direction in a fluctuating society. Their actions motivate us to do our best work and hold true to our personal beliefs. I believe that what makes a good role model is how they can deal with and battle through hardships. The manor in which they handle the highs and lows they are dealt with is an indication of whether they should be looked up to as a role model. I am reminded of the impact role models have had on my personal and academic development when I consider their value in my life. Without role models to help guide me throughout my life, I feel as though a sense of guidance would be absent. Through various lessons and experiences, I have grown to be a better person with more valuable life skills. The influence of role models throughout my life has not only made an impact on my life but has also caused a ripple effect on the people around me.

    • I completely agree with you when you say that role models impact both personal and academic development. When I encounter a difficulty in life I always think about my role model and how they would handle the situation.

  19. Ltracey

    What do you believe is a Role model?

    I believe a role model is someone who you can learn from and who you look up to and learn to trust and have an unconditional love for. I have a few role models in my life. One of which passed away 4 days ago. He was the person I always went to during school to talk about my struggles and in outside of school. He was the one who would motivate me and push me to do better in classes. I told him all about my acceptance to Umass Dartmouth and he was very proud of me for making it. He’s the one who taught me how to shoot a basketball properly and ever since then I’ve fallen in love with the sport. Not only did I look up to him before his passing but I still do, I look at the sky during these past nights to say that I’m going to do it not only for myself but for him because he is the man who made me who I am today and who pushed me really hard through my years of high school. That’s what I believe a role model is someone who can bring the best out of you even when you don’t think you have it.

  20. Role models, in my opinion, are crucial because they encourage us to be the best versions of ourselves. They could be friends, family, or well-known individuals. Role models inspire us to pursue our aspirations by illuminating what is feasible. They help us learn important lessons and cultivate virtues like patience and kindness. By leading us along the right path, role models also assist us in making better decisions. When we encounter difficulties, they might serve as a source of direction and support. It’s crucial to pick role models that share our ideals and possess traits we respect. We can become the person we want to be in large part because to the influence of our role models. Therefore, it’s crucial to encircle

  21. what is a role model?

    A role model is someone who you look up to or, I would say somebody who leads by example who can inspire young kids and young adults. The reason why I say this is because somebody who I look up to is Lebron James, I say this particular person because he puts so much effort into his fans, family,even the place he called home in AKron Ohio. One day I hope I can give back to my community, friends, family whoever supported me when I was going through my ups and downs and its important to stick with the people who been with you since day 1, The people who made sacrifices for me to have what I want in life even if it was them putting themselves last they always made sure I came first and that I always had food on my plate first no matter the circumstances. Hopefully I can inspire kids to make the right choices in life and sorta give them advice on how life is and what are the consequences in the real world, Me being a role model is showing young kids and young adults that I am well behaved I lead by example I make the right choices and I am very much responsible.

  22. Role models

    I feel that your parents are your first role models as you grow up. They assist in instilling positive qualities in you, allowing you to become a more well-rounded individual. You can observe their activities and listen to their encouraging words because, as a parent, you want the best for your child. However, in addition to your parents and relatives, I feel you should have another role model person. You should look up to someone in your field of interest, whether it be an actor, artist, athlete, or author. They might motivate you to pursue a career or motivate you to be the greatest version of yourself. There are many people you can look up to who will help develop your young mind. On the other hand, there are negative influences that can show you the negative aspects. As a result, being young and gullible, it is critical to understand how to differentiate the negatives from the positives. Also another drawback of having a role model younger kids don’t understand the difference between admiration and obsession. They are easily fixated, which might send them mentally tumbling downward. Rather than asking “how do I get this,” it’s easy to slip into “I really need this.” Which, for a child without resources, can lead to them doing everything to achieve that objective. Which, depending on the path, can be a bad thing. All in all, choosing your role model is also an important task. They can show you the highs of life, which is what we all dream of, or they can show negativity and the lows.

  23. Every person should have a role model. I believe that looking up to someone is a very important aspect in one’s character development. Now on the other hand, I believe that each person should strive to be their own person with their own set of morals and values.
    For those very early stages in a child’s life it is detrimental that they start on the right track. Not everyone has the same role model, they may have different tactics and methods to mentoring a person, group or generation. My personal role model is my father. He has taught me some of the hardest lessons and quite frankly the man has never steered me wrong. Playing sports growing up was one of the prime examples of having a role model. My dad never played the sport I did and instead of never choosing to learn or care, he picked up on my habits, watched the sport and grew to understand and help me in my young athletic journey. Not only did he show me how to adapt but how to handle myself. If I ever did anything stupid I knew I would hear an earful on the two hour car ride back home. Or sometimes, even worse, it was silence. Tough love was the name of the game and I was the only contestant. Not only in sports but in life itself. Maybe after a poor report card I would lose a video game and then be forced to write out “I will never fail my classes again” five hundred times. Now that’s an exaggeration but that’s what it was meant to do, change your mind. I was taught it was ok to fail but never to make a habit of it.
    Regardless, a role model is meant to show you right from wrong and meant to build the foundation of a strongly moral human being. Not every role model is the same and they are not meant to be, but they should relay a similar message nonetheless.

    • Parents are great role models! I love how you include so many examples of what your father taught you because they are very relatable.

  24. When working towards a goal, often we have role models who have already achieved that goal that we look up to. This could be co-workers, family members, teammates, or even friends. For me that would be my friend Tommy, who is a year older then me and got recruited to play soccer at a college. Its my dream to play soccer in college and part of working towards that dream has been me looking up to my friend. He went to the same school as me and since he was older often he would get more playing time and start over me. Although this was annoying I took it as an opportunity to learn and figure out how to be as good as him. When we got the the recruiting stage, I looked up to him and often followed along to some of the recruiting camps that he would go to, to see what it was like and how the process worked. Eventually he ended up getting recruited to play soccer for a college. This inspired me to work hard towards that goal so that I could prove that I could be just as good and play at the college level too. So I did, I worked hard at practices and started working out. I took all the advice that my friend had given me about soccer and the recruiting process and I ended up getting offers from several schools to come and play for them and I ended up choosing Umass Dartmouth.

  25. I think role models can inspire and guide us to be our best selves they’re important roles models can provide us with positive examples to look up to and learn from they can motivate us to pursue our goals, overcome challenges, and make a positive impact in the world. It’s important to choose role models who align with our values and aspirations Role models can serve as mentors, offering valuable advice and guidance based on their own experiences they can also demonstrate qualities like resilience, kindness, and perseverance, which can inspire us to develop those traits ourselves. It’s important to remember that we can also be role models for others by being our authentic selves and making a positive impact in our own way. Role models can be found in various areas of life, such as sports, entertainment, or even within our own communities. They can show us what is possible and motivate us to reach for our dreams. It’s important to remember that no one is perfect, and it’s okay to admire certain qualities or achievements while also recognizing that everyone has flaws. Ultimately, role models can inspire us to become the best version of ourselves. Role models can be like guiding stars, showing us the way and inspiring us to reach for our own greatness. They can teach us valuable lessons and motivate us to overcome obstacles. It’s important to choose role models who align with our values and aspirations, and to remember that we have the power to be role models for others too. When it comes to engineering, role models can be professionals in the field who have made significant contributions or achieved great success. They can inspire us with their innovative ideas, problem-solving skills, and dedication to making a positive impact through technology and design. Role models in engineering can show us the possibilities and potential of the field, and motivate us to pursue our own passions and goals in this exciting industry.

  26. When I discovered my favorite musical artist, Bladee, I began to learn important lessons about myself and life as a whole. Before I developed my appreciation and understanding of Bladee’s music, my worldview was totally different. I would easily become frustrated with my own shortcomings and believed that there was something wrong with me if I was unable to reach my goals. It was difficult to recover from failure because my understanding was that I could never do enough.
    I discovered Bladee on social media in early 2020. His unusual, dreamy sounding music caught my attention. The first song of his I listened to was Apple. This song’s meaning missed me the first time I listened to it. As I started to listen to it more and explore Bladee’s other projects, I started to understand some of the messages he was trying to convey. Apple in particular tells the listener about how Bladee turned his life around in an unexpected way. Bladee’s earlier work was not as interesting to me as his newer projects. In his 2020 album, 333, Bladee shifts his focus from traditional rap ideas to his change in mentality and outlook. This new perspective is what caught my attention and inspired me.
    In Noblest Strive, Bladee sings about overcoming the challenges he faces due to his insecurities and past mistakes. He creates a new life for himself with the lessons he has learned. The most important of these lessons is to “turn your mental prison into a maze.” Bladee has turned his mind into a place of self-exploration and discovery, when he previously suffered from depression and hopelessness. These ideas are present throughout the entirety of 333. This album inspired me to view myself the same way. Rather than be frustrated by my mistakes, I know now that I should learn from them and accept myself.
    Bladee is my favorite artist because his music teaches me to not worry, review my mistakes, and try again. Failure is simply the first step to success and an important lesson about myself. A mistake is just a way to discover the right way forward. This is what I learned from Bladee, who is my role model.

  27. Darian R.

    What is a role model?

    Role models are people who inspire you to change your perspective on the way that you live your life. They have such a significant impact on your mind that you look up to them for guidance and to teach you. We must have key role models to ensure that we have good morals to look up to.

    Role models can be good and bad for you. It is a double-edged coin. You may think that the person you are looking up to is incredible and that you should follow them, but in reality, they can be someone terrible who is only dragging you down. It is always tough to decide who it is best to look up to and to take information away from them that will positively affect your life.

    I learned from a relatively young age that role models set up the foundation of your future. The people that I chose to look up to put me down an excellent path to set me up to succeed in my future. Without them, I may have fallen into the wrong crowd and may not be sitting here writing this blog post right now. I have figured out that we must all be thankful for the kind people in our lives who go out of their way to create a positive environment for people to grow as individuals. I will keep looking for people to look up to and to help guide me down the path of the right choices

  28. Marisha B

    If we had nobody to look up to, where would we be? When given this assignment, I took some time to consider the importance of having a role model. I also reasoned about what makes someone a role model. After some brainstorming, I concluded that anyone can be a role model; they look different for everyone. Ideally, a role model for your friend is very different from someone you look up to and that’s okay! Not many people have the same role model: that’s what makes us human. If we all looked up to the same person, we would all be chasing the same dreams and not have our own unique identities and goals. We want to be unique individuals. I believe in role models because of what they do for other people. They instill strength and motivation in those who look up to them. Role models could be anyone, from parents to billionaires to your 3-year-old sister due to her easygoing way of moving through life. The best thing about role models is that you can have as many as you want; your role model could be even one person, yourself. Perhaps you look up to yourself because of how far you’ve come. Role models show us that with hard work we can achieve our dreams no matter big or small. You could be someone’s role model without even knowing it! So please be the best version of yourself because you never know who’s looking up to you, hoping to be just like you someday.

  29. What do I believe in role models? I believe that role models are the people in our life who shape who we are. Role models are key figures that could be a parent, coach, teacher, or an administrator. Role models could be someone you’ve never met. But the way they carry themselves and how they treat others can have a serious impact on you. The success of these role models is usually something that we want to emulate. That belief that we can do what they do if we work as hard as them is what makes role models so special. My role model was always my dad. He was not only my dad, but he was my lacrosse/basketball coach. He’s always believed in me and pushed me to be my best self. Whether that is in sports or academics. He always believed in me and having that belief gave me the confidence to do anything I put my mind to.

  30. I believe that role models are a very important aspect of life. Role models inspire us and show us how to achieve our goals. Role models help show that with hard work, we can reach our dreams and encourage us to be the best versions of ourselves. I’ve had many different role models throughout my life some were coaches, some were teachers, and some were even friends or cousins. The most important role model in my life however was my Dad. Growing up my dad taught me many things from throwing a baseball to driving a car. My dad was always someone I looked up to because no matter what was going on in his life he always worked his hardest to make everyone happy. My father has dealt with Crohn’s Disease and arthritis since I was very young. Despite this he always perseveres and makes the best of every moment and that is something I can always take away and learn from him. The ability to not only stay happy yourself despite what is going on but to be able to still uplift and inspire others is the reason why my father is someone I can always look up to.

  31. Over the course of three summers working at a day camp, my five-year-old campers taught me some incredibly valuable lessons.
    The first lesson was how to find joy in every moment. It didn’t matter to my campers what activities were scheduled for later, because they knew that the present was far too valuable to be spent waiting around for something exciting to happen. Whether they asked to play a game while walking to the playground, or dropped everything to look at a dragonfly that landed next to them, these instances taught me to always find joy wherever I am.
    Another lesson was how to be more open. My campers would often surprise me in the way they expressed themselves. They were seldom embarrassed to show their emotions, and they clearly communicated when they were struggling. They were unhesitantly honest about their feelings because they knew it allowed them to get the help they needed. Their unwavering honesty reminded me of the value of being able to confidently express my own perspective on issues that are important to me.
    The most remarkable lesson I learned, however, was how to be absolutely authentic. When they showed up to camp, all they wanted to do was have fun. It didn’t matter to them what other kids wore, ate for lunch, or if some kids liked arts and crafts more than sports. These things didn’t matter to them because they were relentlessly and unapologetically authentic. It is a freeing experience to live life authentically, and I believe that children know this truth inherently.

    I believe that children can be some of our greatest role models.

  32. Role models are essential because they provide inspiration, guidance, and a sense of possibility. They are like beacons, guiding us through life’s challenges and opportunities. Having role models helps me shape my values, aspirations, and personal growth.
    Firstly, Role models showcase the path to success. They’ve achieved what we aim for, proving that it’s possible with dedication and hard work. Their stories encourage people to dream big and accomplish their goals. When facing obstacles, knowing that someone we admire has overcome similar hurdles fuels our determination.
    Secondly, role models exemplify positive qualities. They embody virtues like resilience, empathy, and integrity, which we can learn from and apply in our own lives. Observing these traits in action helps us become better individuals, contributing positively to our communities.
    Furthermore, role models offer a source of guidance. They’ve navigated the complexities of life, making their experiences valuable lessons for us. Whether in our personal lives, careers, or even moral dilemmas, their stories and advice act as compasses, helping us make informed decisions.
    Moreover, role models foster a sense of belonging and identity. They may share our backgrounds, challenges, or passions, showing that our aspirations aren’t isolated. This connection instills confidence, especially when we’re breaking barriers or pursuing unconventional paths.
    Lastly, role models ignite a cycle of inspiration. As we grow and succeed, we become role models for others, continuing the tradition of positive influence. It creates a community where support, encouragement, and shared achievements flourish.
    In essence, role models are important to me because they ignite a fire within, propelling me to reach for my dreams, become a better person, and contribute positively to the world. Their impact is immeasurable, shaping not just who I am but who I aspire to be.

  33. Role models shape us as people. If it weren’t for role models many people might not continue pushing with hobbies, interests, and maybe even life. I personality have many role models. My parents for always giving me hope and my friends for showing me different aspects of life.
    An experience I’ve had with role models is going to my first hardcore punk concert after covid shut concerts down for months and meeting a cool bandmate. The first concert of the summer July 30th, 2021. Six bands were playing but out of the six playing, Burning lord was my personal favorite. It was their first time playing too and their energy was amazing. After the band played, the singer came up to me. His name was Matt. He gave me a cassette tape and we talked about music for a few minutes. Later on, we started messaging on social media. I started going to more hardcore shows to see his band play. I started drawing flyers for some hardcore shows and that’s when we realized we both really liked drawing and art. Later on, we planned to make stickers for his band. I drew a sick wizard holding fire in his hand and Matt added the words “Warlock’s revenge, Burning Lord.” soon I stuck them all over Boston and handed them out at shows. We became good friends and I look up to him as a role model.

  34. Role Models

    I believe that role models are an essential piece to a young adult’s upbringing, and even further. A role model is someone who radiates brilliant characteristics in almost every aspect of life, and works to encourage others to be the same way. Some great examples of role models include parents, relatives, professors, coaches, peers, or even your boss. Role models are an extremely important part of a young adult’s life, not only do they teach you life lessons, they help you with understanding society, how to live a positive lifestyle, how to be kind to others, and much more. Some of the biggest role models i’ve had in life have been my father, my grandfather, my older brother, and my lacrosse coaches, who all taught me valuable lessons about life such as how to lose in grace, how to communicate with my peers, how to listen when someone talks, and even simple things such as shaving my face. For those less fortunate, who lack crucial role models in their life, it can prove difficult to learn good from bad, and right from wrong. It taints a person’s life when they have no clear path set out for them to follow. With no role models present, it can leave mistakes uncorrected, lessons not taught, and sometimes worse. For this reason, I strongly believe that having many strong role models during your childhood helps you grow as a young adult and is imperative for becoming an adult and joining society as a whole.

    ,Jack Boucher

  35. nrodriguezcordon

    August 14, 2023 at 10:46 pm

    A role model is someone who has a significant impact on others in the way think and or act. All role models even bad ones, commonly have desirable traits that in general most people want, like intelligence, high self esteem, charisma and so on.
    A good role model is important for everyone to have as they’re growing up. For a lot of people those role models were their parents, learning responsibility and work ethic from a father and mother who do everything they can to provide for their family.
    But not everyone has parents to be a role model for them or maybe they have one of their parents, but they spend most of their time trying to provide—which might not give them enough time to be the best example of a good role model. In these situations, people look elsewhere for someone to look up to like maybe someone in their community or a celebrity or sometimes even a fictional character.

  36. Role models have a huge impact on one’s way of life. Many may say that having a positive role model is what makes us triumphant, but different kinds of role models can influence us in positive ways, whether the role model acts negatively or positively. Though, having a role model with characteristics that we aspire to have, the role models that don’t have those upbeat qualities, have its benefits. With that being said, having negative role models can lead us to become determined to follow in the opposite path of that negative role model. Through observing the result of a person’s life based on their qualities and attitude, it helps distinguish between how you yourself can assure that you won’t end up the same way. Negative role models can give you the visual of what not to aspire to be, therefore pushing you to follow in a better and more positive direction for success.
    Coming from personal experience, I have had many negative role models in my life, but one main one that had a large impact on me. Not a negative impact though, just the opposite. This impact allowed me to realize what I don’t want for myself and my future. This role model inspired me to push myself to be the best version of me and earn the success I know I am capable of having, unlike them.
    While positive role models inspire and guide us through life, the negative ones can help serve this purpose as well.

  37. Emma Doll

    Growing up, I didn’t have the most positive role models. In my personal belief, there are no good or bad people. Just people who make decisions I would and people who don’t. I’m not saying this in a “my views are right and everyone else is wrong” sort of way. Everyone’s choices are made because that’s what they consider the right thing to do. I have no intention of shaming people for following what they think is right, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Even though my younger self’s role models weren’t exactly perfect, this is a mindset I can thank them for. And I do mean that genuinely, I’m happy I’ve developed a belief like this, labeling everyone as “good” and “bad” felt limiting to me. I wanted to make space, to be able to forgive people and give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Even so, there are plenty of unhealthy and unwanted behaviors I picked up from them as well. Without going into too much detail because that’s not what this blog is about. I hurt a lot of people, including myself because of the things I had been learning from them. I was miserable and I was bitter toward anyone who wasn’t. I’m not proud of that part of my life, and looking back on it was pretty foolish and immature. But that’s what I’d been taught. From a young age. And it stuck to me, for a lot of time. Most of my role models from that time betrayed and insulted me, I was seen as a disappointment. My teachers gave up on me, and even my family and friends seemed to resent me. I was surrounded by contempt and frustration for years because that’s all my role models had taught me. Even now, I have moments where I slip.

    However, whether I was ready or not, soon came high school. I applied to a vocational school and much to my surprise I had been accepted. Though everyone just told me it was because my brother already went there, and if nothing else I had a great attendance record. But, the culture shock from high school to middle school was so sudden it felt foreign. I found myself with new role models. And they completely swiped away everything I had learned before like it meant nothing. As if it was a dust bunny on their shoulders. Every self-deprecating joke was met with a lecture and a disappointed look. And for the first time, people started actually believing in me and putting in the effort to help me. Eventually, I ended up in the Honors Society with mostly A’s which would have felt like a pipe dream to little me. And the friends I had made there actually encouraged and influenced me to change the things I didn’t like about myself. Because of them, I’m an entirely different person than I used to be. Yeah, there are days when I make old mistakes and slip up. I don’t think they will ever fully go away. But now that I’ve actually been shown the person I want to become because of those new role models.

    Your role models only have the power that you give them. It’s up to you and you only who you want to be and what you want to contribute. Those lessons from my younger years, likely won’t be forgotten or go away. They’ll always be there, in the back of my mind somewhere. But, I know who I want to be and in order to get there. I have to pick. Which role model do I want to follow? The decision is mine and mine only. And it’s the same for everyone else. Role models are just like reference drawings. You can use them as a foundation, and a guide, but it’s up to you to make the drawing your own.

  38. Daniel T
    Role Model

    Role models are such a key note of growing up. We all had that one person either in our life or even on TV that we inspired to be one day. To some role models are people you look up to so you escape life. They give you hope for what you can become if you believe and put your maximum effort into something you really desire. They impact your life in a way that you can’t explain. You look up to your role model so much that you even wish you were walking in their shoes. To me my biggest role model was my Father. I don’t think people talk about how Parents can also be your Role Model.

    He has exemplified all the things I have talked about being a role model that why I choose him. Growing up he used to say, study hard and you can be what you want to be, ain’t that the truth. If it wasn’t for him pushing me I don’t think I would be going to college and pursuing my dream. I remember many times we didn’t see him at home for a week because he was at work providing for us so we could have a future for ourselves. Role models are also strong and don’t always have to be there. My dad would be at work the whole day and still he would come and spend time with us and play, but still in the morning wake up with a smile on his face to go and provide for his family. I’ll always count on my Father to look up to, because to me he has checked every box there is for what it means to be a role model.

  39. Rebecca C.

    Role models play an important role in shaping our lives. They inspire us, guide us, and set an example for us to follow. A role model can be anyone. For example, a family member, a friend, a teacher, or even your sports coach. They possess qualities that we admire and want to have for ourselves. By watching them and learning their actions and behaviors, we mirror their life lessons and create positive traits for us as individuals.

    A great role model shows qualities such as resilience, reliability, determination, and integrity. They lead by example. They have the chance to teach us the importance of hard work and they do it with all their heart. Role models truly have the skill of being able to motivate us to chase our dreams and overcome things we didn’t think we could.

    Having a role model can leave a life lasting impact on you in a way you could never imagine. They can give guidance and support us through really tough times. Role models can also help us discover our true aspirations and hopes. By seeing them as their truest selves, it makes other individuals want to embrace themselves as well. Kind of a domino effect. By watching them we can really grow as people and make the most positive of impacts on things and people around.

    It is important to pick who your role model is wisely. While you want someone different than yourself, you want someone you can get along with and embrace as a person. Surround yourself with someone who makes you want to be a better you! A person who is selfless and gives it their all no matter what. But also, you want to become a role model for others. Take what you learn and use it to your best advantage.

    In the end, role models serve as a very important part of inspiration and guidance. They show us that we can make an impact on others and make an impact on the world if it really means something to us. Choose who you surround yourself with wisely and don’t look back. Live life to the fullest while still being a positive influence to others.

  40. Adrian G.

    I believe that role models are important figures in everyone’s life that everyone should at least have one of. They can provide a positive influence in many peoples lives and help guide them in the right direction to become a greater person than they once were before.
    Role models are meant to inspire people by letting them know that with enough effort, you can become a better version of yourself as time passes by. Role models can promote strong values and can be seen as a moral compass, guiding their followers in the right direction when faced with certain challenges, leading you to make better decisions later on in your life. If your role model is linked to a certain skill of yours, they can help you develop that skill in a meaningful way by providing insight to your abilities. They can also give people confidence boosts when they feel discouraged in their abilities. This confidence boost can help reinforce beliefs and overcome problems leading to you gaining more resilience and problem solving skills when an even greater problem comes around. With enough time, the person who was following their role model can even become the role model for someone else and become part of a cycle of positive influence that lasts for generations.
    Role models are a great influence in peoples lives that can help to guide and inspire people to live better lives and just become a better version of you in general. That’s why I believe that role models are important.

  41. What does it mean to be a role model? Role models are an integral part to develop myself into an outstanding citizen. They provide a tangible representation of the heights that I can reach and the values that should be upheld. They serve as living proof that dreams are attainable through hard work, perseverance, and unwavering dedication. When I see these individuals who overcome their adversities and achieve success, I become optimistic with a sense of hope and motivation that propels myself forward. Beyond their accomplishments, what truly embodies a role model is their character. They possess a unique set of traits that have an effect on the people surrounding them. Empathy, for instance, is a quality that resonates deeply with me. Role models who demonstrate a genuine concern for others inspire me to be kinder and more compassionate. Furthermore, resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, is an attribute that I find particularly inspiring. Role models who demonstrate resilience teach us the value of perseverance in the face of challenges, reassuring me that failure is merely a stepping stone on the path to success. In short, role models encompass a diverse range of qualities that extend beyond achievements and fame. They embody the very essence of determination, humility, and endurance. A role model doesn’t have to be someone famous or wealthy. They can be a teacher who instills a love for learning, a parent who demonstrates sacrifice and unconditional love, or even a local community leader who tirelessly works for the betterment of society.

  42. Role model. What an interesting label we as a society developed for such a truly ludicrous concept. Humans– a “social animal” by nature as Aristotle put it– entirely base our character on the behaviors and actions we absorb from our surrounding peers. Every interaction, regardless of magnitude, influences the way we behave from each moment subsequent to that point. Whether it be a brief glance in passing or a deep conversation, each connection with another changes who we are ourselves. A role model as defined by Merriam-Webster is an individual who possesses qualities in a specific role that others wish to imitate. Adhering to that definition however, how can we limit ourselves to “having a role model” that we look up to? The phrase “look up to” in itself makes little sense when you really think about it. It suggests that we are either lacking in height… or that for some reason we categorize ourselves to be of lower status than one another. Referring to someone as ‘your’ role model turns them into an object; materialized into an item that someone can possess. Surely we cannot possess another human? Their thoughts? Their experiences? Their beliefs? Arguably, no. With this in mind, however; we can and do possess the ability to see another and learn something from their character.

    I believe that “role models” in the true sense are not those who we construct to be the pinnacle of an aspect of ourselves, but rather every person whom we interact with and the wisdom we absorb from them. We model and imprint on each other constantly– that is what it means to be a “social animal,” that is what it means to be human. I believe that each and every person I come across has the ability to alter who I am. As I continue to mature both as a person and as an artist, I hope that I can experience the privilege of learning from everyone I encounter. Every interaction inspires expression. I look forward to this upcoming chapter, to the new pathways it opens for myself and everyone else here to develop a broader taste of life.

    (But who is my role model, though…?) You. Thank you for making an impact on someone else’s life, and for granting me the opportunity to pass that on as I pursue my career as an educator of art. Cheers to the class of 2027 and everyone beyond.

  43. Thomas S.

    I believe that role models are important, and that everyone should have a role model in their life whether it be a family member, a friend, or even just a person that you think you can learn, or improve yourself from.
    Role models can be important for everyone because if you are struggling, feeling unmotivated, or even lost in life and don’t know what to do they can help to fix some of those problems. For example if you see someone that is happy, doing good in life, is successful, and is inspiring others, you might think to yourself
    “I wish I could do what they do”, then you might start to change the way you do things for the better.
    That person that you see could start to inspire you, and motivate you to do something that you might not have even thought of, and it could even help you figure out how to get through something you are struggling with.
    A role model of mine is my dad, he is my role model because he has inspired me to always be my true self no matter what anyone else thinks, because if someone doesn’t appreciate you for who you are then you shouldn’t really care about any negative views that they might have of you. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that the things you should be most worried about are yourself, and what you can do to improve on yourself whether that be learning, being active, or trying to be a kinder person.

  44. What is a role model?

    A role model is a person that you look up to or inspire thaty changes the way you think and live. Role models have a significant impact as you want to do stuff exactly like them or be just like them. Having a role model is not a bad thing as you have someone that you might or might not know that’s doing good setting a good example.

    Role models can also be bad as they can set bad examples and then have the youth follow what they are doing. Role models are important as they help us be the best version of ourselves. Role models could be anybody: family, friends, teammates, even famous people. Role models help us learn important lessons that we will end up teaching others later on. A role model is someone who can bring the best out of you.

    My role model is my mother as she had put in alot of time and effort to make sure me and my siblings were always straight. Even though I wasn’t the best child growing up getting into lots of trouble, i hope one day i can repay her back and give her a good life without having to worry about nothing.

  45. Brook S.
    A role model is someone who you look up to and someone who inspires you to be your best self. Role models are incredibly important in our lives. They are individuals who inspire us, guide us, and motivate us to become the best versions of ourselves. A role model can be a family member, a friend, a teacher, or even a celebrity. They serve as a source of inspiration, showing us what is possible and encouraging us to pursue our dreams. Role models provide guidance and support, helping us make positive choices and navigate through challenges. They embody qualities and values that we admire and strive to follow. Having a role model can positively impact our personal growth, self-confidence, and overall well-being. Role models are important because they provide guidance and motivation and show it’s possible to achieve our goals.
    My sister has always been a huge role model in my life. We have always been super close since we were little and she has always been my number one supporter through anything and everything. I’ve always looked up to her and been inspired by her. She is one of the most creative people I know and has always held her head high no matter what. I’ve always admired how caring and kind she is to everyone no matter how she has been treated by them and she has taught me to be kind to everyone because you never know what someone else is going through.

  46. What is a Role Model?

    Role models can play a very important role when it comes to shaping someone’s life, as they can influence and inspire you as you grow up and find yourself. A role model can portray a lot of different things and could stem from many different backgrounds; some people might find a role model in their favorite celebrity, while others could find theirs through more of a personal connection, such as a teacher, a parent, or even a close friend, to name a few examples. When I think of my role models, I think of someone who I aspire to be, whether I admire their ideals or their achievements. I think it’s very important for everybody to have someone in their life that they can look up to as a role model, as it can be inspiring and can show what’s really possible with enough hard work and dedication. One thing to remember about our role models that I think is very important to realize is that despite how we look up to them, they’re still humans, and they also have their imperfections. This can be humbling because we all make our fair share of mistakes, and no one is perfect, no matter how much we think they might be. Regardless of who your role model is, they provide a foundation for who you really are, can help you find yourself as a person, and have the power to inspire you and build you into the person you strive to be.

  47. Adam C.

    What is a role model?

    Role models are an everlasting source of inspiration. They can be a group or a single person. They serve as the foundation of our growth. We change our perspective and values based on them, for the better. In a team based setting role models can motivate each member and encourage them to excel at their best whether it is sports, a group project, or a club. Role models may not even know they are one and are just minding their own business, though to the person who is viewing them as one cherishes them. For me, my role models are my friends and my cousin. My friends challenge me to be the best I can be and support me in many ways. When I played soccer in high school my friend was the team captain. He kept everyone in sync and always had his eye set on the ball which gave the whole team a goal set in mind to win. Everytime we scored we did a celebration which kept up morale. My cousin is someone who I’ve looked up to ever since I was very little and didn’t know much about the “outside world” and they have basically helped me write my path. They always talked about meeting new people from different backgrounds and I always thought it was so cool that he could connect with so many people, whiched helped me build up the courage to hold a conversation with just about anybody now. Role models allow us to believe we can do anything. Not only do role models show us how to improve, but there are such things as bad role models, which teach us how not to behave. I for one used to be a bad role model for myself, because I used to end up not accepting who I was and shutting myself out from other people (not anymore I love myself and the life I have now). In the end there are so many role models around us, but it is up to us in order to know which one to follow.

    • I agree because my friends also push me to be better or the best version of myself. I used to be a bad role model for myself and others, I have younger cousins and siblings so I know what you mean by that but soon realized that I had to change and be a better role model not only for myself but for those who look at me as their role model. Being a role model to someone can be a good thing because it means you’re an inspiration to others, and what isn’t great about being inspirational to someone? it’s a blessing.

  48. Tianna C.

    What is a role model?

    As defined by Google a role model is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated. While I agree that it is someone looked up to, I don’t believe they are meant to be imitated. A role model is supposed to be an inspiration or guideline for a person such as a relative, friend, or even a celebrity. Role models don’t have to be the most successful or have the most money, they just have to be the type of person someone can look to when they need help or guidance. For instance, my role model is my grandparents because they came to this country with so little, yet still managed to build a home and raise two kids while battling with the hardships that come from being an immigrant. These two people have shown me that no matter what kind of situation you are in there is always a way to overcome and succeed. I think it’s also crucial to know that role models do have their faults and they can make mistakes but that can also be a good thing. This allows the person who looks up to their role model to understand that it’s okay to make mistakes. How you learn and grow from those mistakes is what matters. Seeing your role model’s failures is just as important as seeing their achievements. Role models lay down the foundation for who we are as individuals and separate us from one another. I believe everyone needs a good role model in their life in order to grow into the person they are yet to become.

  49. What do I believe about role models? Usually, someone would say the textbook definition and say that it’s someone “looked to by others as an example to be imitated”. This is true but not exactly all there is to it. To me a role model should be someone you can look up to, someone you feel has the same beliefs, and expectations for themselves as you have for yourself. You should be able to look at them and say that you want to be like them when you grow up, or that they do things you want to do in the future. A role model should give you a feeling of ambition and strive to succeed if that’s what you want. If the role model is someone you know personally then they should also be someone that you can talk to and confide in.
    My role model is my aunt she is now a 2x homeowner and came here at 18 from the Dominican Republic. She is someone I can look up to because no matter all the obstacles she’s been through in 15-20 years she was able to get her bachelor/master’s degree, buy 2 houses, and have 2 cars. In my eyes that goes to show that all hard work pays off even if it may not be right away you never know what the future has in store for you and that things can change over time. Having a role model is a blessing and even if you don’t that’s okay too.

  50. I believe that role models shouldn’t always be the person with a title. I’ve met a lot of people in my life that pretended to be on top. They assumed leadership positions they didn’t deserve and presented themselves as “role models”. All to look good on some sort of resume or college application when there are people behind the curtains putting in the work. Real people spending real hours on things that they’re passionate about. I was one of these people. I was robbed of something that I knew I deserved. And my role model in this situation wasn’t the person who stepped on me. It was my best friend, who was going through the exact same thing. I witnessed her put so much time and effort into a cause and watched dumbfounded as some lazy, loud mouthed, nobody snatched her moment away. I thought, if I were her I would do everything I could to prove that it isn’t fair. Remarkably, she didn’t. I learned from her that if you do something because you truly care about it, people will see the truth. She was humble and she continued to do what she’d been doing all along. So that’s what I tried to do too. And I slowly started to realize that I didn’t care what title I had. I was putting in the work, knew what I was talking about, and at the end of the day, people listened to what I had to say opposed to the lazy, loud mouthed, nobody that snatched my moment away from me. Skee-Lo once said, “The little guy you step on to get on top; Is the same guy you gonna run into goin back down.” In other words: don’t step on anybody. Just be real.

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